~24~ Nothing's New

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The sun had just begun to set when I stepped out of the car. The air was hot and stuffy, nothing like the normal cool evening breeze. Then again, maybe that was just me. I was filled with so much anger, even though I was centimeters away from Luca.

I heard footsteps behind me and glanced over my shoulder.

“I can't believe you really killed Elio.“ Jovani kicked a stone as he approached me. “You never kill a traitor without getting information from them first.”

He was right. I never did that.

But seeing Elio on the cameras break into her room and lighting it up filled me with so much rage. He had been working with me for five years.

Five fucking years.

What could possibly make him betray me.

“I have my reasons.” I said under my breath and looked away from him.

“No you don't.” he sighed. “And that's what scares me. You never kill without thinking Ermanno, so seeing you kill Elio scares the shit out of me.”

It didn't scare me but it did surprise me, running towards Elio and shoving my gun into his mouth. I had never been a messy killer

“I have never questioned you, since when we were little kids and you know it. So please, don't endanger la famiglia and everything your father worked for.” his hand brushed my shoulder just before he went ahead of me into the building.

Fanculo questo” I cussed underneath my breath watching Jovani step into the building, knowing fully well he was right. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed of exhaustion Questa Molina sarebbe la mia morte.”

I glanced at my men, giving them the nod of approval before I took a step forward into the hospital.


A sudden feeling of joy overtook me upon seeing Luca's miserable face. He brown eyes had bags and his once firm face was dropping. He sat on one of the many chairs in the hospital room staring at a cigar. I stared in disdain at his injury which was healing way too quickly for my liking.

His men stood at the entrance of the hospital room, their faces ugly as shit. I loved the thrill of them not being able to point a gun at their capo. Luca hated it.

“I know you're aware of the what took place at my house yesterday.” I cut to the chase, not minding to exchange fake pleasantries with him.

There it was, his dirty smirk I had grown to despise.

He stuck the cigar into his mouth even though it wasn't lit. I watched his eyes slightly enlarge as he inhaled the scent of the fresh cigar.

“Do you know what I hate the most about being here?” he asked even though I couldn't care less. “Not being able to smoke.” I watched his dirty lips release the cigar.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 |𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now