Chapter 18: The Real Enemy?

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Y/n didn't think his week could get even weirder, but he was wrong. The Cadets had just finished their breakfast and were about to go about their day, getting ready for the ceremony that night, when two unlikely soldiers showed up for him.

Y/n: Petra? Oruo? What are you guys doing here?

The two Scout members had come up to him just as he was about to leave the mess hall. Petra had her usual kind expression upon her comely face while Oruo was acting stranger than usual.

Ouro: (Sticking his nose in the air) I know you must be curious. But I, being the best of the best, cannot answer that question at this moment.

Petra: (Rolling her eyes) Ignore him, Y/n. Ever since Eren has been placed in our care, he has been acting stranger than usual. He really wants to be Captain Levi.

Ouro: Petra, honey, it's Captain Levi who wants to be me. Isn't that right, dear nephew.

Y/n: Okay, first off, you're not my uncle, and secondly, Levi never calls me nephew in public.

Ouro furrowed his brow.

Mikasa: (Walking up beside Y/n) Y/n, what's going on?

Petra: (Smiling) Oh, I see. This is the one you were talking about, Y/n?

Y/n: (Blushing) Petra!

Ouro: (To Mikasa) Why my girl, We're the best of the best. Earth's Saviour and what not. You wouldn't possibly understand the astonishing reason why we're-- UGH!

When flapping his mouth away, Ouro had managed to bite his tongue as per usual, sending a spray of blood into the air.

Petra: (rolling her eyes once more) Honestly, you're the worst.

Mikasa glanced at Y/n, who only shrugged in response.

Petra: (Sigh) anyway, your father had asked if you could meet him. We're supposed to escort you there.

Y/n: (Confused) Really? He rarely does this. What's the occasion.

Ouro: (After dabbing his tongue with a handkerchief) We're unable to tell you. We're too important, you see.

Petra: We have a general sense, but we don't know much at all.

Ouro: (To Petra) Perhaps you fine lady don't know, but I do.

Petra: Yeah? Then what is it?

Ouro: (turning around, crossing his arms dramatically) I cannot say.

Mikasa: (Whispering to Y/n) What's his deal?

Y/n: Don't get me started.

Petra: Look, two of Hanji's Titans have been killed. That is all we know.

Y/n: What? Really?

Mikasa: But they were secure, weren't they?

Petra: We have given enough info. Commander Erwin has only tasked us to retrieve Y/n.

Y/n: (Nodding) Right. Lead the way.

They both nodded before turning and walking towards the exit.

Y/n: (To Mikasa) I'll catch up with you and the others later.

Mikasa: Okay.

Y/n followed the Scout members. They made it to HQ, and they led him to a meeting room where his father was presumably waiting. Petra knocked on the door, and it soon opened, revealing Levi.

Levi: Oh, great, the brat has arrived.

Petra: O-Oh, Captain Levi!

Ouro: (Placing his hand atop Y/n's head) I had to drag this brat kicking and screaming, but it was no hard work for-

Y/n shoved his hand off his head, causing Ouro to bite his tongue yet again.

Levi: (Sigh) Y/n, get in here. The both of you report back to Gunther and Eld. They're in charge of protecting Eren. And Ouro, clean yourself up. Your blood is disgusting.
Y/n chuckled softly as he walked into the room. Both Petra and Ouro saluted, with the former's tongue still sticking out his mouth, bleeding profusely.

Petra/Ouro: Sir!

Levi closed the door shaking his head disapprovingly.

Levi: Tch.

Inside the room was nothing special, the usual couch, desk, and a window that looked out upon Trost. His father was currently at the window, staring out across the city.

Y/n: (Saluting) Commander!

Erwin: (Turning with a small smile) We're in private, Y/n. You can call me father.

Y/n: (Smiling) I know, I just wanted to get in some practice. By the end of tonight, I'll be a full-fledged scout!

Levi: (Walking past Y/n towards the desk) You're not a full-fledged scout until you've come back from your first expedition. (Picking up a teacup that was resting on the wooden surface in his classic grip) Until then, you're just Titan fodder. (He took a sip out his tea while maintaining deadly eye contact with Y/n)

Y/n: I think you're just scared that I might take your spot as "number one." 

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