~4~ It's your Choice

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I pinched my nail until it began to bleed

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I pinched my nail until it began to bleed. I'd been awake since I was dropped here, afraid of closing my eyes and be murdered while I slept.

I wanted to be alone, I wanted an outburst of my thoughts, I wanted to convince myself that there were possible ways I could have avoided this kidnap.

My mind wandered to Rachelle. Was she home yet? It had been atleast three hours since the sun rise.

I rose my already bleeding nail to my lips and sucked on my blood. I tried to imagine what Rachelle would do when she reached the house and realize I was gone. Kidnap wouldn't come to her mind because the house was left in such a good state.

I was still in my black bra and jeans it was uncomfortable but  it was all I got except I wanted to put on the sweater that reminded me of the dark smelly abandoned warehouse.

I hadn't stepped into the bathroom ever since Jovani left, believe me I wanted to but I didn't want to imagine what could happen if I stepped into the bathroom to bath, naked. I was expecting the unexpected, to put it lightly, I was frightened of my environment and all that could happen within it.

Eventually, I began to feel uncomfortable in my own skin as I sucked up my nervousness and walked to a white cupboard by the wall. Luckily it had a white towel and a bathrobe. I could use the towel while in the bathroom then wear the bathrobe when I came out. I twitched my lips as I pulled out the the white towel and walked to the bathroom.

I let the hot water fill up the tub as I began taking off my bra, once done I made for my jeans which I experienced a little difficulty rolling it off my round butt. By the time I was done undressing, the water had reached halfway. That was good enough.

I put my right feet first to test the water, a refreshing feeling followed it.

I couldn't help but moan as my whole body dipped into the water, I had missed this. It was refreshing and calmed my nerves. There were lavender essence soaps and shampoos which I made use of and by the time I was done, I felt so refreshed that I began to feel sleepy.

I walked into the bedroom, the white towel wrapped around me, firmly covering my chest, my long hair dripping wet.

I immediately stopped in my tracks as a look of horror engulfed me.

Standing in the room, leaning on the four poster bed with that familiar devilish look in his fog grey eyes was the don.

My face turned pale as my breathing became unsteady. Why was he here now of all times? Why was he here when I was half naked in a towel that stopped way above my knees especially my thighs? What did he want?

“What do you want?...” I trailed off as my eyes caught him scanning me from head to toe, he had a hooded expression in his eyes as he walked a step closer.

Subconsciously, I moved a step backward. My hands were placed on a small part of the towel on my chest and I could feel my irregular heartbeat.

“I don't need your permission to enter any room in my house Ms. Molina.” His deep voice spoke and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

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