House Party Protocol🏡🎊🥳🎉

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"Ok so they have your suit which means they probably went after the president, I don't think they'll kill him.... not right away at least but he may end up playing bait to the fish namely me or someone else so I doubt he's on his plane.... J.A.R.V.I.S. it looks like it's finally the day Asmodeus was looking forward to" Amalthea says "The House Party Protocol?"  J.A.R.V.I.S. replies "yep time to let them all fly!"  she says with a smile and of course he does as he told once they reach where Killian is with Asmodeus and the President they sneak aboard and see the Iron Patriot hanging high above them and below it is a oil tanker and Rhodes makes saving the President who they both knew was inside the suit his priority while Amalthea searches for Asmodeus who she had a feeling Killian brought with him and for the first time in her life she was forced to use a gun for the guards that were posted on the scow started shooting at her and Rhodes and after awhile the Iron Man suits that she saved but doesn't use anymore came flying in to help "J.A.R.V.I.S., target Extremis heat signatures disable with extreme prejudice.... please, whenever you're ready"  Amalthea orders "yes ma'am"  J.A.R.V.I.S. replies she smiles for he rarely calls her ma'am and the suits fly around and attack the guards that were preparing to attack her and one of the suits hugs her body to keep her protected "let Rhodes borrow one he's gotta get the President down"  Amalthea says another suit flies over and covers Rhodes who says "thanks"  then flies up to save the President "he's lucky I don't mind code-sharing!"  she says as she heads to where J.A.R.V.I.S. said Asmodeus is Rhodes chuckles.... once Amalthea finds Asmodeus she had to try to unbury him for he was covered in some metal rubble and as she reaches for his hand she feels a now familiar heat come from below her and she flies up just as Killian burns his way through the floor of the crate Killian looks up at her with a smile and she purposefully misses him when she shoots a repulsor beam his way the beam hits the floor below Asmodeus who falls onto the area below "catch me if you can Killian"  she says before flying away and Killian chases after her with a smile on his face.... once Rhodes reaches the president the Iron Man suit he was wearing leaves him and he shakes his head with a smile then helps the president out of his predicament.... "I need to find a way to kill him he won't stop till he's dead!"  Amalthea whispers with a sad tone she doesn't like the thought of killing someone but in cases such as these it may be the only option "and I can't let him get too close we still haven't worked out the heating issue!"   she adds with a half teasing tone "maybe if I can get him hot enough then....!"  she whispers "ugh that means I have to TOUCH him eww!"  she groans then she turns around and a fight between her and Killian starts J.A.R.V.I.S. knew what she was thinking so he kept sending as many suits as he could her way some she had to change into and some got destroyed before they reached her once J.A.R.V.I.S. saw Killian's heat rise to exceptional standards he covers him with a suit and traps him in his own heat then blows up the suit "I'm sorry you had to do that J.A.R.V.I.S."  she whispers sadly "anything for you!"  he replies "come on Ero needs us!"  she says softly then she flies to where she last saw her childhood friend.... Asmodeus ends up saving his childhood friends life when the still alive Killian comes after her and she saves him (Asmodeus) by sending a missile and a repulsor beam towards Killian which finally does kill him "so you finally did it!"  Asmodeus says as he walks over to her "yeah sorry you missed it! J.A.R.V.I.S. it's time to say goodbye"  she says Asmodeus looks at her curiously "the Clean Slate Protocol?"  J.A.R.V.I.S asks "yes then I believe I have a appointment to get ready for"  she replies Asmodeus looks up as all the left over Iron Man suits blow up "now.... lets get you home!"  Amalthea says as she looks over at her childhood friend "how!?!"  he asks "we just helped Rhodey save the President he owes us a favor I know I know it isn't the favor YOU'D call the President for but....!"  she replies he chuckles.... Asmodeus and Amalthea get a ride home on one of the presidents private jets and after a long nap Amalthea goes to meet Doctor Wu and Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange who to her surprise agreed to do her surgery for lord only knows what reason because he's a man who's very particular about what clients he takes and he doesn't seem to like "sharing" the only thing was they actually did it on New Years Day directly at midnight "happy birthday Thea"  Dr. Strange hears J.A.R.V.I.S. whisper as the clock strikes midnight "happy birthday Miss Stark"  Dr. Strange who was unphased by the by the bodiless voice since he was introduced to him when he first met the woman who is now "asleep" on his surgical table says softly with a small smile as he looks down at the gorgeous woman who looked more peaceful than he's ever seen her....

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