Oh Snap! It's The Purple People Eater👾

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"To the woods with you!"  the holo of Amalthea says Vision looks at her oddly "once they figure out Wanda's on the field they'll come here for you do you really want to put these innocent lives in danger!?!"  she asks he shakes his head "then take...

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"To the woods with you!"  the holo of Amalthea says Vision looks at her oddly "once they figure out Wanda's on the field they'll come here for you do you really want to put these innocent lives in danger!?!"  she asks he shakes his head "then take the shield and go!"  he kisses her forehead then leaves the building and she smiles at his departing figure then shuts herself off waving goodbye to Shuri who waves back with a smile.... once he gets to the woods Vision hides the shield the best he can then flies away from it that is until he feels a sharp pain in his chest once again then falls to the ground and pulls the glaive out of his chest and Bruce lands in front of him in the Mark XLVIII Iron Man Armor aka Hulkbuster 2.0 as two aliens walk towards him Bruce fights the bigger of the two and to his surprise the Hulk comes out to help for awhile probably because of the "boost" the holo of Amalthea gave him when she told him how strong he is after a short fight they (Hulk and Bruce) use the glove of the armor to send the alien up towards the shield and he goes for a ride then dies as he explodes once he hits the top of the barrier and the Hulk reverts back to Bruce satisfied that he made the woman he considers a friend proud as Bruce and Hulk were fighting the big one Steve rushes in to protect Vision from the skinner one once the alien drops his glaive Vision "pays him back" by stabbing him in the chest with it then casting him aside like trash.... "give them to me!"  Thanos orders "make me!"  Amalthea replies "Amal!"  Strange says she sticks her tongue out at him and he raises his eyebrow at her which makes her chuckle "you'll have to talk to the other Steve about that Doctor!"  she says he chuckles "you have all that power and yet you don't use it!"  Thanos says to Amalthea mockingly "as a friend of mines aunt would say with great power comes great responsibility besides I'm not you I'm not so careless with what "power" I have! and I don't WANT to use them just keep them away from you for as long as I possibly can!"  she replies Thanos smirks at her "and here I thought you couldn't get any uglier!"  she says he laughs in amusement "I will NEVER use it!"  she tells him he growls then chases after her once more "I'll say this he's got pretty good stamina for a big guy!"  she mutters as she flies away from him Strange chuckles "I can't hold out much longer my friends are in danger I know it!"  she whispers Strange nods understandingly his eyes widen when he sees something fly in her direction then hit her going through her armor and piercing her through the stomach and she falls "oh shit! I'm sorry!"  Quill says as he rushes over and stands by Strange who becomes angry but ignores him then walks over to Thanos who was taking the stones back he steps inbetween his friend and his enemy then shows Thanos the real Time Stone hoping he will spare his friend if he hands it to him "Strange!?!"  Amalthea whispers Strange turns and looks at her then whispers "it's ok, go home to your Captain and everything will be alright!"  then he turns his attention to Thanos who takes the stone and places it on his glove then feels a surge of power flow through him Amalthea stands up and stands inbetween him and Strange protecting her friend even though she may be dying "one to go"  Thanos says as he looks down at his Infinity Gauntlet glove Quill shoots at him and he (Thanos) creates a portal and steps backwards into it "this is your fault you know!?!"  Quill proclaims "my fault!?! I stopped her because I didn't want her to be in pain anymore! and I'm not the one who stabbed a innocent person because I was "feeling" and not THINKING!"  Amalthea replies Quill growls even though his eyes were full of sadness "and no I don't forgive you!"  she tells him and his sadness grows Amalthea closes her wound with her suits Zero Cannon then she leans on Strange for support and Strange holds onto her gently letting her use him as a crutch "by the way I can't go home I don't have a ship that works!"  Amalthea tells Strange who chuckles.... Vision and Steve head for the area Vision hid the shield and Wanda lands next to the synthezoid man she loves who looks down at the shield and sees the Mind Stone glow "he's here"  he whispers then he picks up the shield and prepares himself for whatever comes next he feels something slightly cold move along his body then looks down and sees the nanotech from the shield cover then heal his wound "everyone on my position we have incoming"  Steve says into his com Bruce, Sam, Okoye, Natasha and T'Chaka were already in the woods and felt a change in the air as Thanos' portal starts to emerge and the big purple "god" walks through it the Hulk shrinks back into his fear when he sees him "Cap, that's him"  Bruce says softly "eyes up stay sharp"  Steve says as he prepares to fight Bruce is the first to rush towards Thanos who uses the powers of the stone to make him and the suit he's in phase through him then merge with the rocks he landed on Thanos pushes Steve away from him, grips T'Challa's neck and punches him then breaks Sam's who was shooting at him Falcon wings with the power of the stones as he walks towards Vision and the shield that holds the stone he wants "Wanda it's time!"  Vision says softly and thanks to the fact that stone was on the shield and not on him she was able to do it and as she did her best to destroy the stone the others fought Thanos trying to at least slow him down and just as Thanos reached her she succeeded in destroying the stone and the shield it lived upon and when Thanos reversed time he either couldn't or didn't try to reverse it so far back that it was back on Vision who along with Wanda, Bucky and so many others became one of the vanished "how did....!?!"  Wanda whispers with a surprised tone as she looks at Vision the holo of Amalthea appears next to Vision and says "I may have added a few safety measures!.... and no I'm not talking about the nanobots from the shield that healed your wound though I wasn't sure they'd work against him I figured I'd try then again all he wanted was the stone it wouldn't really matter what it was on so perhaps he actually chose to go back to it since it was the earliest and he's "not one to waste time".... no pun intended!"  then she disappears Wanda smiles then Thor appears and axes Thanos in the chest and as Thanos pointed out that he should have gone for the head the purple "god" snaps his fingers then disappears into a portal instead of watching his "miracle" happen and Wanda, Vision, Bucky, T'Challa and half the world turn to ash.... Amalthea watched as her new friends and her "favorite" doctor one by one become ash and blow away with the wind she and Nebula were the only ones left on Titan before Strange disappears she cups his face in her hands and whispers "I understand! it's alright!"  then she kisses his forehead just as he becomes ash himself Amalthea somehow finds a way to find and keep a little bit of ash from Strange and her new friends.... mainly Mantis and Drax she couldn't really stand Quill.... basically she had Anavia scan for human and alien DNA that matched those three specific people and placed the ash she was able to scoop up in a small container that she made with the nanobots of her suit once she finished she looks up at Nebula and says "we need to get off this planet and I'd like to go home!".... after Steve watched his friends turn to ash he could only hope and pray that wherever she was Amalthea wasn't one of them and could find her way back to him it didn't matter how long it took as long as she made it home and was in his arms once again....

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