~7~ Do I look presentable yet?

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After my shower, Gia had helped me into one of the most beautiful maroon dress

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After my shower, Gia had helped me into one of the most beautiful maroon dress. I had ever worn a dress so delicate. The luxurious maroon material looked sophisticated.

It was ankle length with an incredibly long slit reaching my thigh

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It was ankle length with an incredibly long slit reaching my thigh.

'Gorgeous' Gia mouthed as she put on light make up on my face. I wasn't excited, neither was I looking forward to the night.

I didn't smile with her, I didn't joke around, my face was as straight as possible.

How did she expect me to be free with her when she had refused to help me.

My body was adorned with gold jewelries and worshipped by the stylish heels.

When Gia was done, she stepped backwards with a grin on her face.

“You're ready!”she squealed as she led me to the mirror. I gasped quietly at my reflection as my hands trailed the jewelry covering my collar bone.

“You look beautiful.” Gia placed her hand on my shoulder. I scoffed and looked away, I certainly didn't feel beautiful, I felt like a gift being wrapped up, the only difference was that I was given for free. I felt worthless.

Sono geloso della tua bellezza

My gaze turned to Gia.

“What?” I questioned.

“I'm Jealous of your beauty.”

She translated as a nodded with a small smile.

“Are you also...” I trailed off.

“Italian? Yes.”

A small hum was my reply.

“Enough chit chat. Let's leave.” She picked a beaded gold purse as we both left the room.


By the time we got down, Ermanno was already waiting with Jovani by his side. He looked up from his phone for a minute as his eyes widened slightly then he looked back at his phone.

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