Chapter 17

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Don't make me sad, don't

make me cry

Sometimes love is not

enough and the road gets tough

I don't know why

-Born to die

"Where are you guys? I thought you said you were heading West?" Montys unnerved voice came through the radio that was clutched in Bellamys hand.

The fucking snake insisted that should walk with him, instead of on my own or with the others, I would much rather shove a spear down my throat than having to spend another second staring at his fucking face.

To try and get my mind off that thought, I readjusted my grip on the gun in my hands. After I informed the snake about Finn, Clarke and Myles failure to return to camp, a group of us including the bitch and Octavia and Monty had set back out in search of the trio. It was more dangerous than before due to the lack of light but we all knew we needed to find them as soon as possible. If the Grounders were willing to torture Murphy before were even at war, there was no telling what they would do to our friends.

I may have hated Finn for what he did to Raven, but too be honest, after she fucked that the snake, I couldnt care less, come to think of it, I might just do the same to her. Maybe Ill fuck Finn so she can feel what I felt.

The snake moved closer to me as an odd sound began emitting from the radio. "Is anyone else hearing that signal?" Monty asked shakily, clearly on edge.

"Just keep your eyes open," The bitch (Raven) instructed over the walkie her and Octavia had taken with them.

"I think it is the same thing we heard in the blackbox." Monty continued pushing, trying to bring concern upon the rest of us.

The snake glanced at me, "Its nothing," he dismissed I didnt look at him or answer him. He brings the walkie back to his lips, "Monty do you see anything? Report."

The snake received no answer from Monty, only an increase volume of the signal came through the small radio.

Ravens voice came through next, low and urgent, "Theres someone in the bushes."

The snake practically pulled me on top of him as if he is trying to keep me safe, as the two of us moved towards the bushes, The bitch was referring to, The girls and us had not stayed too far from each other meaning we were in close parameters to the bush in question.

"Stay behind me" The snake instructed as he raised his gun, slowly inching towards the bush. Of course I didnt listen, because well, no fucking snake gets to order me around and tell me what to do especially not a snake who fucked my best friend

Octavia and The Bitch both raise their guns as they approach the bush.

As The Bitch pulled back the greenery she let out a gasp, "Myles?"

The snake and the rest of us share a look before rushing to see Myles laying on the ground, a arrow sticking from his chest.

Myles gasped in pain as he looked up with tired eyes. He opens his mouth to speak but only ragged breaths came out.

Myles forced out a breath as he closed his eyes, "G-Grounders"

The bitchs voice was shaky as she spoke, We need to make a stretcher she announced before walking away to find the material she would need.

The snake looks at me, but when I refuse to meet his eyes he turned away from me, "Monty report!" he waited a few moments and after receiving no response he spoke again, Monty!?

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