~6~ I don't think I like Gia

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“I'd have shot you on sight for trespassing but I forgot, you live here now

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“I'd have shot you on sight for trespassing but I forgot, you live here now.”

I jumped up, backing away from the painting as I heard that deep voice. I turned my back slowly to the owner of the voice only to see Jovani.

I rolled my eyes as I stared at him, it was suspicious seeing a grin on his face.

“What do you want from me?” my eyes following his every action.

He shrugged before raking his hair. “Are you hungry?”

Am I hungry?

I'm starving!

I didn't respond to him, still staring at him suspiciously. If Jovani was here then the boss couldn't be too far away.

He walked towards the kitchen and I was right behind him.

“Did he send you to keep an eye on me? To make sure I don't run away?” I spat out lowering a little bit to pull the light gown so it could reach my knees. It seemed to go higher with every step I took.

Jovani suddenly stopped in his tracks, glancing over his shoulders. “If I denied, would you believe me? Plus, the guards won't hesitate to shoot you once you step out of this house unsupervised.”

“Oh, how lucky I am.” I deadpanned as we arrived in the kitchen, he pulled out a few ingredients and began dicing.

He scoffed. “You are lucky. You're the first hostage that Ermanno hasn't killed after twenty four hours.” so that's his name! “You're the first hostage he's brought to his house and ordered his best friend cook for her. I'm not in support of his decisions but he's my don.”

Was I actually supposed to feel lucky after his speech?

I wasn't expecting to be a hostage.

I shrugged, looking away from him.

“Ermanno knows what he's doing....I hope.” Jovani spoke again as my gaze turned back to him. “He's a dangerous man because he listens, thinks and observes but even dangerous men can fall when they put their  trust in the wrong people.”

He was talking about my father. I knew it, I just knew it had to be about my father.

After his last statement we were both quiet. I watched him knead the dough, gradually adding flour, olive oil, salt pepper and some other ingredients.

“What can I do to get out of here?”

Jovani stopped preparing the food and turned to face me.

“You don't get it Mercedes, You belong to Ermanno Sandrino now and he doesn't tend to give up his things easily. He can be very Stingy.”

His words rang in my head. This was all messed up. Human being don't belong to other human beings.

“I don't belong to anyone.” I pointed out, tucking a few brown strands behind my ears.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 |𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now