Chapter 20

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We will never get free, lamb to the slaughter

What you gonna do when there's blood in the water

The price of your greed

Your son and your daughter

what you gonna do

when there's blood in the water

blood in the water

Jasper rushed over to Clarke, enveloping her in a hug, "Thank God," he breathed, "Where have you been? Where's Monty?"

Clare looked shocked and confused, "Monty's gone?"

Finn suddenly spoke up as he stepped forward, an anxious expression covering his face, "Clarke, we need to go. We all need to go, now! There is an army of grounders, unlike anything we've ever seen coming for us right now. We need to pack what we can and run!"

The urgency in Finn's voice made everyone anxious.

"Like Hell we do, we knew this was coming" Bellamy argued and to be honest I have no idea who to side with, be on. Because I understand both sides, I understand why Finn wants to run but I also think Bellamy is right to want to stay here.

"Bell, we're not prepared" Octavia countered.

Bellamy was getting fired up, "And they're not here yet. We still have time to get ready. Besides, where will we go? Where will we be safer than behind these walls?"

Finn jumped in, "There's an ocean to the east. People there will help us."

"You saw Lincoln?" Octavia breathed out, almost in relief. Finn nodded, but Bellamy shook his head.

"You expect us to trust a grounder?" He turned to the crowd. "This is our home now! We built this with nothing but our bare hands! Our dead are buried behind that in wall in the ground. Our ground! The Grounders think they can take that away.... they think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here! But they've yet to realize one very important fact; we are on the ground now. And that means we are Grounders!"

"Yeah!" The crowd chorused as someone within it added, "Grounders with guns!"

"Damn right!" Bellamy agreed explicitly. "I say let em come!"

He turned back at Clarke, who stepped forward and addressed the crowd in her own manner. Her voice was less deep, less throaty and husky as Bellamy's was and she spoke.

"Bellamy's right," Clarke confessed, "If we leave we may never find a place as safe as this. And God knows, in this world, we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow! But that doesn't change the simple fact that if we stay here, we will die tonight. So pack your things. Just take what you can carry. NOW!"

And the crowd dispersed, following Clarke's orders over Bellamy's. Bellamy looked at Clarke realizing the power she held over the people. She thought what she was doing was best, but I disagreed.

"Help me!"

In the mixture of murmurs from the people in the crowd, Clarke Finn, Octavia, Jesper, Bellamy and I all heard the soft cry. Looking toward the dropship where the plead had come from, Raven walked out from behind it, limping with her hand at her side.

"Raven," Bellamy noticed as everyone rushed to her side. Finn was the first to reach, standing right beside his ex-girlfriend as Jasper gasped.

"Murphy shot her," He realized and my heart dropped, I once called Murphy one of my closest friends. Finn picked Raven up in his arms.

"Get her into the dropship" I demanded. Finn took her inside quickly as he could and Jasper followed them. Clarke moved for it too, but Bellamy stopped her.

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