Chapter 13

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I hate you for what you did and I miss you like a little kid

-Motion sickness

Waking up hours later, I can feel that the virus has already began leaving my system, my body is no longer so weak and tired, my mind is the thing that feels the most tired and drained, losing a child really takes a toll on a person, and as much as I want to curl up in a ball and cry myself back to sleep, I know that now that Im almost healthy again, I will need to get back up and get to work.

Someone sits next to my sleeping bag on the ground and I turn to look at the person, Murphy stares at me concerned, "How are you feeling Ivy?" He asks softly as he hands me a cup of water.

I take a sip of the water and I think for a couple of seconds before I answer him, "Physically Im feeling better, but emotionally, It feels like I am dying over and over" I whisper and I swallow back tears that is threatening to spill.

"Hey!" a rough voice yelled from the entrance of the drop ship. Both Murphy and I turned to see Bellamy being helped in by two other boys. His face had dried blood on it and his face was practically white- he was sick. what did I tell you, He snapped at Murphy, trying to be as forceful as he could manage but he was too weak. "Get away from her!".

"Bellamy" I gasped, slowly standing from my hammock, giving myself a moment to stabilize before making my way towards him, "Here," I muttered, taking his arm from one of the boys, "Ive got him, you can go."

Bellamy leaned into me as I helped him through the drop ship, Was he- He cut himself off, closing his eyes and letting out a weak sigh, "Was he bothering you Ivy?" He asked in reference to Murphy.

I shook my head, "No, he wasn-"

"Bell!!" Octavia called, rushing towards the two of us. She took a hold of his other side as she looked for somewhere to put him, "Clear some space people!" She ordered. She then turned back to me, her eyes wide in shock, "Ivy, get back to bed, you are in no condition to be standing."

I roll my eyes, ignoring her command, "He can have my hammock, I am feeling a lot better"

Bellamy shook his head, letting out a retched cough, "No, you take it, go lay down Ivy, your body has been through a lot, you need the rest."

I cut him off, "Youre not going to win this one Bell. Go lay down, you look awful." I say sternly

Bellamy stared at me and his sister, before he closes his eyes, seeming to get worse the more seconds pass. Octavia was sending Bellamy pleading looks. He finally obliged, agreeing to lay back down very well knowing that I was right- he wasnt going to win this battle.

As Bellamy laid down in the hammock his eyes were trained on me, helplessly watching as I threw up a plethora of blood. Octavia rushes over to me, my head is throbbing, my whole body felt still weak and the room had begun to spin once again.

Octavia grabs a sleeping bag and she lays in on the ground, helping me lay back down as well. You should have stayed laying down. Octavia pointed out as she placed a cold cloth on my forehead.

My tired eyes flicker up to hers as I gave her a forced smile, "Hows Bellamy?"

Octavia game me a smile that I couldnt quite understand, "He'll be okay Ivy, just like you will be if you get some rest." I knew it wasnt true, I dont know if I will ever be okay again.

Octavia ran a calming hand through my hair, "Dont worry about him, sleep some more and when you wake up, youll feel better."

I nodded, letting my eyes close for what felt like the dozenth time since yesterday.


When I woke up, Bellamy was sitting beside my sleeping bag on the floor, looking much better than he had been earlier.

I smile sadly at him as his eyes met mine, "hey Bell."

He grinned, "Hey sunshine."

I rolled my eyes as I sat up, "What are you doing? Shouldnt you be resting?"

"Some of us bounce back quicker than others," he teased, probably trying to make me feel better, trying to distract my mind from my sadness and grieve. "And besides, someone needed to make sure you were still breathing."

I playfully rolled my eyes at him as I swung my legs out of the sleeping bag so I was facing him.

He smiled, standing up, "well Clarke and I are going to start gathering people up. If youre feeling better feel free to come help."

A distraction is exactly what I need right now, I need to keep myself busy, so I wont have time to think about my daughter. I smiled as I joined him, "Yeah, getting fresh air will feel nice.''

The two of us walked towards the exit of the drop ship, meeting Clarke just outside as she began herding the group into the ship. We only had a handful of people inside when a loud bang shook the earth beneath us.

We all look up in awe to see a large cloud of smoke rising from the forest, A smile spread across Clarkes face and that is when I realized that that cloud of smoke was.

Finn and the others did it, they blew up the bridge

His Princess (Bellamy Blake)Where stories live. Discover now