Chapter 16

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Was I stupid to love you?

Was I reckless to help?

Was it obvious to

everybody else?

That Id fallen for a lie

You were never on my side

-No time to die

I kicked at a piece of burnt debris as I let out a defeated sigh. Our meat house had burned right down to the ground, destroying any food we had left. My eyes were trained on Bellamy and Clarke who stood not too far from where I was. The two were obviously discussing what was to be done about the food shortage.

I tore my gaze from them as I looked to Octavia who was kicking through the pile, holding a slight sense of hope that she could find something salvageable. "How did it happen?" I asked, surveying the damage once again.

Octavia stopped what she was doing and looked towards the other boy that had been in the meat house with her and Murphy, "He wouldnt stop feeding the fire and it got too big, the rest is history."

The kid noticed my stare and sent me a glare, I rolled my eyes and turned away from him, "Some people really need to learn how to listen, and to stop being so fucking childish."

Octavia let out a chuckle, "Ignorant teenage boys are going to be the end of us all."


Each group takes a gun, "remember theyre for shooting Grounders not food! We dont have enough ammo, use the spears for hunting. Get what you can, be back before Nightfall, no one stays out after dark." Bellamys loud voice boomed over those of us in the drop ship.

Adrenaline was surging through the small space as dozens of us geared up for a much needed hunting drip. There was not enough food to last us and the only way we could get more was through hunting.

I zipped up my jacket as I began to follow the other kids out of the drop ship. I gasped startled when a hand wrapper around my arm pulling me back into the drop ship, "Youre with me Princess."

I turn to look at Bellamy, giving him a questioning stare, "i am fine on my own, thank you very much, I say annoyed, I dont need a fucking babysitter, I am not even a child anymore, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

Bellamy rose an eyebrow as I rambled, "Im sure you are Ivy, but the Grounders wouldnt think twice about killing you. And lets be honest, they are three times your size princess, you are that 4'8 feet tall?"

I glare at him, "5'0, and just because I am not tall doesnt mean I cant take care of myself"

Bellamy smirked, "And if you wanted to go with Finn and Clarke, I have bad news, they already left and I doubt you want to be third wheeling them"

I sighed frustrated, "Well Myles is with them so it wouldnt really be third, more of a double date." I joked sarcastically

Bellamy didnt laugh, instead he handed me a gun, "Are you down with the antics?"

I clenched my hand as I stared at him, he stared back, each of us waiting for the other to break, when his gaze suddenly darken and his eyes move from my gaze down to my lips, "Fine", I breathed shakily, letting him win, "Ill come with you."

Bellamy smirked darkly, good, "I just need to stop at Ravens rent to get some more ammo."

"Okay," I sighed, throwing the strap of the gun over my shoulder, "Ill meet you at the front gate."


5 minutes later and I was still waiting by the gate. It surely didnt take this long to pop into Ravens tent and grab some bullets so where the hell was Bellamy. I was seconds away from turning and leaving in hopes of catching up with another when he arrived by my side.

"sorry," He muttered, pulling the gates open, "I just had to deal with something."

I nodded as I followed him out, "Its fine, but we should really get moving if we want to get anything before dark."

For the next few hours the two of us walked through the forest in almost complete silence, only speaking when we saw an animal or to command the other or a kill. Our silence was mostly due to the fact that we were on high alert for grounders and or food, but there was also the fact that I didnt know where we stood anymore, once second we are hugging, and the next we are back to normal (The way you act around your ex). So obviously I have been kind of avoiding him since we hugged each other.

Bellamy could obviously sense something being up with me because he on the way back to camp, he spoke up, "Why are you avoiding me sunshine?"

My head snapped towards him, shocked that he even noticed. "Im not avoiding you."

He looked over to me with an unconvinced look, "You havent spoken to me in over a day and did everything in your power not to have to be out here with me today? I would understand if it is because you still hate me for what I did, but i have a feeling it is more than that."

I looked down towards my feet, "I dont know Bellamy, I just dont know where I stand with you anymore."

He doesnt say anything and Im relieved about it, because I really dont want to continue talking about this.

As I looked away from him, I saw the light from the fire in our camp and I praised the lord (Im not even religious lol) Were back at camp

Neither of us said a word as we made our way back into camp. As we were returning, so were most of the other groups, being sure to follow the home before dark rule.

I handed Bellamy my gun before dropping the animals we had caught onto the table where the others had been put.

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked around camp. It had been a long day, a really long day and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep, but first I wanted to make sure that everyone got back safe and sound.

I surveyed the camp, a slight sense of worry coming over me when I didnt see Myles, Clarke and Finn, I remind myself that it was still barely dark and that they would probably be back soon.

I took a seat on one of the logs by the front gates, not taking my eyes of it for a minute. I was so sure that any second the group of them would walk in and apologize for being late, saying they got late or something. However deep down I knew that wasnt going to happen, they didnt get lost and thy didnt break any rules.

40 minutes of waiting I decided enough was enough. I shot up from my seat, marching towards Bellamys tent. I needed to push aside angry and hateful feelings I had towards him, I needed his help.

As I pushed open his tent I froze in shock, and I swear to god, dying would be less painful than seeing this. In front of me is Bellamy groaning as he thrusts into my best friend. Raven moans and she claws Bellamys back almost breaking the skin.

Bellamy lets out an animalistic sound making me realize that he just came inside my best friend.

I turn around and I quickly rush out of his tent, no tears, no sound escapes me, My expression turns cold and calm, so fucking calm.

10 minutes later Bellamy walks over to me, I dont glance over at him, I dont smile, nothing, my expression stays cold and calm, it is like this is the only expression my face has.

"Clarke and her group arent back yet, theyre probably dead". I said calmly as I took a sip of my montys moonshine. Im feeling good actually, now I know where I stand with Bellamy.

His Princess (Bellamy Blake)Where stories live. Discover now