Chapter 2: A Red Scarf

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Y/n: When can I join the scouts!

Y/n, now ten years old, jumped up and down. His h/c has grown past his chin, covering some of his e/c eyes. He was currently inside the living room of Aleena Campbell, his nanny for when Erwin and the other scouts head beyond the wall in the south district. They were currently in Shiganshina. His adopted father Erwin stood in front of him, with his Aunt and Uncle stationed near the door. Aleena herself was behind Y/n, ready to look after him when the scouts leave.

Erwin: We talked about this, Y/n. You'll join once you've gone through basic training.

Y/n: I know, but that is so long from now! I want to go with you now! I am ready. I've been training and everything.

Hanji: (Smiling warmly at Y/n) Don't worry, Y/n. We'll be sure to get you a souvenir.

Y/n: What!? Like the head of a Titan!?

Erwin: Now, Y/n. You know that's not possible. Do you need extended lessons when we get back?

Y/n: No. Please. I know lots of things about Titans, I swear. I just thought Aunt Hanji would've come up with something that would stop it from dissolving.
Hanji: Ha! Not yet, but I'm making progress! You'll be the first to know if I can make something like that.

Y/n: (Pouting) Okay.

Levi: (Speaking up from his spot at the door) Besides, You're not nearly ready enough.

Y/n: (Looking over at Levi) Oh yeah? I could take you down!

Y/n threw out his fist playfully.

Levi: Don't make the same mistake as last time. I won't take it easy on you because you're a kid.

Y/n: Bring it on, old man.

Levi: Old man? Right, now you've done it.

Levi then strode over from his place at the door and scooped Y/n up, throwing him over his shoulders. Y/n tried to fight, pounding his fists into his back.

Y/n: Hey, let me go. I wasn't ready. This isn't fair!

Levi: Do you think Titans will be fair when you're on the other side of the wall?

Y/n: (Defeated sigh) No.

Levi placed Y/n back onto the ground, smiled and messed his hair up. Y/n groaned, waving his hand to stop the small man from doing it anymore.

Levi: Your hair needs a cut.

Y/n: (Blowing a lock away from his face) It's a choice. Soon, I will be taller than you. Then we'll see who's over who's shoulder, uncle.
Levi: (Huff) Keep dreaming, kiddo.

Levi went back to his spot beside the door.

Erwin: (Kneeling in front of Y/n) Be good for Miss Campbell, okay?

Y/n: (Nodding) Yes, father.

Erwin: This mission won't take too long, I swear. We'll be back before you know it.

Y/n: (Smiling) I'll be waiting by the gates every day!

Erwin: (Chuckle) I'm sure you will.

Erwin then held out his fist, causing Y/n to grin. He created a fist of his own and connected it with his fathers before both of them placed it over their hearts in a salute.

Erwin/Y/n: (simultaneously) Devote your heart.

Erwin smiled affectionately, rubbing Y/n's head.

Erwin: That's my boy. (Standing up) Be good.

Y/n nodded. Erwin went to the door to join Levi. Hanji walked over and leaned down, smiling brightly.

Hanji: Ah, look at you! (Grabbing both of Y/n's cheeks) Just as cute as the first day I saw you.

Y/n: (Trying to pull her hands off his cheeks but to no avail) Auntie!

Hanji: I'll make sure to try and capture a Titan alive for you. That'll be a treat, wouldn't it!

Y/n: It'd be cool!

Hanji: So cool. (Leaning down and planting a kiss on the top of his head) Now stay safe!

Y/n: Yes, Aunt Hanji.

Hanji: Good.

Hanji then left with the others, leaving him alone with Miss Campbell. Y/n sprinted to the far window, looking past the curtain and out the see-through panes. He watched as Erwin, Levi, and Hanji joined up with a small squad of Scouts who waited atop their horses. They all swung up onto their saddles, getting ready for the mission ahead. The blonde leader looked towards the window, smiled slightly and nodded his head. He then spurred his horse forward, causing the others to follow.

Y/n: (Thoughts) One day, I'm going to be just like him!

The fat older caretaker placed a comforting hand atop his shoulder and smiled down at the h/c haired boy.

Campbell: I'm sure they will be fine. They never failed to come back before.

Y/n: (Smiling up at the kind woman) I know. Nothing can stop them. No titan can even come close!

Campbell: (Stepping away from the child and towards the kitchen area) well, I'm going to cook us some dinner. Why don't you go out and play, maybe you'll make some new friends?
Y/n: Huh? Really!?

Campbell: Of course, I see no harm in letting you run around. But don't stray too far from the house, you hear?

Y/n: (Jumping up and down) Of course! Thank you, Miss. Campbell.

Campbell: You're welcome, child.

Y/n quickly rushed out the door and down the paved streets. His father and his squad have already gone, most likely already at the gate. Y/n bounded through the streets, looking up at the blue sky with a wide happy smile. He enjoyed the freedom. He bounced around strangers who were going about their day. Many of them looked on with confused and annoyed glares. But the boy didn't care. He only cared about actually being around others.

Sure, he had the scouts, but his father never let him outside to play. Well, outside in a city or even village. Y/n has never really played, talked, or even seen another kid his age before.


Y/n pressed his face against one of the windows in the military HQ, watching three kids play in the streets below. They were too far to see properly, but he could tell they were having fun. He looked back at his father, who was discussing something with the current scout commander, Keith Sadies. They were both pointing to stuff on a map that was laid out on the table.
Y/n bounded over; a wide smile present on his face.

Y/n: (Pulling on Erwin's sleeve) Father! Father! Can I go out and play! Please!

Erwin and the commander looked down at him. Erwin had no real distinction on his face, but Sadies didn't seem very happy about being interrupted.

Erwin: Y/n, we both know that's not allowed.

Y/n: (Putting on his best puppy dog expression) Pretty please. The other kids out there are playing!

Erwin: This is their city. They know it better than you. I fear you may get lost or hurt by some stranger. Neither I, Levi, or Hanji could spare going out and supervising right now. We have a very important mission to plan.

Y/n: What about Petra!

Silence hung in the air before the commander let out a large belly laugh. Y/n glared at him, while Erwin only frowned slightly.

Sadies: (calming down) The private? The small little girl? Why would you want her to come? Do you like her or something?

Y/n growled but grew super red in the face.

Erwin: Commander, please contain yourself.
Sadies looked at Erwin and stopped laughing. The blonde man then turned back to his son, crouching down to his level.

Erwin: We've discussed this many times, Y/n. You're not allowed. Do not make me regret taking you to Shiganshina in the first place.

Y/n: (Looking away, sad and angry) It's not fair.

Erwin: (Placing a hand on his shoulder) Life isn't fair, Y/n. That's the unfortunate truth of this world. But it's our job to make it a little more bearable. . . do you understand? (Y/n looked back at his father with wide eyes) It's our job to protect humanity and lead it into the next stage. We're the shields and swords of the world. We have to be strong, and sometimes that means forfeiting certain things.

Y/n: (nodding) I-I understand, Father.

Erwin: Good. (Rising to his feet) Levi, can you take Y/n downstairs. I'm sure he'd appreciate a distraction.

Levi: (From his spot at the door) Right away, Section Commander. (Walking behind Y/n) Come on, Y/n.

Y/n looked up at his uncle before sparing one last look at his father. He was then guided from the room.

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