The AntiChrist

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In the year 1999 Doctor Aldrich Killian the founder and CEO of a privately-funded think-tank called Advanced Idea Mechanics AIM for short came to Stark Industries to make a proposition to Amalthea about joining his company but when he saw her beauty he "changed tactics" and tried to bed her instead and got thrown out of Stark Industries by Marius for being absolutely disgusting and rude to his boss and when he failed with Amalthea.... who didn't listen to him anyway as a matter of fact he made her feel VERY uncomfortable and normally that took a lot of doing but for him it was instant.... he tried Asmodeus who was at a New Years Eve party in Bern, Switzerland with a woman named Maya Hansen and he failed once again and all he had to do was mention his name.... Amalthea had informed Asmodeus of her encounter with Aldrich and it had sickened him.... Maya on the other hand was too kind to even think of turning the poor hillbilly hobo hippie away and took his card when he offered.... after lunch Amalthea takes Happy back to work then heads to Pepper's office and says to her friend "I'd like you to take a few weeks off no I'm not changing my mind about you being CEO I will be taking over for awhile once again it'll keep me busy which is what I need at the moment and you have vacation as well as sick days you have yet to use.... which is usually against the rules but you befriended Ero so I know where you get that from!.... J.A.R.V.I.S have Marius come here please"  J.A.R.V.I.S. does as he's told and a minute later the musclebound black man walks in and looks at Amalthea who tells him "I think it's time for you to go home for a few weeks, take your family, Miss Potts for she has vacation and sick days to use up and if Asmodeus will let her go take Dee too I'll call the king and get permission"  Marius grins then nods and leaves to go pack for he knew she meant right away or she wouldn't have called him to the office she would have just used her phone "don't argue or I will fire you!"  Amalthea tells Pepper who smiles then nods "he lives in Africa a securely hidden city known as Wakanda"  Amalthea tells her Pepper looks at her curiously then says "you're worried about something"  Amalthea replies "I had J.A.R.V.I.S. look up this Mandarin that's been all over the news apparently he's a actor with a drug habit and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what parts of his "script" are real and just in case either I or even Iron Man is the true target I'd rather have those closest to me as far away from the events that are about to come to pass unfortunately I can't stop them.... not yet anyway after all we have no idea who's "pulling the strings" and until we do there isn't much we can do for things might become worse if we try especially since he's pointing his fingers at the president at the moment.... oh and Stark Industries is to have nothing to do with AIM.... Killian's company I don't care what it is! he's never allowed anywhere near our company again I never have and never will trust him!"  Pepper nods with a smile.... the next day Marius, his wife and children, Pepper and Deirdre fly to Wakanda in a unmarked private jet and Amalthea and Asmodeus end up going to the hospital after they hear that Happy was hurt but before they head there they end up watching another Mandarin broadcast "true story about fortune cookies they look Chinese, they sound Chinese, but they're actually an American invention which is why they're hollow, full of lies, and leave a bad taste in the mouth my disciples just destroyed another cheap American knock-off, The Chinese Theater Mr. President, I know this must be getting frustrating, but this season of terror is drawing to a close and don't worry, the big one is coming; your graduation"  the Mandarin says Amalthea scoffs then shuts the tv off Asmodeus looks at her oddly and she says as she grabs her keys "lets go!"  he nods and they leave.... they stay at the hospital for a few minutes then use the back doors to head back home for Amalthea didn't want to deal with the press she was in one of those types of moods where she'd snap if anyone she didn't know spoke to her about anything and she didn't want to do so instead when she got home she put on the Iron Man suit and flew around with no destination in mind she stopped and landed near a park when a few kids saw her and waved at her she signed a few autographs then flew away and that's when the trouble began for she was seen signing those autographs by a news van who had just left the hospital when they didn't see Stark or Stane leave it the idiots in the van taped her signing autographs and taking pictures with the kids and since it was a live feed she was found quite quickly by those she didn't want to find her just yet when she saw the unwanted heading her way she waved to the kids and left luckily she was far enough away from the kids that when the missile headed her way and hit her the kids were unharmed the world did lose a few trees and some grass maybe some flowers though but it's used to that so.... "J.A.R.V.I.S.!"  Amalthea whispers softly "I'm here"  he replies just then a few more missile head their way "keep talking to me J.A.R.V.I.S I don't care what about I can't....!"  she says softly J.A.R.V.I.S. half thought about spitting out useless facts then decided to change tactics and allow his emotions to show by telling her how wonderful it's been being able to experience such a unique experience with her how even though he didn't understand how it happened any more than she did that he wouldn't change the capability to "feel" for anything and that even though she thinks the only reason he loves her is because she's been the woman he's spent the most time with he lets her know that she's wrong about that that it's her kindness, acceptance and big heart full of love just waiting to be given to the right people that he fell in love with as she dodged as many of the missiles she could "we need to get out of here!"  she says J.A.R.V.I.S. takes control of the Iron Man suit and flies as far away from the helicopters that were now shooting at the woman he loves shooting the repulsor beams at the helicopters hoping it would at least slow them down since they constantly did their best to dodge each blast that headed their way J.A.R.V.I.S. knew why she froze and didn't fight back what she was going through now put her back in New York during the Chitauri Invasion the only difference was these were humans they were fighting he was able to blast both the choppers down but for the first time in her life Amalthea was in flight instead of fight mode so they just kept on flying "great more damage I have to pay for!"  she mutters under her breath he chuckles in his usual warm way "where are we going?!"  she asks "Rose Hill, Tennessee Ero found some information you might find interesting"  J.A.R.V.I.S. replies "finally doing the field work himself is he!?!"  she teasingly asks "yes he is"  he replies she smiles then says "wait it's winter there isn't it?!.... I'm not dressed for winter"  he replies "I'll keep you warm"  she smirks then replies "as much as I'd love that the suit may not even make it to Tennessee so...."  he replies "you are correct"  she asks with a playful tone "aren't I always!?!"  he chuckles.... the Iron Man suit makes it 5 miles outside Rose Hill before shutting down and before J.A.R.V.I.S. "sleeps" she has him put the suit in "business mode" which means that it turns into a briefcase so she doesn't have to drag it half way around the world.... she got the idea to have it do that from the suit that did the exact opposite that she used during the Grand Prix....

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