~9~ Pizza sounds great

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“It's time for your punishment puttana

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“It's time for your punishment puttana." His devilish voice growled. A small smirk gracing his face.

I stood my ground and stared daggers into his eye, that is, until I was raised effortlessly and slammed unto the kitchen counter.

I winced in pain as my butt cheeks slapped against the hard cold counters, which I felt through my thin dress.

“What are you doing...”

I suddenly became alarmed as his large hands grabbed my ass and pressed it roughly.

He pushed me backwards and parted my legs with his hand. I gasped immediately as my eyes searched his face for an expression but saw none.

He slid his veiny hand between my legs as his other hand gripped my neck, pushing me backwards and pinning me to the wall.

I became engulfed by his strong scent as he leaned in to drop kisses down my chin.

I breath hastily, trying my best to push him away but he kept me in place.

I squirmed against the wall as tears formed in my eyes but I couldn't cry, not Infront of this monster at least.

Not Infront of the man who had orchestrated my kidnap, forced me to strip in his presence and shamelessly sold and bought me in an auction house.

I shut my eyes painfully and sniffed hard.

My eyes slowly opened and widened as I felt his hand playing with the hem of my underwear.

No no no no...

I tensed up as more tears gathered at bay and threatened to stream down. I couldn't hold them in much longer.

I bit my lips as my eyes ached badly, I needed to let my tears fall but I couldn't. Ermanno had to leave first. He couldn't see me as weak, I wouldn't let that happen.

"I-I'm... Sorry." I whispered audibly.

I swallowed my pride, It hurt like a bitch.

I felt his hand movement stop, he grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him. He had a self satisfied smirk. This was a face I would love to point a gun at and fire the trigger.

"Say that again I liked it." His breath fanned my cheeks.

I glared at him, a single tear betrayed me and rolled down. Immediately I wiped it and cursed the tear a million times for letting me down.

“No?” he teased. His hand taunted my underwear once more, pulling it down slightly.

“Please...” I breath out weakly. My bloodshot eyes left his tired grey ones to my lap, a sign of defeat.

I heard him chuckle lowly before his hand retreated.

“You're lucky I'm busy Molina, else I'd have shown you just how powerful the Sandrino blood is.” he whispered into my ear. "Don't ever disobey me again." He warned and turned his back to me. Finally granting my long desired wish and leaving.

Once he was gone, I pulled my knees closer to me face and hugged them. I buried my face in them and let the dam burst, sorrowful tears flooded down my cheeks and new hot tears washed the previous ones away.

I wailed deeply as the memories from the auction were still fresh in my mind. Finally, realization dawned on me. I wasn't getting out of here.


It had been exactly two days since the auction incident and through out, I'd been reflecting on my life these past few days. Where did it go wrong?

I sighed loudly as I twisted and turned on the bed. My hair was packed in a very messy bun and I was wearing on of the dresses from the closet. It was a pretty white gown, exactly knee length with flower embroidery at the far end.

I hadn't seen Ermanno in two days, I hadn't seen anyone in two days. The house had been so quiet and empty. Whenever I was hungry, I'd devour whatever was in the fridge.

I'd searched round the house but still couldn't find a single phone to call the cops or at least Rachelle. All the other rooms in the house aside from mine were locked and the front door was locked as well. Boredom was slowly driving me to insanity. It was the same routine everyday; sleep, eat, cry, eat, sleep. A loop repeating itself.

My ears caught up some noise and I immediately sat up on the bed.

It was Gia.

She stood by my door. Her curly black hair was let down and her amber eyes twinkled, exactly the same way it twinkled when I first met her.

I found myself running towards her and throwing my hands round her. She was a bit taken aback but still hugged me back.

She was in an oversized shirt which swallowed her and black shorts which could barely be seen because of her shirt.

“Hey.” She smiled once I let her go. “How are you?”

“Not good.” I stated bluntly, I wasn't going to lie or pretend.

Her eyes fell for a second before looking back up at me.

“Wanna go for Pizza and Ice cream?” expectancy filled her high pitched voice.

I glanced at Jovani, who I just noticed had been behind Gia. He had a disapproving look on his face.

Weirdly, I wanted to ask if I was allowed to go. I atleast wanted to know if Ermanno was aware.

“Does Ermanno know?” I inquired,  shifting my weight from one foot to another.

“Who's gonna tell him? Not me. He's in Italy for an operation and won't be back for another day. Plus, it's Ermanno, all he's gonna do is bone his face a little bit. We'll only be gone for like thirty minutes. Maybe we can also go to a spa. Consider this my apology Mercedes. Aren't you bored in this house?” She said all that in one breath.

“Gia.." Jovani called for her attention. Once he got it, he began shaking his head.

“Why not? We're armed. It's not like I can't fight off Luca and his men all by myself, plus the chances of them showing up are 0.1 anyways. Plus, we have you to protect us.”  she smiled sweetly at Jovani.

I contemplated it for a minute. Ermanno wasn't going to like this at all and I was glad but at the same time nervous. I bit the insides of my gum and took a deep breath.

“Pizza sounds great.”

__________________________________The ninth chapter of GATM!If you liked it please vote, comment and share

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__________________________________The ninth chapter of GATM!
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