⌛⌚⏳Time Warp🕰⏰🕛

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Pepper and Happy became Elyzabeth's babysitters as Scott, Bruce, Steve and Asmodeus test out the time travel device Asmodeus made and Amalthea has a reunion with Nebula and meets Rocket the Raccoon when Thor arrives she pats his belly and asks with a playful tone "so.... when are you expecting!?!"  she looks at his beard and asks with the same tone as before "and there aren't any birds living in there are there!?!"  Thor chuckles and gives her a hug then heads inside and when Clint arrives she welcomes him with a hug which he gladly excepts "you know Elyzabeth's been looking forward to meeting her Uncle Barton and now she's going to be even more excited she loves tattoos!"  she tells him he chuckles then hugs her again with the first smile he's worn in five years on his face Amalthea watches Clint bravely take the first test run and is the first to be there for him when he returns for she can imagine his pain and he hugs her tightly when he senses her presence in front of him when he warps back into their time.... when it was time to go get the stones Asmodeus stays behind and Amalthea goes with Steve and Bruce because Steve wanted her with him "it's surprisingly pretty almost like a flower in bloom!"  Amalthea whispers as she looks up at the top of the machine Steve smiles then takes her hand in his and gives it a light squeeze and her helmet covers her head before he could give her a kiss.... "oh you have got to be kidding me!"  Amalthea whispers when she sees a all to familiar sight of the Chitauri Invasion happening around her Steve once again takes her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze then says "all right, we all have our assignments two Stones uptown, one Stone, down stay low keep an eye on the clock"  Amalthea smirks when she hears the Hulk of that time roar and sees him slam a car onto one of the Chitauri "you know I miss that Hulk!"  she says softly as Hulk jumps up and down on the car Steve smiles Bruce aka "Smart Hulk" groans then Hulk runs after the Chitauri that ran away in fear "if you won't smash then maybe punch you gotta part to play and who knows maybe you can help us again along the way"  she says as she looks at Bruce who smiles "oh and Strange was preforming a surgery during this time he wasn't the Sorc Supreme he was before Thanos.... you'll probably have to deal with the Ancient One who I never met if you explain the situation she may give you a ultimatum how you handle it will be how you prove yourself to her"  she tells him as he walks away from the group he nods.... Steve and Amalthea head to the Stark Tower where they go their separate ways for a bit she lets him know that they were just about to "wrap up" and he lets her know that he was heading to the elevator before heading to where she needed to go Amalthea checked up on Steve and found out that he was meeting himself she sneaks into the room they are in and asks "aww come on Cap if you can't trust yourself who can you trust!?!"  both Steve's look at her the Steve from 2012 asks "you know this guy!?!"  she replies with a teasing smirk "of course I'd know America's ass anywhere!"  "her" Steve chuckles "you really think Thor would allow his brother out of his sight now that he has him there Captain!?!"  she asks 2012 Steve who shakes his head "well I'm supposed to be somewhere else you can deal with yourself can't you Rogers!?!"  she says looking at "her" Steve who semi-forces a smile with sad eyes nods and watches as she walks away and both Steve's stare at HER ass.... the 2012 Amalthea walked down the stairs with Hulk at her side and the briefcase in her hand so the Amalthea of the "future" knew she had time to check up on Steve in a more physical way than just by commlink "hey you think you'll make it if we just jump!?!"  2012 Amalthea asks Hulk as she looks down at all the stairs they have to climb down Hulk chuckles softly then picks her up and jumps down through the hole in the center gripping the edges of the stairwell as they fall then jumping again he does this until they reach the bottom "much better huh?!"  she asks he huffs she chuckles which makes him smile.... since Amalthea and Hulk never took the stairs Amalthea never had to deal with Secretary Alexander Goodwin Pierce so getting the Tesseract was going to be a little tricky or so one would think but as Amalthea told both Steve's "if you can't trust yourself then who can you trust!?!" so all it took was a short explanation to herself as to why she needed the cube in the case and the 2012 her gave her the case of course she never mentioned J.A.R.V.I.S.' death or falling in love with the unattainable Captian Rogers and having his kid but hearing that what she was asking herself to do would help save the world was all she..... and J.A.R.V.I.S. .... needed to hear and the "future" her pushed back the tears that threatened to fall as she walked away from herself.... Amalthea heads to the Sanctum to check on Bruce and hears him ask the Ancient One "then why did Strange give it away?!"  she looks down at his phased form and says "because he believed he had to!"  Bruce and the Ancient One look up at her as she floats above them in her Iron Man suit "and how would you know!?!"  the Ancient One asks "because I was there! he spent what felt like hours to me and quite possibly years to him searching through time for a time when we won and he only found one unfortunately it wasn't the one we lived through.... not during that period in time anyway.... though he may be a arrogant S.O.B. Doctor Strange will always do what he believes is right no matter the cost! we heroes do tend to be sacrificial lambs a little too often when we think we have to be!"  Amalthea replies the Ancient One cracks a corner smile "now the question is do you trust his judgement enough to trust this stranger with something your people consider precious and we consider a burden?!"  Amalthea asks softly "alright seeing that you're basically ok if you two don't mind I believe I'm supposed to lose this I have no idea how I know that but for some reason I think I have to "gift wrap" it for Loki.... maybe I can find a pretty gold and green bow to wrap around it!"  she says as she shows them the case she's holding the Ancient One chuckles Amalthea looks at Bruce and says "this is what happens when I take the stairs with you! I've got far too much time on my hands to play around!"  he smiles she waves then flies away....

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