Chapter 6: 104 Cadet Corps

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Y/n: So, Sasha, was it? (Pant) Do you usually go against authority?

Y/n and Sasha were running their laps around camp. Y/n was thankful enough to receive a lighter punishment than Potato Girl. She was forced to run until the sun sets, while Y/n was forced to run only ten full laps. They had just made it to the seventh lap, and the sun was just beginning to set. But what surprised Y/n the most was her view on the punishment. She didn"t care as much as the second punishment Keith had given her. She had lost her meal privileges for the next five days. The look in her eye when she was told that was. . . scary.

Sasha: (Pant) I-I guess I never really had any authority figures in my life growing up. (Pant) And I was really hungry.

Y/n: (Pant) Well, how about this. I'll share some of my meals with you.

Sasha turned and looked at Y/n with a large grin and stary-eyes.

Sasha: Really!? (Jumping with glee) Wahoo!

Y/n: (Pant) Wow. That burst of energy really came out of nowhere, huh.

Sasha: (Jumping on Y/n, making him stumble) You're the best! Let's be friends!

Y/n: Whoa! Stop, I'm gonna-whoa, ah!

Y/n tripped and fell to the dirt face-first with Sasha safe on his back.

Y/n: Ugh, ow. I'm gonna have so many bruises tomorrow.

Sasha: (Getting off and smiling sheepishly) Oops. Sorry.

Y/n: (Getting up) Don't worry about it.

Some of his long strands of hair fell into his face, causing him to groan in annoyance. He brushed back the hair behind his ear.

Sasha: Your hair is long. Do you not like getting it cut or somthin"?

Y/n: No, it's not that. (shrug) I don't know. I guess I just never really paid attention to it.

Sasha: Well, you should probably cut it unless you want to put it up in a ponytail.

Y/n: Hm? What do you mean?

Sasha: The ODM gear, remember.

Y/n: Oh, right. (Taking a strand of his hair and holding it in front of his face) I guess it is time to cut it.

Keith: (From his spot by the barracks) ARE YOU TWO DIRTBAGS RUNNING!?!!

Y/n: Ah, YES, SIR!

The two of them quickly bolted off and continued their run. They soon finished the tenth lap, and Y/n said his goodbye before trudging over to the mess hall.

Y/n: (To himself) I'm pooped.

???: Oh, there you are.

Y/n: Huh?

Y/n turned to see a small girl with blonde hair and really bright blue eyes walk over with a water skin. She had a gentle, kind smile on her face.

???: You're Y/n, right? The one who laughed during the inspection?

Y/n: Yup. That's me.

Krista: I'm Krista Lenz.

Y/n: Nice to meet you.

Krista: (Holding up the water skin for Y/n to take) Here. You look thirsty after the run.

Y/n: Oh. . . thank you.

Y/n accepted the water skin and took greedy chugs of the smooth, refreshing liquid. After it was nearly all gone, Y/n pulled it away and wiped his mouth.

Y/n: Ah. That was great. Thank you, Krista.

Krista: (Smiling) No problem.

Y/n handed the water skin back. But as her hand brushed against his, something sparked inside of him. An image flashed before his eyes, almost exactly like what happened at the fall of Shiganshina. But this time, he only saw a flag. It had a blue field background, and a proud lion was roaring in the center of a red and white symbol. As soon as Krista's hand left contact with his own, it was gone.
Y/n stumbled back a step, feeling slightly dizzy.

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