~14~ Planned like a pro

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Being left alone in the cage for a day, I had time to think

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Being left alone in the cage for a day, I had time to think. Time to carefully carve and perfect my plan. Time to analyze all the possible setbacks and think of solutions.

Ermanno had left early hours of the morning and still wasn't back yet. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't waiting up, I actually enjoyed the peace him being away brought.

My insides twisted and turned and my stomach growled. I had tried to get the pack of berries, a meter away from me but I failed.

My eyes stared longingly at it and my mouth watered. I was still in the summer gown I had worn yesterday and I would want nothing more than a refreshing bath right now. I sigh defeatedly, still staring at the berries so far away from me until I hear a knock.

My head immediately jerked up as I became alarmed. Ermanno would never knock on his own room door. I pulled my knees closer as I heard the knob turn.

Naturally, I eased up as the middle aged lady walked in. She was slightly obese and in a long green gown. Her dirty blond hair was braided into pigtails, which was weird to see a grown lady wear and she had a bunch of cleaning utensils in her hand.

“Oh dear,” she ran towards the cage immediately sighting me. She pushed a key into the lock and began turning it.

Almost immediately I grabbed her hand, stopping her. “No, please don't do that. He might punish you.” I shook her head, my eyes pleading.

She was silent for a second before she continued to unlock the cage. “Don't worry, he won't. He sent me here.” she pushed the door open. “I'm Julía, I clean here everyday.”

I was still In the cage, not sure whether I could come out.

“Mr Sandrino wouldn't be home tonight. He has business to attend to. He said I should let out the lady in his cage once I got here.”

How could she say that with a straight face? Wasn't she overwhelmed? Wasn't she surprised?

My wobbly legs stood up as I held the bars for support and stepped out of the cage.

“Thank you.” I said in nothing more than a whisper.

I stared at fairly genetic face, she must've been beautiful in her youth. She had a big healed up scar riding along her face. Starting from her forehead, going down to her chin.

I didn't know what to say, I wanted to ask her questions about Ermanno, about the Sandrino family but I didn't know if I should. I had only just met her.

“It's nice to meet you Julía.” I flash her a small smile which she returns with a much warmer one.

“No problem. Now run along, I have to clean Ermanno's room.” I nodded and left, my body shaking.

She had to be part of whatever this was. I doubt Ermanno would've let someone who didn't know about his dark life into a place so personal like his room.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 |𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now