~20~ A brunette named Arabella

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Damn these shoes

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Damn these shoes.

My legs hurt so much. I hated heels and these shoes being six inches didn't make it any better. My toes were going to be sore after tonight.

After a few minutes of leaving, Ermanno returned back to the car and the driver started the engine.

Just before we drove away, my gaze fell on one of the windows of the building he went in.

Was that.. fire?

Was the building on fire?

I wanted to say something, to call his attention to the building but I just ignored it and kept my eyes on the road instead.

We finally arrived at our destination, with Ermanno's convoy behind us.

The building was so beautiful, it was as big as a hotel with elegant people entering from each corner.

“What are my rules?” Ermanno asked, his eyes fixed on me, making me feel self conscious.

Shit! I couldn't remember.

After staring back at him for some minutes, I mustered enough courage. “I memorized them, don't worry.” before he could say another word, I opened the door and got out.

With Ermanno walking ahead of us, and Jovani at his right side, I walked Infront of his other men so they could keep thier eyes on me.

“Mr Ermanno.” A blond man shook Ermanno as soon as we stepped into the building “I'm so glad you could make it.”

From his looks you could tell he was an older man. He couldn't be older than me with less than ten years yet he didn't lack attractive facial features.

“Mr Vladimir, I wouldn't plan on missing this.” Ermanno smiled slightly.

Ermanno was led inside by Vladimir who went around introducing him to other guests while I stood in a corner, one of Ermanno's men watching my every move. I felt like a fucking convict.

For the past hour, everyone just chatted and drank cocktail while I stood in my corner silently praying for this event to be over.

After one sip of water, my bladder filled up and my eyes scanned around the large room for the toilet.

Finally I found it and when I took a step forward, Ermanno's man also took a step forward.

“I'm just going to pee, or do you want to watch me do that as well?” I glared at him before finally walking away.

I exhaled, glad to be away from him. I hated feeling watched. After some minutes, I finally located the females rest room and was about going in when I heard some muffled voices.

Arabella have some respect, it's your engagement party.” the voice let out frustratedly.

I knew that voice..

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 |𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now