Chapter 6

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"Will you be able to take the thing out?" I ask Clarke as I sniffle and wipe the tears off my face, I know I am not ready to be a mother and I sure as hell do not want to carry he child of the man who betrayed me and I know for a fact that Bellamy wouldn't want to be a father so I am not gonna tell him about the thing.

Her eyes widen and she stares at me with shock, "You want to kill your baby?", she asks shocked and I look away from her.

"It's just a couple of cells Clarke, so tell me will you able to remove those cells for me?" I ask hoarsely.

"no, I don't know how and it is impossible to get an abortion, you are too far along pregnant" she whispers sadly and she stares at the ground, "Look Ivy I don't know you, and I don't know what the baby's father did to you, but I know that the baby is innocent, it shouldn't pay for it father's mistakes"

I nod,I hear footsteps approaching and I see Bellamy entering my tent, "I'm sorry to hear that you are injured but you have work to do Ivory, so get your ass up and help us get a grounder to talk" his face is emotionless as he talks to me, not a flicker of the man I used to know and love. But neither am I, I'm not the girl I used to be anymore, he made sure of that.

"Don't fucking order me around Bellamy" I say angrily and I get up from the bed and I walk over to him, I ignore the pain I get in my abdomen as I move.

He rolls his eyes and he looks down at me, "Come on princess we both know you love it when I order you around, If I remember correctly you actual-" I shove him hard and she smirks

Clarke looks at us suspiciously before she leaves my tent, giving me and Bellamy privacy

"Shut the fuck up Bellamy, and don't ever fucking call me that again" I glare at him and I shove him again harder, until his back is pressed against the tent.

"no, I don't think so Princess" he whispers and in a flash second he turns us around so my back is pressed against the tent and he is pinning me against it and he grabs both of my hand with one of his hands and he pins it above my head while his other hand wraps around my throat and he squeezes ever so slightly, he has a cruel smirk on his face and that smirk does something to me, now I don't know if it is the pregnancy hormones that made me so horny or if it is just everything about him, and my anger and hatred for him only seems to heighten my desire for him.

"Let me go Bellamy" I whisper and I catch him staring at my lips as he presses his forehead against mine.

"Do what I told you to do, and I will",he whispers as he stares so deeply into my eyes, I swear he is trying to see right into my soul.

I roll my eyes and I glare at him.

"We both know it'll never happen Bellamy, you don't own me, I'm not yours, not your toy, not your pet, not your fucking fiancé so leave me the fu-", I'm cut off when he squeezes my throat tighter and he begins pressing small kisses on my jaw and cheek.

"Stop fooling yourself Ivy, you are mine even if I don't want you to be mine, you are mine" He whispers and he begins choking me harder before he kisses me hard and aggressively, there is no love in the kiss, no sweetness, it is pure feral desire and lust and anger.

I gasp in surprise and he takes that opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth and assault my mouth with his, I kiss him back just as aggressively and Feral, "I hate you", I whisper as I kiss him harder, "I hate you so much it is all I can think about"

He smirks against my lips and he bites my bottom lip hard, and I can't shove him away because he still has my hands pinned above my head.

"I hate you too Princess" He whispers against my lips as he sucks onto my tongue, his hand that is pinning my hands lets go and he begins squeezing my breasts through my shirt, "Jesus Christ Princess, these are bigger than they were last time" He whispers and he stops kissing me as he yanks my shirt down and he tears my bra in half, he takes one of my nipples into his mouth and I let out a strangled moan.

"I don't want you anymore Bellamy" I whisper as I shove him off me and I pull my shirt back up and I pick up my ripped bra, "This was the only bra I had!" I say angrily

He just smirks and he raises his hands as if to surrender, "Okay princess, just tell me one thing and I'll leave you alone", he steps closer to me and he buries his head into my neck, "why are you still wearing your engagement ring?"

He whisper in my ear as he begin kissing my neck, "tell me why are you still wearing your ring?"

I shove him off me and I glare at him, "It is a reminder to never trust you ever again", I look away from him and I take my ring off and I throw it at him, "Take your fucking ring Bellamy!" I say angrily

He glares at me before he leaves my tent, after he is gone it feels like I can finally take a breath.


I walk out of my tent and I accidentally bump into someone, "Shit sorry, I didn't see you there" I say apologetically and that Is when I look up to the girl.

"It's not a problem, are you new here? Because I've never seen you here before?" She raises and eyebrow and she reminds me of someone, her dark hair and even her facial features are familiar.

"Uh yeah, I'm Ivy, I got here yesterday with Raven" I keep trying to figure out of who she reminds me of but I can't seem to figure it out.

"nice to meet you Ivy, I'm Octavia Blake, you've probably met my bother, Bellamy" I freeze and that is when it hits me, that is why she seemed so familiar, because she is Bellamy's little sister.

"nice to meet you too Octavia" I try to hide my sadness and anger as I put on a soft smile, "Bellamy said he needed my help with something about a Grounder, so do you maybe know where he is?"

Her face turns to anger, "Yeah I know where he is, he is torturing an innocent grounder who only tried to protect me"

"Octavia, stop talking bullshit" Someone says from behind me and I don't have to turn around to know who it is, "Come on Ivory, lets get moving" he says sternly, he talks to me like I am a child and he is my father, and I want nothing more than you punch the ever loving shit out of him.

"Fine" I mutter as I follow him into the dropship and that is when I smell the scent of burning flesh and It makes my stomach churn, not only is the morning sickness making me already sick but just the smell of burning flesh makes me want to throw up.

Bellamy turns around and he raises an eyebrow, "you don't look so well, you're extremely pale and it looks like you want to throw up" He comments like it isn't obvious

"That's because I do" I say hoarsely and I quickly run out of the dropship and I throw up in one of the bushes, I suddenly feel someone behind me, carefully taking my hair in their hand and holding my hair back, "You are gonna be okay Princess, your gonna be fine"

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