Chapter 22

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It was night when we finally heard the war drums. Those inside the camp struggled to be nourished for the upcoming dight and maintained a very impressive amount of sanity, although fairly, their repressed fear was brought out the moment the was drums were in the distance.

"What the hell are they waiting for?" I growled under my breath as I approached Bellamy's side.

"The longer they wait the better, this is about buying time for Raven, princess." Bellamy muttered calmly.

"I see them! They're moving!" A voice came through the radio. "I count one, two, three... no wait there's four! I don't know man, there's too damn many of them!"

Gunfire immediately sounded.

"Who was that?" I asked with a frown.

"Sterling, I think." Miller answered.

"South foxhole, report now!" Bellamy demanded

There was an explosion before Sterling crackled back through again. "Yeah, yeah, we're okay. They didn't attack, it's like shooting a ghost."

"There!" Monroe called out, "I see them!"

I grinned as dark figures started running across the forest, I stuck out my tongue to mock them before I shot one down.

"Stop! Stop! Hold your fire! Reload now!" Bellamy commanded.

"Those are our last clips." Miller sounded grim, grimacing at the disbelief on Bellamy's face.

"We should-, we should pull back now! Monroe's voice was shaky.

"No, if this position falls, they'll walk through the front door."

There was more gunfire as I lowered my gun, observing the patterns in which the Grounders were running.

"Jasper, we need you in the dropship, now" Clarke's voice came through the radio.

"Negative, we can't give up the west woods."

"The west woods are mined Bellamy, the Grounders just figured that out. Jasper, get in here!"

From beside me, I could hear another one of the guns begin to click, Miller shot at another figure as my eyes widen, finally realizing what the Grounders were doing this whole time. I reached over and snatched the radio from Bellamy's hands.

"What-?" Bellamy asked confused.

"Hold your fire! Stop shooting! They're drawing our attention to them, they want us to waste our bullets." I growled into the radio.

Not a moment later, and Jasper's voice came through. "ivy's right, don't shoot when they're running."

"Don't fire until your sure it's an attack." I confirmed, handing the radio back to Bellamy.

Then the Grounders were on us. "Here they come" I murmured.

I shot carefully, trying to make each bullet count, but it was hard when every which way I looked, there was something to shoot. My heart started to beat faster.

"Monroe had run away from the battle, and I glanced back at her, one of the Grounders had pinned Bellamy and was slowly choking the life from him.

"Monroe, get back here!" I snapped.

Monroe had been attacked, but he was swinging around blindly. Suddenly, something hit my side and I went flying back into the ground. I let out a grunt as a Grounder set a punch to my jaw, I slammer my skull into his, buying myself a little time to get my gun up and shoot him in the head.

The large Grounder collapsed on top of me, and I struggled to get him off me. I turned on my stomach when I noticed Octavia, stabbing the Grounder who was holding Bellamy down.

"Admit it, you were wrong," Octavia breathed to Bellamy only moments before an arrow was shot in her leg.

I reached for Octavia as she stumbled into Bellamy, who was panicked, "Miller, fall back, now!"

"Can you walk?" Octavia slumped even more, and I made my way over to the Blake siblings to give her support. "O, hey hold onto me, we have to get back behind the wall."

I could barely hear Clarke barking orders to the gunners before there was a sudden loud noise, followed by a bright light above us.

"What's that?" Octavia panted, her face was pale.

"I don't know." Bellamy frowned, "a dropship from the ark, maybe?"

I swallowed, "No, that is the ark," We all watched as explosions occur in the sky, spewing large fireballs from the atmosphere.

"Take down the gate! Attack! Attack!"

The Grounders began to move until a new sound entered old. Hooting and chanting broke through everything else. Bellamy took advantage of the chaos, setting Octavia down on a tree stump.

"Who is that?" Octavia asked.

"I don't know, while they're distracted, let's move!" I urged.

"I'll never make it," Octavia gasped out, "leave me, I'll find another way."

"I'm not going anywhere without you," Bellamy denied her request immediately.

"Neither of us are," I confirmed with a assuring smile.

"Octavia!" The voice put all of us on edge until Lincoln's features became visible.

"Lincoln!" Octavia immediately pulled Lincoln close and shot Bellamy a wary look.

"You did this?" Bellamy asked roughly.

"With Finn," Lincoln confirmed, looking at Octavia's injury. "It's deep, I can help you but you'll have to come with me now." Lincoln seemed to look at Bellamy for permission.

"Go, let him help," I urged.

"No way, I have to see this through!" Octavia shook her head.

"You can't walk and I can't get you back to the dropship." Bellamy argued firmly.

"He's right, this fight is over for you" Lincoln agreed.

"Ivy-" Octavia begged.

"You need to go, O. He'll keep you safe, you won't be safe here." I told her.

"O, O, listen to me, I told you my life was over the day you were born, the truth is, it didn't start until then. So go with him, I need you to live, besides I got this." Bellamy and Octavia hugged each other tightly, and I watched, my heart warming.

"Take care of her, or I'll personally hunt you down." I breathed to Lincoln, and to my surprise, he cracked a smile.

"If anything happens to her, I'll let you." He confirmed and I gave him a small smile.

"Thanks for the sword, if I manage to make it out alive....." I glanced at Octavia.

"It's still yours," She breathed and looked at her brother. "I love you big brother," Octavia's eyes were getting glossy.

Bellamy let her go and I made my way over to her, "Stay safe O, okay?"

"You too," Octavia nodded, the gravity of the situation deemed to hit Octavia as her eyes misted over as she looked to Bellamy whose eyes were shiny and glossy.

"May we meet again." Bellamy's voice was quiet but I noticed the shakiness.

"May we meet again." A few tears escaped Octavia's cheeks as Lincoln began running with her and finally disappeared.

"We'll see her again Bell," I grabbed his arm in comfort, he nodded slightly, still looking defeated as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"If we don't make it.." I whispered against his lips, "I... I just wanted you to know that I..." My throat felt dry as I tried to gather the courage, "I- Uh.." I bit the inside of my cheek, "I'm not mad at you anymore, okay.."

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