~13~ when reality dawns

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The gun mouth pressed against my temple sent shivers down my spine

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The gun mouth pressed against my temple sent shivers down my spine. I was so frightened by the gun that I began considering going back to the mansion.

I couldn't dare. It's a suicide mission anyway. If Ermanno didn't kill me, mortification will.

I actually kissed him.

I cringe and held my head down in shame and embarrassment. Every detail of our little kiss was still fresh in my mind.

From the movement of his warm tongue in my mouth to his earthy, dominating scent which engulfed me.

I spat out some saliva from my mouth to the grass as my shaky hands rose the gun.

It would all be over in..



Before I could reach one, I felt a painful sting on my forearm. My bloodshot eyes glanced at my arm and then quickly to where the green tranquilizer shot out from. I couldn't see anything because of the darkness.

Fuck it! They caught me.

My body began to feel numb and the gun slipped out of my fingers. I weakly reached out to the gun but I was unable to lift it up.

I cursed under my breath as I could slowly feel my consciousness slipping away.

I woke up to feel myself silently choking on an intoxicating cologne. The expensive and exquisite scent of the cologne hung at the bottom of my throat.

My vision was still a bit blurry and my hand moved desperately on the cold metallic surface trying hard to find out where I was.

My vision finally cleared out and I wished it hadn't. My heart dropped and my eyes widened. I was still in the Sandrino mansion, no doubt about that. But this place, this particular room.

It spoke of great wealth and power; was I shocked? How would I be, it was Ermanno's.

My mouth opened and closed as my gaze was fixated on Ermanno. He sat majesticly on a large grey chair at a corner of the enormous room.

I wondered if he knew I was awake yet, but more importantly, why I was locked up in a cage in Ermanno's room.

Dim lights shone into the dark room through the small openings in the window.

Great fear overwhelmed me as I stared at Ermanno who silently admired his tattoo filled hand. Staring at each tattoo intensively.

Why was he so quiet? What was he thinking about?

I stared at him for a few more minutes, silently, careful not to move in the slightest. But, he finally broke the silence.

"Finally Awake,"

It was more of a statement than a question.

I tried to gulp, but my mouth was too dry. I finally sat up, squinting my eyes at him.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 |𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now