Chapter 8

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So pump us full of sperm put us in a barn, us and the pigs on a Mississippi farm, in nine months we'll have a kid you won't care about, cause if the kids not straight, white male, we guarantee a living hell, murder in the name of a loving god

-Us and the pigs

"Get your ass up Ivory" Someone snarls angrily next to be before I feel icy cold water fall onto me, I gasp and wince from the water and the throbbing pain in my head.

"Shut up Raven, please just shut up" I rub my temples and I groan from my headache, I sit up in my bed and I wipe water off my face and I glare at Raven

"You are the most selfish person I know Ivory, you move on from your dead fiancé after less than a week, you drink alcohol while you are pregnant, you take your anger out on everyone around you like they are punching bags, the first thing you said after you found out that you are pregnant was asking Clarke if she could rip the baby out of you" Her face changes into disgust and disappointment, "You know, I didn't believe you when you said you'll be a shitty mom, but right now, I believe it, because you will be a horrible mother, that baby will be better off without you"

Tears begin forming in my eyes, but I hold it back, I refuse to break in front of her, "Shut the fuck up Raven, you don't know shit about my life" She doesn't even know everything about my life, yet she judges me. I've never judged her, not once, not when she told me about how shitty her parents were, and not when she told me that she was the one who spacewalked, not Finn.

"Oh I know enough Ivory, let me tell you one thing, you will probably be just like your mother. You'll probably also try to suffocate your baby with a pillow, like they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" She snarls, she looks at me like I'm a stranger, like she doesn't know me anymore, like she isn't my best friend.

I grab a chair that is in the corner of my room and I throw it at her. Instead of hitting her, it hits the tent wall, before she could say anything I grab more stuff that is laying around in my tent and I throw it at her pillows, sticks, bottles, tears run down my face the more stuff I throw at her. She storms over to me and I thought she was going to slap me or punch me, but surprisingly, she pulls me into her arms, she is taller than me, making me seem younger than her. "I'm sorry Ivy, I shouldn't have said that" She whispers and I bury my head into her shoulder and I cry, "I don't think you'll be like your mom Ivy, I lied when I said those things, I really think you'll be a great mom"

I keep my head buried in her shoulder and I don't say anything.

"Wait a sec, do you have a bump!?" Raven pulls away from the hug and she looks at my belly, and sure enough I have a bump, and it is not really small, it is clearly a pregnant belly, it is not huge, but it is definitely not small, it is impossible to hide, because well, the only clothes I have, is tank tops and jeans

"how the hell am I gonna hide that?" I mutter with shock and before Raven could answer, someone bursts into the tent and it is none other than Bellamy motherfucking Blake, and he is as pale as a ghost as he stares at my belly. "Raven, I'll talk to you later" I murmur and her eyes flicker to my and she nods before she walks out of my tent.

"Please tell me that is just a little weight gain" Bellamy whispers as he slowly walks to me, his face is still pale and shocked. My silence seems to answer his question and his face turns to a pained frown. "H-how far along are you?"

I sigh heavily and I rub my temple, my head is stil throbbing, "Clarke says I'm about four months" I whisper and I sit down on my make shift bed, I'm a little scared of what his reaction will be, "Clarke says I'm too far along for an abortion, and she doesn't know how to preform an abortion"

"Jesus Christ Ivy, what are we gonna do? How are we gonna explain this to everyone? Neither of us wants the other to know about our history, but now, a baby changes everything. How are we gonna raise it out here?" He begins rambling as he sits down next to me on the bed.

"I don't know Bellamy, I don't even know if I want the thing" I frown and I bury my face into my hands, "And it is a little hard to hide it, now that I actually have a fucking bump" I'm frustrated with the entire situation.

"We don't tell anyone that I'm the father, I'll help provide for the baby, I'll help you raise it, and if people notice, we'll just say that you and I are friends, and I want to be a father figure for the baby, no one need to know, about our history" he says through clenched teeth, he doesn't look at me, he stares at daggers into my tent wall.

"How are we gonna pretend to be friends, we can barely be in the same room for 10 minutes" I'm surprised that he wants to help me raise the thing, I thought he was going to tell me to raise it on my own, and that he would want nothing to do with it.

"We pretend, and we try to argue as less as possible, we will try to forget about our history and move on" he shifts his gaze to my eyes, "I didn't mean for it to go that far Ivy" he whispers and for the first time, I see regret coat his gaze and his expression is filled with guilt and remorse, "All I wanted was to get information out of you, but then I realized that I had to build your trust, and well, the entire relationship helped me build your trust, I never loved you" He mutters like he thinks his side of the story is going to bring me peace, make me forgive him.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me" I say through clenched teeth, anger is boiling inside me, and I know that if I don't leave this tent right now, I will probably either break shit or I will hurt Bellamy. I get up from the bed and I walk out of the tent, "I need fresh air" I mutter

As soon as I'm out of the tent I take a deep breath and I close my eyes as I stare up into the sky.

Clarke sprints over to me when she spots me, "Hey, you okay? You look like your about to cry" Looking me up and down, her eyes widen when she takes in my baby bump, "You're showing! You started showing" Her tone and expression is filled with shock, but surprisingly also happiness

"Yeah, seems like I popped" I mutter softly, I hear footsteps behind me, I turn around and see Bellamy stepping out of my tent.

He stalks over to us and he leans down to whisper in my ear quietly "You need to eat something, I don't want my child starving because of you" Shock and hurt fills me, but I keep my expression neutral and calm, finally I nod, "And I swear to god Ivy, if I catch you drinking again, while you have my child inside you, I will kill you, mark my words". He speaks so softly, barely audible, I'm sure Clarke can't hear him and I'm relieved for that, no one needs to know that he is father of my baby.

"How is Finn?" I put on a fake smile, Clarke's eyes dart between me and Bellamy suspiciously before she finally answers me,

"He is doing a lot better"

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