~8~ I'm not for sale!

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Breath in

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Breath in

Breath out

My heart beat began to normalize as I tried that trick.

“This next lot is quite unique, sold to this auction by Mr Ermanno Sandrino himself for a million dollars.”

I heart immediately froze, it was me.

I was the next lot, Ermanno had sold me for a million dollars , that was a lot of Money but I wasn't for sale.

A ring man whispered my name, gesturing me to come forward. It was time.

I gulped down as I emerged from behind the curtains and went to the auction block. I heard silent gasps and stifled giggles before my eyes fell to my feet.

“Lot 19!” the auctioneer announced. “Let's start with a million! ... Can you go any higher?”

The first bidder was an elderly lady with blonde hair packed in a french bun. She rose a placard which showed the digits of one million dollars.

“Alright we have one million! Can we go Any higher?” the auctioneer said.

This was too much for me to handle, it was killing me inside. My chest ached and my stomach twisted, my throat felt rough and my hand seemed to be banging itself.

My eyes travelled to Ermanno who sat back, legs crossed, he had an amused look.

Was all this amusing to him? Did he get satisfaction by trying to make a dead man suffer?

My eyes left him to Gia who looked just as shocked as me when I was told I'd been sold as a lot.

A male this time, rose his placard which showed  '1.5million$'

He didn't look that much older than me, his hair was auburn and was  coiffed to perfection. His brown eyes had the same startling clarity as the mountain steam and the lineaments of his face were in perfect proportion to each other.

“We have One point five million dollars, can you go any higher?” it continued like this for several minutes with everyone trying to bid but the sun haired man topped them all.

“Three million dollars, can you go any higher?” the auctioneer spoke as the noise died down. The whole hall was silent.

The auburn haired leaned back with a satisfied  look on his face as still no one opposed. A part of me didn't want to be sold, I didn't know this man or what he did, I didn't know what I was signing up for but on another hand, I couldn't wait to leave Ermanno, maybe I could tell the auburn haired man about how I was kidnapped. Maybe I could finally be free.

“Three million, going..... Three million going....”

The auctioneer was about to strike the gavel against the sound block when he intervened, the mysterious devil himself.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 |𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now