~11~ LA cops and panic attacks

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Immediately, my arms flew round the middle aged officer, hugging him tightly as joyful tears rolled down my cheeks

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Immediately, my arms flew round the middle aged officer, hugging him tightly as joyful tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Woah there miss. Calm down and tell me what the matter is.” he sounded so calm.

I finally let him go and wiped my sweaty face with the back of my palm.

Fearfully, I glanced over my shoulders, ready to keep on running if I saw either Gia or Jovani.

“P-please...I need your help.”

“What's the matter?”

I hesitated for a minute but his actions and gestures felt genuinely ready to listen to me and even help me. So, I told him everything; About my kidnap, The don and his men, my fathers' supposed sins. I didn't fail to mention every single name.

He looked quite puzzled by my story and took a second to collect himself.

“So Miss, what you're telling me is that you were kidnapped by a Mr Sandrino Ermanno who you think is a gang leader?” he rose his brows as I nodded.

“Wait a moment. I need to call my superiors so that we can take you to the station. Is that okay?" I nodded and he excused himself.

Truth be told, I was relieved that he believed me. Most cops would ask for my ID or ask if I've been drinking.

When he wasn't back after three minutes, I moved to a bench by a small fountain to sit and rest.

The Cop returned after a few minutes and he had brought a bottle of water with him. He opened it and passed it to me.

“You were panting heavily when you found me.” he explained as my exhausted self gulped down all the water in the bottle and threw it in a nearby trash.

“The police station now?” I inquired just before getting into the back seat if his police car.

“Yes Miss.”

We had driven quite a length before my head started to ache and my eyes began to feel heavy. I glanced out the window and the rate at which we passed all the buildings made me even more dizzy.

I tried to call out to the police man which I hadn't learned his name yet but my mouth ignored the instructions given to it by my brain.

I slowly felt myself loosing consciousness and my eyes began to close.

I felt myself slowly being pulled back into consciousness as The police officer tapped on my shoulders.

I took a minute to look around as where I was slowly registered.

All the blood drained for my face as my gaze shifted round Mr Ermanno's large compound.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I looked quizzically at my supposed helper.

“What are we doing here?” I cried out, trying desperately to close the door but he held it in one place.

This was bad, very bad. I didn't think I'd have to face these people so soon. My actions has consequences and I shuddered at the mere thought of it.

“Miss please come out” the police officer spoke through his teeth as he began grabbing my dress. He pulled my dress so hard that one if the straps of my bra top snapped.

In a moment of fear, embarrassment and anger, I reached out and slapped him hard on his cheek.

I was taken aback as he returned the slap, much harder than I had given. His golden ring slightly slicing my cheek.

Immediately his police car was surrounded by about five of Ermanno's men who aimed thier gun at him, ordering him to step away from me.

A single tear rolled down my cheek as I stepped out of the vehicle. I was led to a gazebo just a few miles away from the garden. I wasn't aware this compound had a garden, it was a bit dead and gloomy but nothing I couldn't revive.

Sitting inside the gazebo was Ermanno, he had a smoke pipe in his mouth. And by his side were Gia and Jovani.

I felt my legs stop abruptly as I sighted him. I dreaded what could happen if I got any closer.

He looked like he had been expecting me, glancing down at his watch before looking at me. He rose up his hand adorned with ring and tattoos and gestured me to come forward.

I gulped, feeling myself being pushed for the back. I took a step forward, then another and another till I found myself directly Infront of Ermanno.

He clicked his tongue as his eye raked my body. “You've had an interesting day, Sí?” his thick accent came out as he rose his hand to his hair, brushing it backwards. “Care to tell me all about your day? oh and your little game of hide and seek?”

My gaze shifted to Gia but she looked away from me.

“I want to go home.” I stated boldly.

"This is your home.” he countered immediately. ‘‘There's no escape for you.”

He reaches out  and picks up a gun from the table beside him and admires it. “Now Molina, What made you think you could escape from here?”

I stood still, frightened as I watched him stand up from the chair and walk towards me. My eye remained on his gun as I felt a sick feeling in my gut.

“La mia pazienza sta finendo Molina” He whispered into my ear as he aimed his gun into the air at a flock of birds retiring for the evening

And in the blink of an eye, he began shooting the poor birds down.

My breath hitched with every shot he fired. I stared horridly at the gun. The loud noises escaping from such a little killing machine was unbearable. My mind drifted to that incident. The incident that occured thirteen years ago, the one that took both my parents lives. My hand slowly caressed my arm, although all that was left there was a little scar. One I had gotten when I was pushed into the closet by my father who instructed me not to come out till he or my mother came to get me. Nevertheless I disobeyed him and I did come out, only to witness him being tortured and eventually shot and my mother shot as well.

I still remember my hand bleeding but I didn't care. I screamed and cried and while no  one came, I slept by thier bodies while they were still warm.

I caressed my thirteen year old scar as it reminded me way too much of the incident. I hadn't heard a gunshot in years, I forgot how loud and terrifying it sounded.

My lips quivered and my knees shook. I held my two hands on my chest in an attempt to normalize my breathing but it was fruitless. I panted heavily and my breathing got worse with each shot he fired.

Dammit. Why am I so weak?

I vividly remember myself thinking just before my head hit the ground.

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The Eleventh chapter of GATM
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