~3~ Sheep in the midst of Wolves

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I had no time to think about what I had done as my long brown hair was gripped and pulled by him, he pulled it so hard that it began to hurt my scalp

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I had no time to think about what I had done as my long brown hair was gripped and pulled by him, he pulled it so hard that it began to hurt my scalp.

But I didn't scream, I didn't cry, I didn't yell. Trust me it hurt so bad that all I wanted to do was try to push him away screaming but I didn't so much as wince. I maintained eye contact with his devilish gray eyes.

Perché non dovresti piangere puttana?”

He mumbled in that strange language again. He pulled my hair even more and studied my hazel eyes.

“Graciano.” He shifted his gaze to the direction of the man whose name I learnt was Jovani.

Portala Al palazzo.”

His eyes widened in shock as he looked around.

La dimora?”

The boss didn't reply, rather he glanced back at me, before getting up and leaving the room with the two men following him, leaving only Jovani and I left in the warehouse. 

Immediately he was gone, I let out a breath of relief I didn't even know I was holding.

Alzarsi.” Jovani spoke digging his hands into his hair.


“Get up.” he instructed as I hurriedly stood up from the ground, dusting my hands on my sweater. My soft delicate palms had turned so rough.

The weather was much cooler now, the warehouse was still very dim but atleast cold breeze sipped in through the windows.

“Try anything funny and I'll blow your brains out.” he threatened, slightly raising up his black shirt showing me his gun.

I gulped silently as I stood behind him and he opened the doors. We walked out and I couldn't help but smile as the early morning breeze tingled on my cheeks. It was atleast two in the morning.

Only a black jeep was parked close to the warehouse. The boss had left already.

The environment was so deserted, filled with bushes and trees.

I tucked me hair behind my ears but the stubborn breeze kept carrying it along.

A sudden urge to cry overtook me, I was so close to freedom but yet so far away. I had no idea where I was being taken to, I could try to run but my life was at stake. I wished Jovani would look away, even if it was just for a minute so I could run.

I wanted to run, to run so far and not look back. I could but in a way I couldn't.

I was put between a rock and a hard place, making a decision between my life or my freedom.

I looked down at my feet as I bit my gum hard. It was painful but it wasn't compared to seeing your freedom a run away but you couldn't reach for it.

Eventually, I stepped into the black jeep, waving my normal life goodbye.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 |𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now