Chapter 3

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I was frozen in place, not daring to turn around, I knew that if I kept standing with my back facing him, he wouldn't know it was me......yet..

"Hey, Sunshine" He greeted Clarke, his voice was smooth like a fine whiskey and I almost melted. I felt slight hurt when he called clarke a nickname he used to call me

"Where is it?" Clarke demanded, grabbing onto his jacket to prevent him from moving away from her, I was relieved when I saw that he was to occupied with Clarke that he wouldn't spot me

A smug grin remained on his face as he looked down at her. "Not sure what you're talking about Clarke, I'm just taking a walk in the woods"

"Stop being an ass, their getting ready to kill three hundred people up there."
Clarke snaps back. "To save oxygen since they think we're all dead. And I can guarantee you it won't be council members  it will be working people, your people Bellamy!"

His smirks falls ever so slightly, but enough for me to notice it. Before he had a chance to respond, Finn came barreling towards us, hitting Bellamy with a hard shove. "Where is the radio Bellamy?"

Bellamy's jacket falls from Clarke's grasp as Finn stepped in between Bellamy and Clarke, with an angry expression

"Bellamy Blake?" Raven asked joining the group of those three, Clarke right behind her. "They're looking for you everywhere up there" She announced.

I try to silently walk away from everyone before they notice me but I can barely move with the wound in my stomach to I have to keep standing Where I am

"Shut up" Bellamy quipped, his face giving way to what seemed like worry.

"Why are they looking for him?" Clarke questioned, her eyes darting from Bellamy to Raven.

Bellamy gritted his teeth, shaking his head at Raven as if to plead her not to answer Clarkes question.

Obviously she ignored him, "he shot jaha."

Shock covers Clarke's face as she looks over at Bellamy whos jaw was tightly locked. He didn't look at Clarke, in fact he avoided making eye contact with any of them. Me on the other hand was not surprised because my father already told me that Bellamy shot Jaha.

In true Bellamy fashion, he said nothing but gave them one final look of warning before turning and walking away.

"Hey, shooter!" Raven called running after him, not ready to give up. "Where is my radio?"

He turns my way and I quickly turn around so my back is facing him again before he could recognize me, when I turn back to look at him, he wasn't looking my way anymore

Bellamy glared down at Raven. "Get out of my way"

Raven didn't move, typical Raven. "Where is it!?"

Fixing her with a look of contempt, Bellamy spoke, "I should have killed you when I had the chance."

"Really?" Raven taunted and I felt pride fill me as Raven taunts him. "Well I'm right here"

In a blink of an eye Bellamy had Raven up against a tree, his hand around her throat. But Raven wasn't worried, she glanced at me and smirked.

I smirk back at her and even though the wound in my stomach hurt like a bitch I hid it well and I quickly stood behind Bellamy with my knife pressed against his throat

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I whisper in his ear softly and he froze, I don't know if it was from shock or fear or maybe even both.

I push him away from Raven

"I would say it was a pleasure meeting you Bellamy Blake, but it really wasn't"
I say coldly as I pretend that I've never met him, I don't want anyone to know about me and Bellamys history.

"Jaha deserved to die, you all know that* Bellamy announced to the four of us, his eyes looking down to meet mine, and I looked back at him with an emotionless and cold stare,I was thankful that he also pretend that he doesn't know me. I agreed with him, I really did, with how Jaha deserved to die, but he took it to far with what he did to me

"Yeah he's not KY favorite person either, but he isn't dead"
I say coldly as I push him away from me, wanting to put as much distance between us as possible.

Bellamys face paled, "what?"

"You're a lousy shot." Raven explained with a small shrug as if it was obvious and I grinned coldly.

"Your not wrong" I say smirking coldly

"Bellamy don't you see what this means." Clarke declared, taking a few steps so she was in front of him. "You're not a murder. You always find what you had to do to protect your sister, that's who you are. And you can do it again by protecting three hundred of your people. Where is the radio?"

She didn't know just how far he would go to protect his sister....

Bellamy stared at Clarke, his face like stone  "it's too late"

"What do you mean it's too late?" I question coldly, my face is still cold and emotionless

He glanced over at me, he didn't have any regret or guilt in his expression, which was enough for me to know that he really didn't regret what he did to me. "It's in the river"

The other three shared surprised looks, me on the other hand, I wasn't phased at all, it seems like nothing surprises anymore. As I try to walk away I wince slightly as the pain from the wound in my stomach gets worse. Luckily no one noticed, or so I thought.

Raven looks at me concerned before she runs over to me and she yanks my shirt up, exposing the massive wound on my stomach

I roll my eyes coldly.
"I'm fine Raven, I don't need your fucking pity" I say emotionless as I pull my shirt back down.

"What happened to you? What happened to the Ivy I knew? Did his death really change you that much?"
Her voice is filled with sadness and hurt, but she speaks softly, so softly that only I could hear

"Go fuck yourself Raven"
I say coldly, I don't feel regret or guilt for how I am treating her, she should stop questioning me and she should stop sticking her nose in my business.

Everyone looks at me with surprise and  Bellamy looks the most shocked, he's never seen me like this, the Ivy he knew never cursed, never talked bad about other and I sure as hell was never cold and emotionless

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