~1~ An Unlikely Encounter

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The heat radiated quickly through my huge woolen sweater

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The heat radiated quickly through my huge woolen sweater. The sun was scorching hot but it didn't get to me much because I was only in my underwear under the sweater.

"Merc! Take that fucking sweater off. It's like 90 degrees." Rachelle hissed running down the staircase.

Her beautiful blonde hair was braided in a messy pigtail and she looked barely dressed in her bind crop and shorts.

"Okay," I stood up from the reading table, pulling my reading glasses off. "you're exaggerating. It's not that hot."

I folded my arms watching her apply her mascara Infront of the large mirror which lay on the wall beautifully in the sitting room.

Rachelle and I have lived together for the past four years. She was someone you could call a jack of all trades, she didn't care about the job as long as money was involved. She was wild, loud, funny, brave and carefree and I honestly doubt I would've been able to survive without her by my side.

She really isn't the best house mate or room mate even, in the sense that she brings a man every night and I can barely hear myself breath with all her moaning but yeah, I wouldn't trade her for the world.

"Hm," I hummed as my gaze shifted to the wall clock. "Going somewhere?"

She nodded, now applying her nude colored lip gloss.

"Yeah, I'm going on a date."

I rose my brows at her statement.
Not that I was shocked because she was going on a date in a bind crop and shorts, because come on, I know Rachelle.. she could do anything.

What infact shocked me was that she was going on a date.

Elle had never been one to want an actual relationship. She was always a one-night-stand sort of girl. A one time, best Fuck of your life kind of girl.

"A date?" my lips twitched a little, a small smile threatening to display.

She glanced at my direction before shifting her gaze and adding finishing touches to her make up.

"yeah, I mean he's got the biggest dick of all the guys I've banged this year.. so, why not give him a try?" She shrugged.

"Just be careful Elle." I raked my hair as I fell back on the reading table.

I heard her groan as she walked to the door. "I'm twenty one Merc. Not fifteen." She reminded as I heard the door open.

"He's here." she paused. "I won't be home tonight.."

"I probably won't be able to walk straight in a few hours." I heard her giggle and I cringed on her words.

"Have fun!" I yelled just before the door shut close.

"Like hell I would!" I heard her yell back through the closed doors.

I chuckled shaking my head just before I dug it back into my books. My schedule was very busy, I took online courses and worked part-time in a mall, I had an evening shift and I had to get ready before then.

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