Chapter 9

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Welcome to the new age, to the new age


Sunlight leaked into my tent as I let out a groan. After I had spoked to Bellamy and Clarke I had been exiled back to my tent and told to rest. I didn't disagree with them that I needed to rest, this baby is draining my energy but I would much rather be contributing to our efforts to defend against the impending Grounder war.

I played with the ends of my hair, unable to sleep. I had fallen asleep for a few hours but now I was wide awake. A dew minutes after I had woken up in the first place I had tried to leave my tent but Miller was there waiting to make sure that didn't happen.

"Can I please come out?" I called, sitting up and craning my neck to look for Miller who was supposed to be stationed outside my tent.

When I received no I answer, I assumed that Miller had left his post, so I took that as an opportunity to leave the confinement of the tent. As i walked out into the daylight, I took a moment to allow my eyes to adjust. Once they adjusted I was met with the scene of dozens of kids double over in pain as they broke out into fits of coughing. Each one had blood oozing from their nose, eyes, ears and mouths.

I stumbled back in surprise as I looked around. I been awake for hours and was given no indication that any of this was going on meaning whatever happened, happened quickly.

"Ivy, come on." Bellamy said, coming from within camp to grab my arm and pull me along with him towards the drop ship.

"Whats going on, whats wrong with everyone?" I asked in shock, my eyes still locked on the ill.

"I don't know, but were going to find out."

As we entered the drop ship my eyes landed on Clarke who was crouched in front of a man. Her face was stained with faint blood. The man looked terrible, blood dripped from his mouth as he struggled for air.

"Bellamy, Ivy, stay back." Clarke warned, lifting her hand to tell us not to come any closer.

"Did he do something to you?" Bellamy questioned, worry and concern coat his tone.

Clarke shook her head weakly, "No"

Bellamy took a step forward, his eyes locked on Clarke, What the hell is this?

Clarke looked at the ill man who was still doubled over in pain, "Biological warfare." she answered. "You were waiting for the Grounders to retaliate for the bridge...Murphy is the weapon"

I assume Murphy is the name of the man who is doubled over in pain.

I took a step backwards as did Bellamy, the two of us obviously afraid of getting whatever disease it was that was ripping through camp, I am terrified of my baby getting it, there is no doubt that a sickness like this can kill it. We had no idea what it did or how it spread, but so as far as I could tell it hadnt taken any lives....yet. And I am only praying that I dont get infected, because I am terried of my unborn baby catching this disease through me, and dying.


"Is this your revenge? Helping the Grounders kill us?" Bellamy asked Murphy while pacing back and forth across the drop ship. I sat perched on the ladder, watching as Clarke cleaned Murphys wounds.

Murphy shook his head, "I didnt know about this, I swear." His voice sounded weak, it sends a tinge of helplessness and pity through my body, very well knowing that what he went through, mustve been worse than hell.

"Stop lying!" Bellamy's voice boomed throughout the drop ship, causing me to jump in surprise, "When are they coming?" He pushed, and Ive never seen him so helpless, angry and concerned.

"Murphy, think. What can you tell us thats useful?" Clarke asked, her tone much softer than Bellamys. "Did you hear anything?"

Murphy shook his head once again, "They are vicious, cruel-"

"do you want to see vicious and cruel?" Bellamy threatened, taking a step towards Murphy.

I sprung up from where I was sitting, stepping in front of Bellamy and placing my hand on his chest, "Bellamy either you stop right now, or you get the hell out of here" I warned him.

"Need a little pregnant girl to calm you?" Murphy lets out a small laugh, "you really are pathetic Bellamy, if a little girl can calm you."

Bellamys jaw clenched as he cut Murphy off, stepping around me so he was closer to the bloodied boy, "That's enough!" his voice was lounder than it had been before," You dont speak to her, you dont look at her, hell you dont even think about her again, do you hear me? If I catch you anywhere near her, Ill kill you Murphy I swear to-"

I felt myself shrink away from the scene, I was shocked and confused, Bellamy hated me yet he just threatened to kill that guy if he ever even thought about me again.

"Clarke, Bellamy!" Finns voice interrupted the moment as he came rushing into the drop ship.

Clarkes eyes grew wide," Finn you shouldnt be in here!" she warned, "No one should" Her eyes met mine.I heard you were sick. He said to Clarke as he approached her ensuring she was okay

"I'm fine" She whispered, which caused him to nod, before he looked around the sick room at the sick members of our group, "Clarke what is this?" Clarke sighed, "I dont know, some kind of hemorrhagic fever, we just need to contain it before-" she was cut off as Derek began coughing violently, his body convulsing.

My eyes grew wide as I began making my way towards him to help, I quickly grab onto his side to turn him onto his side, "No!" Clarke yelled, causing me to freeze, " It spreads through contact Ivy, shit you need to wash your hands, right now and pray that you didnt get infected" She says nervously as she stood, beginning to make her own way towards him.

I quickly search for something to wash my hands with, and I spot a bottle of montys moonshine and I pour it onto my hands.

Finn, who has been a bad listener, stuck his hand out to steady Clarke who pulled away from him, "Dont touch me, you could get sick" She repeated, "Wash your hands now"

Bellamy reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Derek and Clarke. He pulled me closer to him as we both watched Derek fight to breathe.

"What the hell is happening to him?" Finn asked as he searched for something to wash his hands with and I pass him the bottle of moonshine.

"I dont know." Clarke answered honestly as blood flooded out of Dereks mouth.

We all watched in horror as Derek stopped moving, the noises he had been making ceased as well.

Clarke looked at us before reaching a shaky hand towards him. She placed her fingers on his neck.

I stood almost behind Bellamy, "Is he-"

"Hes dead."

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