Chapter 7

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Warning, there may be some comments that are offense about babies and kids, so I apologize beforehand....

Cause my heart break
a little every when
I hear your name
  -when I was your man

Bellamy puts a hand to my forehead, "you don't have a fever" He muttered before he leads me back to my tent, "get some rest Ivy, or you won't feel better"

"I'm okay Bellamy, you said something about a grounder, what is that about?" I try to change the subject, I am not planning on staying in bed all day, I'm pregnant, not dying

"Yeah, he held Octavia captive and when we found them, he stabbed Finn"
He explains as he walks to my bed and he lays down, "sorry, I just haven't slept in a while"

"It's okay, you can rest here for a while" I say softly before I begin making my way out of my tent

"You don't have to go Ivy, this is your tent, and you need rest if you want to get better", he murmured behind me, "and let's be honest it won't be the first time you slept next to me", he tries to joke, but it doesn't make me smile, it just reminds me of his betrayal.

Before I can tell him that I'm fine, another wave of nausea comes over me and I sigh heavily, I walk over to the make shift bed and I lay down next to Bellamy, I keep my back facing him.

"You listened to me for once" He muttered and I freeze when he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him, "I'm cold, and you have a warm body, this doesn't mean anything" He whispers into my ear as he buries his head into my neck.

I don't dare to move an inch, I'm shocked and frozen and just completely confused, after everything he did to me, he has the fucking nerve to cuddle me like we are still together

His breathing evens but he just holds me tighter

"Let go of me Bellamy" I whisper desperately as I feel my lungs struggling to produce oxygen, it feels like I'm hyperventilating

He doesn't move or speak

I turn to look at him and I see he is fastasleep.

As I try to get out of his grasp, he seems to only tighten his grasp

Panic spreads across my entire body and I shove him off me before I jump to my feet and run out of my tent, I don't care if he woke up.

I ran to the dropship desperate to find Clarke, I hyperventilating and I cannot breathe

"Clarke" I say hoarsely when I spot her in the dropship with Raven, they are both standing next to a unconscious Finn

"Ivy, are you okay?!" Raven asks concerned and she runs to me and she cups my face, "your really pale"

"I-i ca-can't breathe" I whisper panicking

"She's having a panic attack" Clarke says quickly and she walks over to me, "you need to calm down Ivy, this isn't good for know"

I try to calm down but it only gets worse.

Suddenly Clarke slaps me in the face, and I'm so shocked I forget about the fact that I struggle to breathe

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Raven yells at Clarke.

Clarke just shrugs, "it's a technique my mom used with me once, it distracts you if you are having a panic attack"

I glare at her, but I can't really argue, because I can finally breathe again.

I'm about to thank her when suddenly I feel something move inside my stomach, my eyes widen and I put a hand on my stomach

His Princess (Bellamy Blake)Where stories live. Discover now