~5~ Of all the humiliations, I hate this the most

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I could feel myself shaking as he spoke

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I could feel myself shaking as he spoke. His accent making his words and pronunciations sound ten times sexier.


I couldn't think of him like this!

A tear taunted me as it freely rolled down but I immediately wiped it, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me break, not when he was using my loved ones as my weakness.

I sniffed slowly as I inhaled his minty scent which filled up the room.

All I had to do was get dressed right?

I'll do it as quickly as I can.

I'll slip out of my towel into the summer gown. Easy peasy right?

“Very Well Ms. Molina-”

“Wait.” I whispered as my shaky hands found it's way to the knot I tied on the the towel. I loosened it slowly as my eyes shut close, I knew He was watching me so I didn't dare to look at him.

I'd be too ashamed to stare him in his eyes as he stared at my exposed skin.

I couldn't believe this was happening to me, of all people why me?

My Heart pounded against my chest as I felt the towel roll down my body and stop at my feet, today I didn't cry, I was tired of that. I didn't wince neither did I groan even as I felt the warm breeze on my vulva.

Words couldn't explain how ashamed I felt. Here I was standing Infront of a total stranger, a dirty murderer completely bare and naked. How humiliating.

I was about throwing on the dress when I heard him speak.


My jaw drop slightly, I was taken aback. I heard his heavy footsteps approach me, his heels clicking on the tiled floor.

No no no no shit!

This must've been his plan all along. Here I stood, naked, completely exposed as he approached me. Nervousness didn't let me speak, neither did it allow me to open my eyes.

I shut my eyes harder as his scent became stronger, I felt his bodily warm close to me and it was confirmed, he was atleast one step away from me.

“Open your eyes.” he muttered a command as my nails dug deeper into my fingers. I hesitated for a moment before  blinking my eyes open.

His fingers found my chin as he raised it up to look him in his eyes. His eyes, those wicked fog grey eyes which had an amused look in them.

With my eyes still on his, I watched his eyes leave mine, lowering to my body, roaming round me as if inspecting every inch of my body.

I watched his eyes roam down my body, first my eyes, then my lips and my breasts before circling my curves and finally stopping at my private before finally coming back to my eyes.

I shrunk back as I looked away from his dark eyes but he gripped my chin again making our eyes meet.

“I have to leave now Principessa, we'll continue this another time.”  He leaned in closer and whispered into my ear

He backed off a few steps before leaving the room, his heels still clicking on the tiled floor.

I gritted my teeth in anger as all the tears I'd managed to keep at bay began to roll down so freely.

I felt disgusted and ashamed with myself. The first man who'd ever seen me bare and exposed was a gangster, the king of gangsters who hated my family.

Just fucking great!


A few hours had passed since the incident, it felt like hours. Even if I tried I could never forget the look of his face was I stood completely exposed in front of him. It was a look I couldn't pin point, he looked at me with dark hooded eyes and his pupils feasted on my naked body.

I exhaled sharply as I got off the bed. I was in the pretty summer gown which fell slightly above my knee and although I had no panties on, I was wearing my black bra. It was better than having my nipples point out against the light material.

The last thing I wanted was lustful stares.

I walked slowly towards the door, it was usually locked but I wanted to give it a try.

I gripped the knob open and low and behold, it opened.

I gasped as joy overwhelmed me. The door wasn't locked, I wasn't caged up. Maybe I could explore this mansion and even find a cell phone and give Rachelle a call.

I stuck out my head into the corridor, it was enormous but completely empty. I stepped out of the room, glancing at the the closed doors which where empty rooms.

I sauntered towards the staircase, stopping for a brief moment when I noticed another staircase leading higher than the floor I was on.

For some reason, the staircases reminded me of the staircase in a movie a had watched some years back; Frozen, just that these looked like pure gold.

I had always loved Disney growing up. Even in the orphanage, I'd always found a way to sneak and watch some of the old Disney movies I watched as a kid.

I smiled as I recalled all the times Rachelle and I had been punished and called the bad eggs of the orphanage and the naughty kids. What can I say? We loved the attention.

I inhaled the fresh dark coffee scent that filled the sitting room, my eyes wandered to the paintings which I went closer to.

There was a particular one that piqued my interest. The particular painting of a man who had looked at me like I was some kind of object.

I scoffed and folded my arms as I approached the picture. He was a little bit younger here but he still had that familiar devilish expression on his face.

I snorted loudly as I stuck out my middle finger at the painting.
“Fuck you!” I whisper- yelled at the painting. Doing that was immature, yeah but it managed to put I smile on my face.

__________________________________There you go guys!The fifth chapter of G

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There you go guys!
The fifth chapter of G.A.T.M
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