Chapter 21

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I had all and then most of


Some and now none of you

Take me back to the night

we met

The night we met

Everyone broke out into a sprint, running the opposite direction from whatever happened, but Bellamy and I ran even faster so we could get back first and lead everyone inside. There were so many indistinct shouts, cries of terror and demands from those herding the crowd. The second everyone was inside the gate, a dozen people struggled to close it. Bellamy stood at the side of the gate, standing in the mound let them see into the forest.

I walked up beside Bellamy with my own gun cocked, "You see anyone?"

"No." He responded. Clarke joined us, looking for herself to see who was attacking us, but no one was outside the entrance. "Where are they? Why aren't they attacking?" Bellamy murmured confused.

"Because we're doing exactly what they wanted us to do" Clarke realized.

"We're being herded, they got us trapped." I swallowed down the panic as I spoke to Clarke.

"what are you talking about?" Bellamy frowned.

Clarke turned to Finn who was already watching her, "Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive."

"If it's just scouts we can fight our way out." Determination was etched across Octavia's face. "That's what Lincoln would do."

"we're done doing what that grounder would do." Bellamy shot back and I rolled my eyes at his tone, following him down to Clarke, Finn and Octavia. "We tried it and now Drew is dead, you wanna be next?"

"That Grounder, saved our lives! I agree with Octavia for all we know there's only one scout out there." I argued.

"One scout with insanely good aim." Jasper interrupted looking stressed and anxious.

"Clarke we can still do this." Octavia pleaded with Clarke rather than her brother.

"Looking at you Princess. What's it gonna be?" Bellamy asked Clarke, "Run and get picked off out in the open or stand and fight back."

Let me be honest, if he ever calls anyone princess who isn't me, they will get a bullet in their brains....

"Ivy? What do you think?" I got snapped out of my thoughts by Clarke who was staring at me.

My eyes widen in surprise as she was picking me with this decision, "What?" I blinked and Clarke nodded. I took a deep breath while I watched the crowd. What would my Dad do?" I let out a breath, closing my eyes as I thought for a second. I opened them again and spoke loudly while looking into the crowd. "We stay and fight! WE ARE ALSO GROUNDERS AND WE DESERVE TO LIVE HERE JUST AS MUCH AS THEY DO!!!"

Bellamy looked at me proudly as he helped me down the mound and when I was down Bellamy turned to the crowd powerfully. Octavia and Finn were clearly disappointed in my decision. "You heard her! This is what we have been preparing for! Kill them before they kill is! Gunners use your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on the gate stays closed."

Everyone immediately moved to their posts , I saw Octavia start to run towards the foxhole Jasper had disappeared into but Bellamy stopped her before she could get to far, "O, O, you're not a gunner."

"No I'm not," Octavia admitted, much to Bellamy's surprise, "but it's like you said, I'm a grounder."

Octavia looked at me, "Lincoln wanted me to give this to you," she took a sword off her back and gave it to me.

I gave her a weak smile, which she returned with a hug.

"Thank you for not treating me like everyone else does." Octavia whispered, "you're a good friend Ivy." Octavia pulled away.

"Don't act like this is goodbye , O." I grabbed her shoulder and nodded at her, I smiled at her determination as she disappeared in the foxhole.


I stood beside Bellamy where our entire plan was mapped out in a small visual presentation "we've got 25 rifles with 20 rounds each, give or take. Roughly 500 rounds of ammo." Bellamy explained.

"While you guys were missing, Raven and Ivy built landmines. The entire gully is mined."

"Particularly mined, thanks to Murphy," Raven corrected him.

"It'll still blow these assholes to hell, Raven, no matter how many mines there are. It's the main route in." I spoke up, looking at Clarke and Finn with a nod. "Not only will it injure them, it'll let us know how close they are and where. It's like an alarm system."

"an alarm system that blows people up," Bellamy nodded before turniing to his side and picking up a grenade from a box. "She also built grenades."

"It's not many," Clarke stated disappointedly.

"Again thank you Murphy," I replied sourly.

Bellamy paused. "We'll make them count. If the Grounders make it through the front gate, guns and grenades should force them back."

Clarke looked at Bellamy and I, "And then?"

"Then we close the door and pray." Raven spoke instead, causing Clarke to look back at her.

"And pray what? That the ship keeps them out? Because it won't." She looked back at Bellamy and I, waiting for a concrete answer. I looked over at Bellamy wearily.

Bellamy's eyes flickered down to the presentation and sighed. "Then let's not let them through the gate." He brought his radio up. "All foxholes, listen up. Keep eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back, that's the plan."

Finn grimaced, "That's always your plan, just like the bomb at the bridge."

"Damn right, you got a better idea?" Bellamy snaps.

"Yeah, I had one." He looked over at me. "Until poison Ivy here decided to ignore it."

I rolled my eyes, "Your plan was just as stupid as this one, Spacewalker." I snapped angrily, crossing my arms. Finn scoffed, "don't look at me like that Finn, you know it's true."

"It can't be that simple," Clarke whispered as she looked down, fists clenching. Clarke suddenly turned around to Raven. "You said there's rocket fuel in those rockets, right? Enough to build a hundred bombs?"

Raven frowned, "I also said we've got no gunpowder left."

"I don't want to build a bomb," Clarke looked back at me with a nod, and I immediately knew what she wanted to do. "I want-"

"To blast off," I finished, "You know I'm up for things going boom, this is brilliant, Clarke."

"Draw them in close..." Raven trailed off looking up at Clarke in appreciation, 'fire in the rockets. A ring of fire."

"Barbecued Grounder, I like it." Bellamy added.

Finn turned to Raven, "Will it work?"

She hesitated, "The wiring's a mess down there, but yeah, you give me enough time, I'll cook em real good."

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