Chapter 14

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He hurt me but it felt like true love


Not long after we had seen the explosion, Finn and the others made their way back into camp. Their arrival elicited a floury of excitement among the members of camp. The small groups arrival didnt bring all good things however, as Finn entered the camp with a clearly ill Raven by his side.

I rush over to them, "Raven, are you okay? Clarke!" I yell desperately as I took Raven from Finns side and I helped get her other to Clarke. Raven was so weak and ill, she didnt even speak a word to me.

Clarke had whisked Raven to the drop ship and Finn followed behind them.

So, with Clarke and Finn preoccupied with Raven, and Octavia out of camp, presumably visiting Lincoln, I was left alone, well alone up until Bellamy joined me by the fire.

"Hey". I mutter softly as I looked up at him.

He gave me a small smile as he scratched the back of his neck, something Ive noticed he does for as long as Ive known him. "are you busy?"

I let out a small laugh at his question, "No, Im not much help right now." I was still too weak and my body was still recovering from the miscarriage that happened only a day ago, to help fortify our walls more for the attack that we were still convinced would come eventually and Clarke had ordered me to stay out of the drop ship and get some fresh air, like she believes fresh air is going to help me get over the death of my daughter.

Bellamy cracked a grin as he held up the gun he had been holding, "Want me to teach you how to shoot, like old times?"


The two of us stood outside of camp. Not too far away that it was dangerous but enough so that no one would be put in danger.

Bellamy had set up some cans on a partially rotting log and had drawn Xs on the tin cans to give me a clear target.

"Ill go first." He announced, lifting the gun effortlessly firing one shot that hit the target dead on, and jesus mother of god, that was the hottest thing Ive ever seen.

I stared at him as he turned to me with a smug grin, "See? Its easy."

I rolled my eyes as he handed me the gun, "Stop showing off Bell, its only me here."

He lets out a laugh as I lifted the gun, resting it against my shoulder as I aimed at one of the cans and fired. The loud bang of the gun caused me to jump slightly. I looked at the target i fired at only to wince because I had hit the tin can but I missed the X.

"Ive always sucked at shooting, you know that Bellamy" I say frustrated as I turned to him, I exhaled, scrunching up my face in disappointment which caused him to chuckle, "Try again princess." He encouraged.

I lifted the gun once again, aiming and then firing. An exasperated sigh flew from my lips when I missed the target completely this time, I suck. I groaned, turning to see an amused looking Bellamy.

"Here," He said moving so he was standing behind me. He placed a hand on my shoulder as he locked the other under my elbow, and memories flash through my mind, from our past and how many times he stood behind me, kissing my neck, caressing my body. "Hold it a bit higher." he mumbled, lightly guiding the gun so it sat further up against my shoulder.

"Now spread your feet shoulder length apart" He instructed, causing me to let out a shaky sigh as I moved my feet, he bends down slightly and I can feel his warm breath on my neck causing goosebumps to erupt all over my body.

His hand dropped from my arm as he cleared his throat and moved back slightly, the loss of his warm body against mine, leaves me feeling empty without him. "Now shoot"

I did as he said, I pulled on the trigger and watched as the bullet drove directly into the middle of the target. My mouth fell open slightly and I let out a squeal, turning around and wrapping my arms around Bellamy, I need to stand on my toes to hug him. "I did it Bell, did you see that?!" Hugging him still feels so natural like it always did before, it makes me forget completely that we broke up.

His strong arms wrapped around me as he let out a laugh, "I saw it sunshine, looks like I have some competition, the student is becoming the teacher."

I chuckled softly and before I could respond I heard footsteps, me and Bellamy quickly separates and puts some distance between us.

Octavia made her way through the trees, as she approached us she let out a huff, if she had noted how close me and Bellamy were just seconds ago, she thankfully chose to ignore it, "I need to talk to you two." she announced, her eyes moving between the two of us.

Bellamy and I shared a look, my burning with embarrassment, I dont even know why I am embarrassed, it is not like this is the first time we hugged, hell we fucking had sex more than a thousand times so why am I embarrassed? Bellamy finally spoke, "Whats going on?"

Octavia turned to look at the forest for a moment, "I went to see Lincoln and hes not happy with our decision to blow up the bridge."

I had finally calmed myself down enough to speak without my voice shaking and cracking, "Well obviously not, he is a grounder after all."

Bellamy let out a small laugh and he licked his lips as he stared at me with an unrecognisable expression, but one that seems awfully familiar.

Octavia shook her head, "no he was talking about some Mountain Men, he said the they would come for all of us."

"Mountain Men?'' Bellamy echoed, his face full of confusion.

Octavia nodded, biting down on her lip, ''He said theyll be furious and that we should get out of here.''

Bellamy shook his head in disbelief, ''Get out of here? Where are we going to go Octavia? Hes just saying that to get us out of the safety of our walls, its a trap.'' honestly I agree with him, Bellamy tortured Lincoln, so why the hell would Lincoln try to save us after everything we did to him? It just doesnt make sense.

"We already have enough to deal with, with the Grounders, theres no need to start worrying over a non-existent threat, end of discussion." he shut Octavias worries down, not saying another word before turning and stalking off back to camp.

Octavia and I stared at each other once we were alone, neither one of us saying a word until she cracked a grin, clearly moving past Bellamys dismissal. "Now I know we havent known each other for long, but do you want to tell me why you were just hugging my brother?"

My face flush and my eyes grow wide, "You saw that?"

Octavia laughed, "Yeah I saw it Ivy, I must admit, Ive never seen Bellamy hug anyone but me and my mom."

My cheeks were burning and I so badly want to tell her that he used to love hugging me in the past, but I dont speak of it. I tug at my fingers, quickly thinking of an excuse, "I was just excited about hitting the target and- I dont know, Im sorry, I wasnt thinking." its a lie of course, I was thinking, maybe not entirely but in the back of my mind I knew exactly what I was doing, and my gut tells me that Bellamy also knew what he was doing when he hugged me back...

Octavia smirked as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder as she steered us back towards camp, "Okay Ivy, whatever you say. But just know, I ship it completely."

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