~26~ Queen of Petty

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I had paced around my room for the past hour, pinching my fingers and taking deep breaths

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I had paced around my room for the past hour, pinching my fingers and taking deep breaths. Once in a while I would glance at the large door, a door I would eventually have to go through.

When I gathered enough courage and silenced the little voice in my head screaming at me to get back on my bed, my slender finger grabbed the lock and turned it. I took one quick breath before stepping out. My bare toes curled at the unusual coldness of the floor.

I stared at the path ahead of me with so much certainty. I needed to do this. I didn't come out of the room to get food or receive fresh air. I came out looking for him..yes, that him. The very him that I dare not look into his eyes and I'm supposed to avoid at all costs.

In my defense, I have a very good reason. Precisely a request, a request he'd have to be foolish to refuse.

I didn't need to go through the stress of going through a flight of stairs, after the fire my room had been moved to the second floor so I only needed to walk a few meters before I was in front of Ermanno's room.

With everything that had been happening, I'd never really had a good look at this floor, it was very dark and gave me chills. The only thing I liked about this house were the staircase that reminded me of my childhood fairytale.

I knocked twice on his room door but heard nothing.

Maybe he had gone out.

The possibility of that weren't high. I had sat by my window hours before coming out just staring into the big compound. No car had come in, neither had any gone out.

I knocked once again and when I heard nothing, I concluded he wasn't in his room.

I had just walked a few steps away from his door when I heard his voice. It was faint but it sounded pissed. I followed the voice to a large black door with the symbol of a silver lion at the very top.

He occasionally switched from English to his mother tongue and it seemed he was conversing with someone, presumably over the phone.

I moved a step closer to the door and gently placed my ear on it. Whoever he was talking to, he was clearly pissed off with. It would be best to turn back now, I'd hate for him to transfer the aggression on me.


I stood on business. Whatever he was going to do to me with the transferred aggression couldn't be worse than what he'd already done.

I waited a few more minutes till I was certain he had ended the call before knocking. He was quiet at first, knowing his state of mind, considering whether to let me in.

"Come in." his sonorous voice boomed. The voice made me shudder but I wouldn't show it. As I stepped into the fairly large study, I could feel him studying my expressions, searching my face for the look of defeat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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