~17~ Sin's the sweetest fruit

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I was instantly hit by the pleasant sensation of heat which rolled down my body as soon as I turned on the shower

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I was instantly hit by the pleasant sensation of heat which rolled down my body as soon as I turned on the shower.

Automatically causing my muscles to relax. The warm shower didn't only sooth me physically but also mentally.

It induced a feeling of comfort and easiness, the kind that allows your mind, and subsequently your body, to relax. I rose up my hands, digging them into my hair and massaging my soft scalp slowly.

I breath out as my hand caressed my body, carrying along the warm water with me.

I liked baths like these, the types that calmed me and made me forget everything that was going on in my mind.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I wrapped the short white towel hanging on my door firmly round my chest and walked to the closet.

I tried hard to supress my surprise and eventual anger as my eyes scanned the empty closet.

Just as I was about to say every curse ever created and invent new ones, Julía walked into my room.

"I took your clothes for drycleaning, I hope you don't mind?''

Why wouldn't I mind? Ermanno was going to come back any second and all I had on was a towel.

I bit my lips and forced a smile at her. "Of course I don't mind. But, when are they going to be back?"

"At most, two hours?" she looked up, as if calculating. "Yes, two hours."

"Thanks Julía." I appreciated her and she turned to leave before stopping in her tracks.

"If you're hungry, I prepared pasta." she informed before leaving and closing my door. I exhaled loudly once she was gone and walked to one of the mirrors.

I dug my hand into my damp hair and stared at myself. I had bags under my eyes; I couldn't look anymore exhausted. The white towel barely covered my thighs and I was relieved Ermanno wasn't home. I know he had already seen me bare and naked but that was quite a long time ago and my mind had partially pushed the memory away.

After fifteen more minutes of sitting, bored as shit on my bed and hearing my tummy grumble like seven times, I decided to go to the kitchen.

Stepping outside the room, I felt light breeze push itself towards me. It felt unusual and I was a little bit uncomfortable in just my towel. I was relieved that Ermanno wasn't around; I hadn't seen him since Julía let me out of the cage.

My mind recalled Gia's promise to come today but she still wasn't around.

I shoved off all feelings of reluctance and dragged my feet down the stairs.

Almost at the foot of the stairs, I began to hear voices coming from the sitting room. I immediately stop walking as I recognized atleast two of those voices. My heart began to pound against my chest as I staggered a step backward.

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