Chapter 11

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My hands were shaking as I loaded the clip of a gun with some of Ravens freshly made bullets. A group of us were gathered in one of the tents, loading as many guns as possible before the grounders attack in the morning.

"Theres five to a clip. We need to get these onto the wall, lets go" Bellamy hurried us as Harper handed him the gun. Cocky bastard who thinks he can order us around, but Im not going to complain, because neither of us have time to argue.

Monty looked up from what he was doing, a puzzled look on his face, "Why only five?"

Raven looked over to him, "were running out of gun powder" she informed with a sigh.

Harper let out a shaky breath, the fear was visible in her eyes, "Were so dead."

Jasper sent her a confident smirk as he pulled an empty clip from one of the guns, preparing to load it. "Dont worry, Ive got your back."

I look up to see Monty shaking his head with a scoff. I dont know what is going on, but it is clear that something happened.

"Got something to say?" Jasper snapped with a glare.

I kept working as I looked between the two boys, "Guys, stay focused, we dont have time for this bullshit, if you want to argue, do it later"

Raven nodded, "Ivy is right, we need as many rounds as we can get by sunlight, we dont have any time to spare for you guys to kiss and make up"

The tent flap flew open as Finn rushed in, "It wont matter if there is no one left that can shoot."

I sent him a dirty look as he joined us at the work table. I was still incredibly annoyed with his lack of thinking in regard making contact with Clarke, I mean seriously does he care so little about Raven, that he can just swoop in and save his little side piece, so she wont fall and bruise her knee. "You shouldnt be in here, you might get us sick, and if I get infected because of your poor decisions and lose my baby, I will kill you" I snap with a glare, looking back down to the clip I was working on.

Bellamy gives me a puzzled and worried glance, but I pay no attention to it.

Finn looked over at me, surprised with my anger towards him, "Octavia says Im probably immune."

I roll my eyes, "Of course you are." My emotions are all over the place, one second Im stressed and worried, and the next, I am hostile and angry.

Finn ignored me as he looked across the table at Raven, "What do I need to build a bomb?"

Raven tilted her her head to the side, curiosity filling her expression, "That depends on what you are trying to blow up."

Finn shifted his weight from one foot to the other, "How about a bridge."

My hands froze as I looked at him puzzled, cluing into the plan that Finn was trying to carry out.

Bellamy didnt seem to understand what Finn was trying to get at, "What are you talking about?"

"Murphy says he crossed the bridge on the way back from the Grounder camp, and thats the same direction they came from when we had our meeting." Finn answered, his eyes darting around, looking at all of us.

Bellamy shook his head, still trying to understand what Finn was getting at, "Yeah, so what?"

"So the virus is fast. Hes already getting better. Blowing the bridge wont stop the attack but the longer we can delay it, the more of us will be able to fight" Finn explained with determination in his expression.

Bellamy shook his head," Even if Murphy is telling the truth-"

"He is." Finn interjected.

Bellamy shot him a look before continuing, "That bridge has survived a nuclear was and 97 years of weather."

A small grin was spreading across Ravens face, "It wont survive me."


After a lot of explaining from Raven and technical terms that I didnt even bother trying to understand, a group of us stood in the crater hole from the crashed drop ship that had come down just days earlier.

Bellamy had made his best argument that I should stay back at camp and that it is dangerous for the baby, but with so many of us sick, I was one of the only ones able and willing to tag along. I stood back from the piece of wreckage containing the rocket fuel that Raven would use to make a bomb. One of the guns we had just loaded positioned in my hands.

When Finn had handed me the weapon, Bellamy had argued against it but for once I won the argument. I still wasnt a great shot but I was decent enough to hit a target, at least a stationary one.

I squinted my eyes at the sun, my head starting to hurt from being awake for over 24 hours, and this baby is making me even more tired. Unfortunately there was no time to sleep with everything going on.

"Are you going to tell me why youre so pissed at me?" Finn asked, coming to my side, he acted like we were old friends. I dont know him, but what I do know is that he is definitely cheating on Raven with his side piece, Clarke.

I turned my head slightly to look at him, shooting him a glare as I did so. "Does it matter what I say? Its none of your business anyways"

Finn scrunched up his face, "Why are you so angry at me, did I do something to offend you?"

I glare at him before I walked away, "I am in no mood to talk to a fucking cheater."

Bellamy rushed towards me and his eyes growing wide in shock, "Ivy your eyes." He mutters in shock.

My hand flew up to my face only to come in contact with the warm substance that could only be blood. I felt myself begin to sway as it seemed the world around me was spinning.

The last thing I saw before everything went dark was the worried face of Bellamy as he catches my body before I hit the ground.

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