~23~ Our final goodbye

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You could tell she was uncomfortable from the way she walked so stiffly.

Her calculated and careful steps took her to the curtain before she turned back to look at me.

"Thank you." she didn't stutter- she rarely did. She looked up at me, her eyes matching mine almost as if a little part of her didn't fear me.

"Make sure you take your medications diligently. Also, don't come out of your room except it's absolutely necessary." These were measures I had to take to ensure her safety. I didn't spend ten years of my life tracking and tailing her so she could be taken by another mafia.

Her old room was being renovated so I got her a bigger and better room. She wouldn't need to leave it.

Without saying another word, I stepped out of her room and shut the door.

I needed to see Arabella and clear this bullshit. Betrayal is never taken lightly and if either she or her fiance had a part in this, I'll make them pay.

Already waiting outside for me was Gia who stood by my car.

"Is Mercedes okay?"

"She's fine." I signaled some of my men to get in their car.

"Isn't leaving her alone too risky?"

She's right, it was risky. And I took risks all the time, but I couldn't take a risk with her.

"Elio was the traditore but I killed him before I could get any information out of him. I already discharged my men and briefed the new ones."

She nodded and got into the car.

My plan was falling into crumbles. The Russian and Italian Mafia are supposed to unite not fight. But if Vladimir really is behind this, even if it is to please Bella, he crossed the line. And I cannot tolerate the disrespect.

Adjusting my gun, I got into the car and it revved away.


I got out of the car and signaled Gia and my men to wait. I needed to see Bella first. Her little bungalow was decorated with different plants and flowers, only the best.

Surprisingly her door wasn't locked. Was she expecting someone?

"Bella?" I stepped into the house, cleaning my shoes on the door mat.

No response.


No response.


No response.

It was then I began to reason, 'Why was her door left unlocked in the first place?'

I found myself rushing through the corridor to the sitting room.


"What?" she finally spat out.

There she sat, in a bathrobe by two in the afternoon. Sipping wine.

Her straight long hair was packed in a messy bun and her eyes looked so tired.

"Why didn't you respond?"

"Why would I?" her tone was venomous.

"How many bottles of wine have you had?" my eyes travelled to the countless empty bottles of wine surrounding her.

"What do you care?" she finally stood up. That was when I noticed that her robe wasn't tied. She was completely naked under and the robe didn't even cover her breasts. My eyes left her body, and found their way back to her eyes.

"Having trouble looking?" she walked towards me. "you've never had trouble looking before....back when I was still yours."

"This is not why I'm here."

"Of course it isn't. You're here to ask me if I have any hand in the attempted murder of that daughter of a traitor."

"How did you-"

"I'm not stupid Ermanno. I may be miserable but I'm most definitely not stupid."

"Do you? would you stoop so low to betray the Italian Mafia for your own selfish gains."

"The Italian Mafia" she gave a strained laugh. "Since when is Mercedes Molina the Italian Mafia-"

"She belongs to the don and I am the Mafia."

Arabella was speechless for a second before a tear rolled down her cheek. "Why?" she breath out. "Why couldn't it just be me? Why can't you love me!?"

This was Arabella. This had always been her. Despite the face she wore of being a strong and untouchable woman. She was a petite girl who'd always looked for fairytale love in the pits of hell.

"Because I'm a monster."

Her tears fell uncontrollably as she tried to wipe them away. "Vladimir had nothing to do with the burning of her room. None of us did." she turned her back to me and I could still see her wiping her tears. "My wedding is in two days. Don't be there."

I loved Arabella.. just not in the way she wanted, the way she needed. We dated in the past and she was everything to me but I let her go. Vladimir told me how he was interested in Bella and I assured him she liked him just as much. Everything I did, she knew nothing about and now I'm putting her through all these.

However I did what I did for my mafia. I am capo and I will sacrifice everything I have for the good of my mafia. Just like my father always did.

"Very well then." I moved towards the exit door and as my fingers gripped the knob, I couldn't believe I was actually leaving Bella. I wouldn't meet her again. After her wedding she'll move to Russia and I'll be too busy with la famiglia. I had known Bella since we were little children, not enough though, as I couldn't give her what she always desired. Adequate love. "Goodbye."

Without wasting a second, I opened the door and stepped out of the house. I was out of her life, forever.

"How did it go?" Gia inquired once I got into the car.

"Bella wasn't any help."

"So what do we do now?"

"Luca is still in the hospital, yes?"
I glanced at Gia through the corners of my eye.

"SÌ. But he'll be discharged by nightfall."

That's more than enough time.

__________________________________Alright guys! The twenty third chapter of GATM! If you liked it, please vote, share and comment

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Alright guys! The twenty third chapter of GATM! If you liked it, please vote, share and comment.

Till next time!

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