Chapter 23

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Bellamy and I appeared as close to the dropship as we could get, which ended up being at the entrance of the foxholes, Clarke seemed to be looking for us as relief broke out on her face at our sudden appearance by the door.

Bellamy pushed me towards Clarke, "Get her in the dropship." The urgency in Bellamy's voice made me pause.

"What? No! Bell-" I cried out.

"Get in the dropship, now! Ivy! Go!" Bellamy pushed me again as he charged towards a nasty lookimg Grounder.

"BELLAMY!!" I screamed, and started to run, but Clarke caught my arm and spun me back.

"Clarke, he's out there! My Bellamy's out there!!" I screamed and tried to yank my arm free.

"I know," Clarke whispered wuietly and glanced at me sadly.

"No... you don't" I backed away from her, facing Clarke, I looked back when Bellamy had gotten punched in the face by the Grounder and I felt myself being pulled back into the dropship. "NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as tears ran down my cheeks.

And with glistened eyes, Clarke reached out beside her and pulled the lever of the door so that it came to seal. I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the pain that I could feel from knowing who was on the other side of the door and what was going to happen to him.

My eyes snapped open when there was a sudden sound of an attack nearing into the dropship and Clarke and I backed away seeing Anya, wielding two swords against her enemy.

Clarke turned her head sharply as the sounds of beating ouside the dropship took place, "Jasper, now!"

We all waited in anticipation as Jasper pressed the button he was supposed ti, that would cause a ring of fire around the ship. But there was no noise. Jasper fiddled with the controller in his hand, but it was useless, there was nothing, Clarke turned back to Anya.

"Anya you can't win," She promised, though her breath shook, after a moment of hesitation, Anya growled and swung her swords at Clarke and I blocked the swords from Clarke and managed to cut my hand in the process. But when I looked down at the cut my face paled... Where my blood was supposed to be red, like normally.... It was dark, almost black...

But there wasn't time for me to keep wondering as Miller knocked Anya in the head with his gun, but it was far from over. Hissing at the pain, I looked up at the Grounder.

Okay Grounder Bitch, you wanna die? I'd be happy to oblidge" I spoke loudly to the people in the ship, "No one touches her, she's mine!"

Anya made a war cry again and I took one of the rods that were installed in the dropship to block her attempt to swing. The swords blocked, but this Grounder was tougher than the last one.

I finally had Anya pinned underneath me and the rod was pressed underneath Anya's chin, cutting off her airway, my knees kept her arms down as I pressed harder on the rod.

"No!" Clarke shouted at us, "We are not Grounders!"

Clarke's words hit me, and I found mmyself staring down at Anya, "tie her up, tightly, if I look at it and even think that I could be able to get out of it, we're gonna have a problem. Got it?"

Right as I said the last word, the dropship trembled, I could hear screams around me as well as an extremely panfull heat enveloping the ship.

Jasper did it

When the ships door opened all I saw was a bunch of grey as Clarke and I stepped off of the dropship with the rest of the hundred following close behind.

Our entire camp was covered in skeletons and grey mist, the trees burnt to their core, no skeleton was recognizable and that made everything worse.

I fell onto my knees as my vision began to blur with unshed tears, "No..." I sobbed, "I didn't get to say it, I didn't get to tell him I forgave him" I choked on my own words, that's when red smoke began billowing around us. My eyes widen in surprise as I looked around me.

"What the hell?" Jasper asked.

"Mountain men." I whispered in realization before I started coughing. I rolled over onto my back looking straight up at the sky, and the last thing I saw before my eyes closed was the sight of a very bright green light in front of a man who clearly had a gun pointed right at my head, just as my vision began turning black.

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