Chapter 12

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You were broken on the floor, and youre crying, crying


I had been in and out of conscious on our way back to camp. Bellamy had carried me through the forest. Either he was just trying to be a good leader, or he was worried about our baby, Im gonna go with both.

By the time we entered camp I could barely keep my eyes open, my whole body feeling weak. When we entered the drop ship, Octavia rushed towards us.

"She collapsed at the drop ship site, shes been in and out of consciousness". Bellamy explained as he readjusted his grip on me.

Octavia nodded, "Okay, lay her down here. We need to get Clarke to make sure the baby is still okay". She said, leading us to a vacant hammock.

Bellamy leaned down and gently set me down in the makeshift hammock, however before he could leave I grabbed onto his hand. I let out a shaky breath as I focused on trying to get the room to stop spinning, "Please dont let our baby die." I whispered

Bellamy has a pained expression and he lets out a shaky breath as he squeezed my hand, "Its okay princess, nothing will happen to either of you, just get some rest okay?"

I finally let my tired eyes droop as I gave him a weak nod. Before I let my eyes close completely, I watched as Bellamy sat down next to my hammock and he began gently caressing my baby bump. I struggled to keep my eyes open in order to continue watching his caressing my baby bump, but soon fatigue overtook me.


My eyes flew open as I felt the most intense pain in my abdomen, "hey, its okay". a voice said from beside me, but the pain in my abdomen only got worse. I turned to see Murphy with a concerned expression on his face as he tried to hand me a cup of water.

I let out a pained whimper from the pain, I feel something warm and wet beginning to flow from between my thighs and when I pull back the thin blanket that was over my body, I gasp and tears begin filling my eyes, as I see blood coating my jeans between my thighs, meaning only one thing.....My baby is gone.

Murphys eyes widen when he takes in the bloody scene before he lets out a desperate yell, "Clarke! Clarke! We need you right now." Murphy grabs my hand as he tries to keep me calm. "Everything will be okay, Clarke will make sure nothing happens to your baby" he says nervously as he tries to calm me.

Clarke rushes over to us and her face pales when she sees all of the blood coating my thighs. I let out a strangled whimper as the pain intensified in my abdomen. "no, no, no, no, no" She repeats over and over as she completely freezes. She throws the thin blanket over my lap as she takes off my pants and checks at the baby. She suddenly freezes and she closes her eyes, "Its too late Ivy, there is t-too much blood, the-the baby wasnt strong enough to fight the disease" She mutters. before she pulls my pants back on.

"N-No, Clarke, my baby cant die, it is all I have left" tears begin streaming down my face like waterfalls, how am I supposed to tell Bellamy that our baby is gone, how will I ever look him in the eyes again? It is my fault that our baby is dead. I shouldve been more careful. I shouldnt have touched Derek. It is my fault, It is my fault, it is my fault. I killed my baby, I turned into my mother, except she didnt succeed in killing me, where i did, I killed my baby.

Someone rushes to me shoving Murphy and Clarke aside, "Ivy, princess, what happened?" Bellamy whispered as his eyes widen when he sees all of the blood.

"Our baby wasnt strong enough to fight the disease, Its my fault Bellamy, It is my fault that me and our baby got infected, I shouldnt have touched Derek" I whisper in a strangled and hoarse tone. I dont even have to look at Clarke and Murphy to know that they are shocked to hear about bellamy being the father.

"Look at me Ivy" Bellamy whisper pained as he cups my face, "This is not your fault, none of this is your fault. Now come on drink some water, you cant dehydrate right now, you need to the strong woman Ive always known, I need you to be that woman who threw me with a pair of high heels because I left my dirty socks on the floor"

I let out a small chuckle, more tears fall from my face, but all I can think about is the fact that Bellamy seems like the man I used to love. He hands me the cup of water and I drink all of it.

"Thats my strong girl, now lets get you cleaned up" He speaks softly as he helps me sit up, "Can you give her some privacy, she needs to change her clothes" He glares at Murphy and Clarke.

They still have shocked looks on their faces, but they nod and they give me and Bellamy some privacy.

Bellamy turns back to me and he lifts my arms up before he removes my shirt, throws it over his shoulder onto the floor. He walks a pile of clothes that is lying on the floor in a corned of the dropship. He picks up a clean shirt and he walks back over to me, "Arms up princess" He whispers and I comply, I lift my weak arms over my head.

He pulls the shirt over my head and I drop my arms again, "You need to try and stand up princess" He helps me stand up from the makeshift hammock, my body is really weak so I need to lean onto him. Hold onto my shoulders okay sunshine He kneels before me and I hold onto his shoulders, to prevent myself from collapsing on the ground.

He unbuttons my bloody jeans, and he pulls it down my wet, sticky thighs. His face is pained and filled with sadness, but he grabs a wet cloth that was laying on the ground next to him and he begins wiping the blood from my thighs, he is cleaning the blood of our dead baby off my body, the thought makes tears run down my face again.

I see tears forming in his eyes. He grabs a pair of clean jeans and he quickly helps me into the,. He stands back up and he wraps his arms around my waist, and I bury my face into his chest. "Im sorry Bellamy, I should have been more careful" I whisper sadly and he just holds me tighter.

"This wasnt your fault sunshine, nothing you did would have been able to save our baby, it was out of our hands" He kisses the side of my head softly.

"I think it was a girl" I whisper sadly, my tears are soaking his shirt, but neither of us seem to mind.

"You think it was a girl?" he pulls slightly away, but he doesnt let go of me, because he knows my body is still too weak and Ill immediately collapse if he lets me go. His face turns into a small sad smile, "Our baby girl, our daughter" He whispers, he kisses the top of my head and I close my eyes, i feel his tears drip onto my face, but I dont mind, all I want right now is him, I want him to stay with me, never let me go. But I also know that he is a leader, and the people need him right now.

"The people need you Bellamy, go be the great leader I know you are" I whisper with a sad smile. He helps me lay back down in the Hammock and he nods. But before he leaves, he gives me a soft kiss on my lips, neither of us realizing that I just infected him.

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