~15~ The art of submission

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My eyes snapped open as I perceived the faint scent of his expensive cologne

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My eyes snapped open as I perceived the faint scent of his expensive cologne. A scent my nose had grown familiar with.

He was back.

I immediately jumped off my bed and ran to my open window to confirm my suspicion. I was right.

The villa like compound had three cars extra from when I last saw it. As usual, the street lights were put on and it did a fine job of illuminating the compound.

My heart pounded against my chest and my cheeks grew hot.

It was time..

I had rehearsed this for hours..

Prepared for this all evening.

I was going to meet Ermanno Sandrino and finally, willingly submit myself to him.

I hesitantly moved away from the window and walked towards my door.

Nervousness and anticipated clouded me as I slowly pulled my legs along the corridor. My finger nails dug deeper and deeper into my finger and when it was just about to draw blood, I halted.

I halted right Infront of Ermanno. I was standing in the way of him climbing to stairs to his floor.

He looked irritated, but more importantly tired. His exhausted grey eyes stared at me and I found myself staring at the tiled floor.

I decided to speak even before he asked why I was in his way.

“I-I wanted to...” I trailed, staring down his body. The first three buttons of his white button up shirt where left open giving a full of his well toned collar bones going down to his chest.

No girl! We rehearsed this numerous times. No stammering!

My inner voice scolded me. I couldn't blame her, we did rehearse this. I'm supposed to appear brave and audacious. Not a stammering mess.

“Make this quick Molina, I have places to be.” Ermanno said harshly, wondering why I hadn't gotten to the point already.

I hated how mean and abrasive he was. Unfortunately I'd have to take his bullshit till God-Knows when.

“Yes, I'm giving you permission- I'm ready to be your toy.” I held my breath as soon as the words fell out of my mouth.

Ermanno was silent for a second so I decided to look up at him. He had his brows raised in an amused manner. “Really Principessa?he leaned a step forward and I absent mindedly stepped backwards. “You're giving me permission?” he asked, his tone was haughty.

It took me every ounce of braveness in me to meet his cold stare and nod.

“Mercedes Molina is giving me permission to touch her?” his tone was full of mockery and I didn't like it one bit. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him until I was pressed against his hard body. My eyes searched his for any emotion but all I could see was emptiness, emptiness and a whole lot of lust.

“I don't need your permission to do anything.” his hot breath fanned my cheek as his hand snaked round my waist. Each touch through the thin fabric of the summer gown made goosebumps appear on my skin and turned my throat dry. “Especially not under my roof.”

“I will touch you when I want, however I want, Mercedes.”

I despised this man, but something about the way my name rolled off his tongue sounded so appealing.

“Do I make myself clear, bambola?

He glared down at me, his hand now travelling to my left ass cheek. A small gasp left my lips as he squeezed it hard. It wasn't necessarily painful, it just left me wishing his hand would stay there.


This was a man so terrible and cruel. A man who people cowered at just his footsteps. A hater of my ancestors. He despised my father.

He lunged forward, pinning me to a nearby wall. I squirmed slightly under his touch. His lips grazed past mine, before landing on my neck area just below my ear.

I shut my eyes and tilted my head, giving him space to eat out my neck. Everytime his teeth touched my sensitive neck, I felt my pussy clench and tried desperately to grind my thighs to stop the feeling surging through me.

But unfortunately he fixed his knee right between my legs and it was impossible to grind  my thighs together.

I bit my lips and balled my fists. My toes curled, desperately looking for a way to release all the feelings that overwhelmed me.

Unable to stop myself anymore, I let out a small moan as my hands travelled to his neck and wrapped round it.

All this was only necessary for my plan so why was I filled with ecstacy anytime his tongue made contact with my skin.

He stopped marking me and looked at me, “You like that, don't you Bambola?he asked, a smirk displaying itself before he went back to sucking my neck.

“Of course you do, you're nothing but a dirty Puttana.” he mumbled against my neck, causing vibrations against my skin.

I let out another small moan as his lips left my neck and began to travel downwards. I bit my lips as my hand clung to his button up shirt. My knees grew weak and all I wanted to do was fall to the ground.

His tongue slowly drew small circles on my collar bone and his hand which was on my ass few minutes ago now squeeze one of my breast, causing me to moan once again, but this time against his ear.

I felt his bulge press against my tummy and I leaned forward till I was pressed against it.

His lips left my collar bone, going even further, down to my chest. He kissed my skin, trailing downwards but stopped where the summer gown covered my cleavage.

I heard him groan in irritation and agitation as he finally pulled away.

I suddenly snapped back into reality, leaving my ecstacy filled world. My gaze couldn't meet his so I turned to my left and finally grinded my thighs together.

His scoff was the last thing I heard before he walked away, into the darkness, up the stairs and to his floor.

Once he was gone, my fingers trailed my neck and collar bone. I ran to a nearby mirror and stared at it. They were dark red and almost swollen. I sighed to myself.

How was I going to cover this up when all I had in this house where summer gowns; different colors but the same design.

My fingers once again traced my neck where he marked me. This was proof, proof that I belonged to Ermanno Sandrino now.

My mind wondered if he would've done this if I hadn't given permission. Of course he was a monster and a cruel human being but he had never persisted to touch me if consent hadn't been given.

It also made me wonder if it was the right time to have submitted to him and his lustful desires.

It also made me wonder if it was the right time to have submitted to him and his lustful desires

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__________________________________Alright everyone! The fifteenth chapter of GATM. Please vote, share, and comment if you liked it.

Till next time!

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