Chapter 16: The Trial of Eren Jaeger

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A/n: Alright, time to kick off the second half of the first season. I hope you are all as excited as I am. This is going to be big.

Y/n got dressed into his Cadet uniform, pulling the jacket tight across him. He picked up the broken pocket watch from his bedside table, looked down at the broken face before pocketing it in his jacket pocket. The door to the room then opened, revealing one of the MP guards.

MP: Are you ready?

Y/n: (Turning) Yes.

Y/n then followed the guard out of the room, where they met up with the second military police member. They nodded to each other before leading him away from the room that had been his prison for the last few days. They walked down a few flights of stairs before approaching the main door that led to the courtroom. They both opened the large doors, letting Y/n in.

As the H/c haired boy entered, he saw that it was mostly already filled with the members of the military, church, and merchants that were there to witness the proceedings. Y/n then spotted his father and uncle Levi beside Rico, Mikasa, and Armin. The MP's gestured Y/n over to where his friends and family were. Y/n bowed his head before walking over to join them.

Y/n: (To Armin and Mikasa) You guys are here too?

Y/n took his spot between Rico and Mikasa.

Mikasa: We were brought in as witnesses.

Armin: (Nervous) I hope Eren is doing okay.

They didn't have to wait long for the door to open and for Eren to get pushed inside by his two military police escorts. He looked rough, only dressed in a baggy white tunic and dirty pants. He was looking around the room, eyes filled with fear.

MP 2: Keep moving!

The MP guard pushed him forward with his rifle. They brought him to the center platform, where he'd be chained and judged. One of the MP"s lifted the large iron pole that is used to keep prisoners in one spot.

MP 2: Kneel there.

Eren did as he was told, getting to his knees. The other MP then lowered the pole back into its position, trapping Eren's cuffs, stopping him from escaping. After making sure it was secure, the MP"s walked off and joined their regiments.

Y/n could see Eren's eyes flickering from face to face, nervously. He couldn't blame him. He'd be nervous too if he was in the center of the room and attention, cuffed and bound with your life on the line. His eyes then landed on them. His pupils were twitching so much Y/n worried that he was having some sorta heart attack.

The door up near the front of the room then creaked open, causing all the eyes in the room to snap in the direction of the newcomer. Premier Zachery then entered, stepping up to his spot, placing his folded coat down on the desk in front of him. He rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt before sitting down in the plush comfy chair they provided him with. He then placed his arms in front of him and stared down at the frightened, chained-up Eren.

Mikasa reached down and grasped Y/n's right hand tightly. Y/n gave a reassuring squeeze to her small hand.

Zachery: All right. Shall we begin?

The Premier adjusted his glasses as he stared down at the sheets of paper in his hands.

Zachery: Your name is Eren Jaeger. And as a soldier, you have sworn to give up your life when called to, for the good of the people. Is that correct?

Eren: (Nervously) Yes.

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