~12~ Paint me Heaven

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I saw a picture of heaven waiting patiently for me. In it I saw my mother, my father and a teenage boy. The all waved towards me and gestured me to come up. I wanted to, that is until I saw Rachelle down on earth.

She was in the abandoned smelly warehouse crying out for some help. It was then I realized, I didn't want to go to heaven. Atleast not now.

Running down the golden stairs I grabbed a gun. Heaven should wait a few more years.

I pulled the covers off my body. I was drenched in sweat and being covered by a blanket didn't make things any better.

I walked towards the windows and pulled the blinds away. It was so bright outside I was almost shocked until I glanced at the clock. It was 9:00am. I had slept for over fifteen hours.

I yawned loudly as I made my way to the bathroom and after having my shower, I slipped into a pink summer gown. I packed my hair into a messy bun and wore a pair of bathroom slippers.

Not surprisingly, my door wasn't locked and I made my way to the kitchen for a cup of water.

I stood by the tap letting the water fill up my cup when I heard a voice behind me.

"Panic attack, huh?" came the voice I hated to recognize. I chose to ignore him and brought the cup to my lips, sipping quietly.

"I am happy you didn't die. Where's the fun in that?"

This sick fucker.

I ignored Jovani once again and made it for the exit.

"You know, thanks to you, we've lost one of our most loyal insiders."

I stopped and glanced over my shoulder. "What?"

"Keller. Ermanno shot a bullet through his brain."

"Who's Kelle-"

"The police dude- ringing any bells?"

These disgusting pigs. Playing with human lives like they own it. I hated the cop for betraying my trust but he helped out Ermanno so why did he have to kill him.

"How's your cheek though? I heard the  slap was quite hard." he stepped closer to me and stared at my plastered cheek.

"For a hostage who tried to run away, you're sure being let off the hook easily." he tsked and shook his head.

Why did he keep on talking like he was doing me a favor? I didn't want to be here.

"I have to leave now. Don't go running off again. Or else, it might be someone more brutal than Ermanno who'll find you."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say, the Sandrino's isn't the only family that your father offended." he walked passed me, out of the kitchen and house.

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