~22~ The devil's comfort

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I was a pretty light sleeper, so light that even the faintest sound could wake me up

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I was a pretty light sleeper, so light that even the faintest sound could wake me up.

Well...not actually but I was a light sleeper. That's why, even in my sleep I could sense something was wrong.

My room was hot, hotter than usual and I could feel sweat beads rolling down my forehead.

I didn't want to open by eyes but eventually I did and I'm glad I didn't open them a minute later.

My face turned pale as I stared at the burning room in horror. Everything was on fire; the curtains, my bed, the ceiling, everything!

"Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before jumping off the bed. I hurriedly made my way to the window but it was jammed.

I clutched my chest area as I coughed violently and ran to the locked door.

"Please open up!" I banged on the door, my lungs tightening and my breath shortening. "Please help!"

I could feel my flesh heating up and up until today, I never knew the smell of roasting flesh.

Fire was truly a horrible sight, a destroyer. Consuming everything in it's way.

Amidst my violent coughs, I found my voice and yelled once more before my knees gave out. Unlike the descriptions of death, I didn't see my whole life flash Infront of my eyes, my whole life didn't replay so I could watch. I just felt empty and unsatisfied. I didn't see a bright light calling me, I just felt the severe heat surround me.

My senses had weakened but I still felt myself being lifted off the floor and I couldn't feel the scorching heat of the fire but my chest still hurt.

With my blurry vision, I managed to make out a group of men in black trying to put out the fire, trying to douse my burning room.

I heard faint voices I couldn't make out as my coughs got more violent but in the midst of the confusion, I heard his. The only voice I recognized and knew who it belonged to.

"What happened? Why did you start a fire in your room?" the concerned voice scolded me.

"I didn't.." I trailed off still in his arms as I could no longer feel the pain I felt in my chest.

Infact, I couldn't feel anything. My brain had blocked everything and everyone out.


My hand slowly gripped the white sheets as my chest throbbed with pain. Managing to seat up, I took in the unfamiliar white surrounding.

I sighed as my lower body felt numb.

How long had I been here?

My mouth was dry, too dry for me to utter any words. I needed water, even if it was just a little drop.

My stare shifted to the drip attached to my hand.

I took in the room and realized it was a hospital room.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 |𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now