Chapter 13: Suspicion

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(K/N: My bad for a late chapter, I had to work overtime today. Anyways Enjoy!)

Y/n: (Thoughts) When I woke up this morning, I thought it would be a normal day. But the last thing I expected was to be thrown into hell, lose many friends, almost get killed, and find out one of my best friends is a Titan. Now I'm here. How the hell did I end up in this situation?

Y/n was standing beside Mikasa who had both her blades drawn. Eren and Armin were a few paces behind them, Eren still in and out of consciousness and Armin was beside him. A platoon of Garrison soldiers was lined up along the small yard they were in, all armed to the teeth. The captain was leading them, his paranoid eyes were trained on them at all times. He seemed to be shaking slightly, probably from fear.

Eren: (Speaking up for the first time) Every last one of you. . .! More. . . More! Kill more! I want to kill! More. . . I'm going to. . . kill more of you. . .

Y/n and Mikasa looked back at Eren and Armin, shocked and horrified at what the former was saying. Eren seemed out of it like he was in some sorta daze. He had a goofy smile on his face that was just plain creepy.
Armin: Eren?

Eren looked up and he seemed to snap out of whatever he was just in. His green eyes widened as panic started to seep over him.

Mikasa: EREH!

Y/n: You're finally awake. You almost gave me a heart attack there!

Armin: Eren, can you move on your own?! Are you yourself?! Tell them everything you know! I'm sure they'll understand!

Eren: (Confused) --Armin?!

Garrison Soldier 1: --Did you hear him?! He said he's gonna kill us!

Garrison Soldier 2: Yeah, I heard it too. He's planning on eating us!

Y/n: (Glancing back at Eren) You see what you've gotten us into. I thought your stupid schemes were the least of my worries. (Gesturing to the large force in front of them) Now, this. . . you've really topped the cake.

Eren could only gape at the scene before him.

Kitz: Cadets Jaeger, Smith, Ackerman, and Arlert! What you've committed is an act of treason! Whether you live or die depends on you!

Eren: Huh?

Kitz: Should you try anything funny or attempt to move from where you are, we'll blast you to bits immediately and without hesitation! 

Eren: Huh?

Kitz: This is a direct question! What are you really?! Human?! Or Titan?!

Eren: (Thoughts) Wh-What kind of question is that? What's with that look?! It's almost like they're looking at some kind of monster. . . Is that what they think of me?!

Eren: I-I don't understand the question, Sir!

Kitz: Playing innocent, huh?! Just try that again, monster! We'll blast you into pieces in the blink of an eye before you can reveal your true form!

Eren: True form?!

Kitz: Scores of people witnessed the moment that you appeared from the body of a Titan! We've allowed an unknown being-- you--to infiltrate Wall Rose! Even if you are a member of the Cadets as sanctioned by the king, it is well within reason for me to eliminate any risk as quickly as possible! Of this, I feel certain! The Armored Titan that took down Wall Maria could appear at any moment now! As we speak, the very survival of humanity is at stake! Understand?! We can't afford to waste any further manpower or time on you! I will bombard you with high explosives if I have to! 

Rico: Indeed, their defiance is obvious. It's unlikely we'll get any beneficial information from them. As you said, this is a waste of time and manpower.

Garrison Soldier 1: Sir! Now is our best chance! We should destroy him while he's still in human form!

Mikasa stepped forward.

Mikasa: (Looking absolutely terrifying) My specialty. . . is severing flesh. I'll gladly demonstrate it if need be. If anyone wants to experience my technique. . . then please, by all means, step this way.

Y/n walked forward and stepped in front of Mikasa, holding his hands up.

Y/n: Okay, let's just all calm down. (To the captain) Captain, I believe you know who I am, correct? I am the son of Erwin Smith, the Commander of the Survey Corps. If you kill me, you will be making an enemy of the Scout Regiment. But it doesn't have to be this way. If you just let us, go, so Eren can explain himself, then nobody will have to die.

Kitz looked terrified, mostly because of Mikasa's death stare that was being shot at him over Y/n's shoulder.
Garrison soldier 3: Sir. Mikasa Ackerman was assigned to escort duty with us, elite soldiers. Her prowess is equal to that of a hundred ordinary soldiers. Losing her would be a great setback for humanity. As well as Cadet Smith, his father holds influence over Levi. . . I believe it best if we reconsider our approach.

Eren: Hey, Mikasa! Y/n! Armin! What is all this?!

Armin: Mikasa! Attacking people won't help! There's nowhere to run inside this cramped wall!

Mikasa: I don't care who it is. I won't let anyone kill Ereh. That's all that matters!

Y/n: (Turning back around to face Mikasa) Now don't be stupid. Threatening and killing them won't help relieve the tension. Do you honestly believe you could be able to kill them all before they kill Eren?

Mikasa didn't respond, only scowled and growled softly.

Armin: We have to talk this out! None of them understand the situation! That's why fear's spreading among them!

Eren: (Thoughts) Am I the only one who doesn't think I'm a Titan...?! Damn! I have no memory of how I got here! I'm too weak to stand, and I could end up dead if I say the wrong thing. . . Being killed by humans? That's insane...! What is this about me coming out of a Titan's body, anyway?! What the hell are they talking about?! How is that possible?! Does that mean that wasn't a dream?! If that's the case. . . (Looking down at his arm) . . .that means I grew an arm where my sleeve is gone! That makes me practically like a Titan! That's impossible. . . How could I? How?! 

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