🦸‍♂️He Saved Me From My Own Broken Heart💔

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"Not her!"  Amalthea says to Pepper who brought "Natalie Rushman" to meet her "why not!?!"  Pepper asks "I may be relinquishing control but I will still have some say as to who can work for the company that still holds my family name within it

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"Not her!"  Amalthea says to Pepper who brought "Natalie Rushman" to meet her "why not!?!"  Pepper asks "I may be relinquishing control but I will still have some say as to who can work for the company that still holds my family name within it.... isn't that right Miss Romanoff?!"  Amalthea replies Pepper looks at her friend curiously "Natalie" on the other hand looks shocked "my father co-founded S.H.E.I.L.D do you honestly think I haven't been paying attention to who they hire!?!"  Amalthea asks Pepper looks at the two women in shock then asks Amalthea with a whispered tone "she works for....!?!"  Amalthea nods then says "she's one of their so called best spies and she can't even fool a Stark!.... I guess you're not as good as you claim huh Miss Romanoff!?!"  "Natalie" scowls at her Amalthea rolls her eyes at the redhead then turns her attention to Pepper who holds the paperwork she needed to sign once she signs them she leaves with a wave to her friend who waves back with a smile.... "J.A.R.V.I.S. I'm going to prepare your holo to go on a trip to Monaco with me I think it's time for the world to see the newlyweds actually do something together for a change!.... if that's alright with you of course!"  Amalthea says once she enters her car "that sounds lovely"  J.A.R.V.I.S. replies he turns his hologrammed body on so that it now sits in the passenger seat and kisses her neck she smiles then turns her head and kisses his lips "and if it pleases you I can program the car so you can drive"  she says with a smile he chuckles then asks "what's in Monaco?!"  she replies "the Grand Prix Ero's been going on about and no I don't plan on driving the company car.... he might though!"  he smiles then slides his hand along her thigh his smile grows when he feels her body quiver at the sensation.... Amalthea programed J.A.R.V.I.S. so that he could either drive her Harley or one of her cars and he chose the Harley he even programmed his body so that it wore a leather jacket instead of his usual suit both J.A.R.V.I.S. and Asmodeus look up in awe as Amalthea walks downstairs in a sexy lace jumpsuit "are we ready?!"  she asks both men nod with their mouths still gaped open she chuckles softly then walks over and slides her arm through J.A.R.V.I.S. and he kisses her lips softly then the three of them leave to go meet up with Pepper and Happy who were also going the five of them take the Stark Private jet to Monaco then Asmodeus, Pepper and Happy drive in a company car while J.A.R.V.I.S. and Amalthea ride the motorcycle to the Grand Prix having J.A.R.V.I.S. there in his holo-form actually saved Amalthea from having to deal with Justin Hammer who was at the Hotel De Paris because actually seeing the "human" form of her "husband" at her side frightened the "poor man" it didn't save Asmodeus however for all he had was Pepper at his side and even though she's the newly appointed CEO she wasn't dating the man she now stands next to what was even worse Vanity Fair's own Christine Everhart was also there and no one was safe from her "I made sure we all had a table at the window next to Elon.... J.A.R.V.I.S. called ahead and made a reservation and here I know you want to so go ahead.... as long as you win anyway!"  Amalthea says to Asmodeus as she tosses the company racing car's key in his direction as they walk into the hotel and he catches it he looks at J.A.R.V.IS. who smiles knowingly then he (Asmodeus) kisses her cheek as he says in a tone that tells her he's doing his best to hide his excitement "thanks and I will!"  she smiles J.A.R.V.I.S., Amalthea, Asmodeus and Pepper end up getting their picture taken by a photographer from the ACM as soon as they walk in but they were prepared for the intrusion thanks to Pepper's new assistant Deirdre Parker..... Asmodeus walks over to the table that J.A.R.V.I.S. and Amalthea were sitting at with two shadows walking behind him "J.... Justin Hammer of Hammer Industries.... I know so original it's a wonder my father already thought of it! and Christine Everhart a reporter for Vanity Fair"  Amalthea introduces J.A.R.V.I.S. looks at her when she calls him "J" then realizes she couldn't call him J.A.R.V.I.S. in front of their "guests" he politely shakes the two newcomers hands "you are a very lucky man!"  Hammer tells him "I know!"  J.A.R.V.I.S. replies softly as he slides his free hand in Amalthea's and he could see the jealousy in the other mans eyes "please sit"  Amalthea says politely waving her hand at the free chairs around the table J.A.R.V.I.S. raises a eyebrow at her she shrugs and he smiles then kisses her lips as Asmodeus, Everhart and Hammer sit down "so Justin I hear you're trying to get a spot in the Expo"  Amalthea says turning the interruption into a meeting "I already have....!"  Hammer starts with a slight stammer in his tone "I didn't approve anything of yours! and I know Ginny didn't either cause she always asks me before making stupid mistakes like that! but I'll tell you what if you can come up with something of your very own that not only works properly but isn't a copy of something someone else did then I think I can squeeze you in at the end of the year it's really the only thing we have open at the moment and I'm not moving anyone else back just so you can feel "special"!"  Amalthea says hearing the quotations in the word "special" Everhart hides a chuckle and smiles instead especially when she heard the slight sarcastic tone in the way Amalthea spoke to Hammer she also notices that Hammer's eyes kept watching Amalthea's hand as she massaged her husbands thigh and the jealousy burn even hotter in his eyes which she found amusing for she knew that a woman like Amalthea would never go for a "man" like Hammer especially since Hammer would probably pull a Obadiah and use her power to make his grow Hammer chuckles nervously "oh and J if you don't mind I believe Miss Everhart may have a few questions to ask you so if you like you two could go sit at the bar and talk for a bit I do believe Justin here is going to try and coax me into letting him have that slot he THINKS he has!"  Amalthea says Everhart's eyes shine with excitement especially since she knows that she's going to be the first to actually interview the handsomely mysterious man she now sits next to "are you sure!?!"  J.A.R.V.I.S. asks softly as he looks into Amalthea's eyes Amalthea nods then says softly "I trust you and I don't want to bore you with the work conversation Asmodeus and I are about to embark in"  J.A.R.V.I.S. says "I like hearing about your work"  she kisses his lips then replies softly with a smile "I know but this convo's going to be extra short and boring I may even fall asleep in the middle of it so I'm going to need someone to wake me up and who better to do that then you!?!"  Asmodeus and Everhart chuckle and Hammer's lips shape into a "o" as he looks offended by her words "besides she's overeager and if you don't do it soon she just might pee herself and that would be embarrassing!"  she adds Asmodeus bursts out laughing even Hammer laughs and this time it was Everhart that looked offended J.A.R.V.I.S. smiles then kisses her lips and says "alright if you're sure"  he looks at the blonde who sits on his other side and says kindly "Miss Everhart"  Everhart smiles then stands up and she and J.A.R.V.I.S. walk over to the bar and chat "everyone needs someone to confide in and as my husband he's the best person for the job!"  Amalthea tells Hammer answering his unasked question that was rolling through his air-filled mind Hammer nods "now.... amaze me with your stupidity!"  she says as she leans back in her chair placing her hands behind her head as though she was relaxing in a beach chair Asmodeus chuckles and once again Hammer looks offended by her words which doesn't bother her one bit....

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