~16~ La Famiglia

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I sat on my bed, my long slender fingers trailing the love bites on my neck

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I sat on my bed, my long slender fingers trailing the love bites on my neck. They didn't hurt anymore and just looked faint, like little maroon healing bruises, Hardly noticable.

I pursed my lips as my gaze shifted from the clock on the wall to the setting sun outside the window. All I ever did here was stare at the clock and watch the rising and setting of the beautiful sun, which always kissed me tenderly before saying it's goodbye.

It had been two whole days since I temporarily let go of my pride and submitted myself to Ermanno, two whole days of not seeing him, Julía or Gia. Two whole days of being completely alone in this house, two whole days of letting loneliness sing melancholic songs in my head. Two whole days of wondering if I had made the right decision or not.

I was slowly loosing my mind. I hated being alone. I wanted, scratch that, I needed the presence of another person.

As if the universe finally listened to me, I heard a small knock on my open door. Abruptly I turned my gaze to the door, only to find Gia there.

She looked like she was going for an outing, or atleast had just come back. Her raven black hair was packed in a ponytail and she looked beautiful in her black sleeveless leather gown which hugged her curves. It was far above her knees but her black knee high boots covered most of her leg.

“Hey you.” she gave me a small smile as she walked in. Wasn't she supposed to be mad? Hadn't I gotten her into trouble with Ermanno?


My voice was low and I forced a smile.

“It's been a minute.” she joked, sitting opposite me on the bed. And all I did was nod

I didn't know what to say, I had hoped she would come, prayed even and now she was here, I was mute.

We were both silent, her gorgeous amber eyes scanned the room before they came back to me. She looked at me intensively and it took me a minute to realize what she was staring at.

The love marks Ermanno had given me earlier.

Shit! They weren't covered.

I awkwardly brought my hand to my collar bone and traced it, as if trying to erase it.

She narrowed her eyes at me, her soft features were gone and all she had was a questioning look. “What happened?” she broke the silence.

What happened? I was pinned to the wall by her don while he marked me as his.

My cheeks flushed, I couldn't say that.

What's worse? I enjoyed every second of it. It was so wrong but it felt so good, so satisfying.

I gulped, throwing my eyes away from her. Would I be labeled as a whore if I told her how much I enjoyed it when I wasn't supposed to?

“Did Ermanno forcefully...” she trailed off. Her eyes held uncertainty and disbelief which slowly turned to anger.

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