Chapter 4: Cattle

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Y/n made it back to the Campbell household just fine. And when he entered, miss Campbell turned from the plates of food that will become their dinner.

Campbell: Oh, there you are, Y/n. I was beginning to- (Gasp) -what on earth! You're hurt!

The older woman rushed forward with a sudden surge of energy. Y/n was taken aback as the woman gazed upon the bandage that was attached to his cheek.

Campbell: (Gripping Y/n's face) What happened, child!

Y/n: It's nothing. I just fell.

Miss Campbell didn't appear to believe a single word. She instead grabbed the bandage and lifted it off his face.

Campbell: Let me have a look at-

She stopped talking once the bandage had been removed. She just stood their shocked. Y/n wondered what had caused the sudden silence. Did she figure out he was attacked by a knife? He hoped not. If she ever found out, that would be his trips outside gone. And then he would never get to see Mikasa and the others again.

The woman then struck Y/n on his shoulder, causing the boy to wince and moan in anguish.
Campbell: You silly boy!

Y/n: I'm sorry, it was just-

Campbell: You almost scared me half to death!

Y/n: (Confused) W-What?

Campbell: (Walking back to the counter where she was preparing the food) Honestly. You just walked in here with a bandage on your face. Were you trying to get me in trouble?

Y/n: I-I don't know what you-

Campbell: You can stop with this whole game, Y/n. I know you're not hurt.

Y/n squinted his eyes at the plump lady before reaching up and touching his cheek where the cut should be. But as his fingertips made contact, he only felt the smooth skin of his cheek.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Wait, that's the left cheek. . . right? It must be, but where is the wound? Did it heal already?

Campbell: Now wash up quickly. Food should be on the table shortly.

Y/n: R-Right.

The young boy then scampered away towards the washbowl. He looked down into the still water, looking at his own reflection, realizing that the cut on his cheek was no longer there. He hummed in thought as he traced the place it once was. There was no sign of markings or anything. It looked just like his cheek would have this morning before the incident with the bullies.
Y/n: That makes no sense. . . but I guess-

Y/n shook his head, feeling dizzy all of a sudden. This whole situation was making him go crazy. After washing his face, Y/n returned to the table and ate the delicious food his caretaker had made for them.

Y/n spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning and doing whatever chores Miss. Campbell could come up with. As the sun began to make its descent, the city's bell chimed out, causing Y/n to drop the broom he currently held. He beamed widely, knowing what it meant.

Y/n: They're back!

Y/n rushed towards the door, and as he opened it wide, ready to bolt out, he was stopped by a stern voice calling out from behind him.

Campbell: Stop right there, mister.

Y/n stopped and groaned, turning to his caretaker.

Y/n: But they've come back! I want to go see them!

Campbell: And you will. Since your father's back, you shouldn't go wandering about in the streets alone. Now let me just put away these brooms then I will join you.

Y/n: But-

Campbell: No. Either I go with you, or you don't go at all.
Y/n huffed in annoyance and waited as Campbell put away all the brooms. Y/n was practically hopping from one foot to the other, too eager to see his family again. The ten-year-old boy could barely contain his excitement as they exited the house and started to walk down the street and towards the main road where the Scouts would be marching.

Campbell: It seems they came back earlier than before. I wonder if something went wrong.

Y/n didn't reply. He just kept bouncing. It hadn't even been a day, but Y/n missed them. They soon made it to the main road where a crowd had gathered to watch the Survey Corps return from beyond the wall. Y/n pushed through the line of men and women, making it onto the road. He spotted the column of troops make their way towards his direction. Y/n smiled as he spotted his father, leading the pack atop his horse. Levi and Hanji were behind him, leading their own horses by the reins.

Y/n watched Erwin look into the crowd of gathered people before casting his eyes back down. He looked rougher than usual. Y/n's smile faded, forming into one of concern. The boy's legs moved before he could think, rushing towards his father.
Y/n: Father!

Erwin looked up at Y/n approaching. Y/n could tell he was trying his best to smile but failed at the attempt.

Erwin: (Hopping down from the saddle) Y/n. What are you doing out here? Is Miss. Campbell with you?

Y/n: Yes, she's just back there. (Pointing back to where he had come from) I'm glad you made it back!

Erwin: So, do I.

Y/n went to say something when a scream stopped him. Y/n looked over to see an elderly woman break through the crowd and rush towards the Commander that wasn't far from their current position.

Woman: Moses? Moses? (She stops in front of the Commander) Beg your pardon? But where is my son? He should be with you all. Oh, please tell me he made it!

Sadies: I wish I had better news. (To a soldier beside him) Give it to her.

The soldier nodded before handing the stunned woman something wrapped in a bloody cloth. The elderly woman slowly looked down at the object and gently peeled back the fabric. Y/n could just get a glimpse of what looked to be a severed arm. When the elderly women's eyes spotted the limb, she instantly covered it up and started to weep.
Sadies: I'm sorry. It's all that was left of him.

The woman fell to her knees, clutching the severed arm close to her bosom. Erwin placed a firm hand atop Y/n's shoulder as he stared at the scene in front of them. Sadies crouched down to the women's height.

Woman: He- He did good, yes? He was brave? Tell me my son stood his ground to the bitter end. (Looking up at the Commander) That his death meant something! Tell me his sacrifice gave us a better chance!

A soft breeze blew past them as the whole crowd was silent.

Sadies: He was brave! (A beat) But. His sacrifice meant nothing. So, with all our losses. It's ever the same. (Breaking down into tears) The day was lost! We have nothing! Your son died because of me! I sent him to his death! I sent all of them to their deaths! And there's nothing to show for it! All of it amounts to nothing!!!!!

Y/n: (Shocked) D-Dad?

Erwin: (Looking down at Y/n) You run along with Miss Campbell. There are still a few things for me to sort out. I will pick you up at her place, you hear.
Y/n: But-

Erwin: Y/n, do as I say. I will be there shortly.

Y/n nodded softly. Erwin smiled sadly, squeezing his boy's shoulder affectionately. Y/n then turned around, heading back to where Miss. Campbell would be waiting. But he spared a glance at the Commander, who was still sobbing profusely while his men tried to get him to stop but with no luck.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Does he really believe that? Was all they did. All the sacrifice. . . been for nothing?

Campbell guides Y/n home with a delicate hand, as the small boy contemplated life in the Survey Corps. Even all his years living with them, he understood the risk of going beyond the wall and facing the Titans. But he never expected someone like the hardened commander actually to break down in front of a large crowd.

Y/n: (Thoughts) What was it all for?

It was a few hours after they parted when his father came back. In all that time, Y/n couldn't stop thinking about his friends, Eren, Armin. . . Mikasa. He wanted to see them again. Who knows how long it will be before he's back in Shiganshina again. He couldn't wait until after training to see them. He had to convince his father to let him go. It was going to be difficult since he had to confess about going into the city alone. But it was worth it if he was going to see them once more.
Y/n exited Miss Campbell's house saying his goodbyes to the plump caretaker. Erwin then led the boy over to his horse, where Levi and Hanji were also astride their own steeds.

Erwin: We may still make the ferry to Trost if we're fast enough.

Y/n: (Stopping in his tracks) Umm, actually. . . I-I was wondering if I could go say goodbye to my friends first.

Erwin stopped and turned to Y/n, who began rubbing one of his arms nervously.

Erwin: Friends?

Y/n: Yeah. I-uh-well, I snuck out and met a few kids my own age. They're really-

Erwin: Y/n, I told you not to go anywhere alone!

Erwin responded with a raised voice causing the boy to flinch slightly. But he stood his ground.

Y/n: Yeah, well, m-maybe I want to! I'm old enough to take care of myself! I don't need you to keep a constant eye on me!

Erwin: (sigh) Look, it's out of the question. We're running late for the ferry as it is. And as the new Commander of the Survey Corps, I have a duty to uphold.

Hanji: Commander, I don't see why Y/n can't-
Erwin: (Shooting a look over at Hanji) I already decided. Now, Y/n, stop messing around and come here. We're leaving.

Y/n: Why are you always babying me!

Erwin: We've been through this Y/n. It's not safe!

Levi and Hanji shared a worried look between them. Y/n was fuming. At first, it was frustration, but it soon formed into anger.

Y/n: I just want to be normal!!

Erwin: You're not normal, Y/n!!

Y/n gasped slightly, backing away a step. Hanji and Levi looked on with wide, shocked eyes. Erwin took a deep breath and calmed himself after realizing what he had just said. The regret appeared in his blue eyes as he looked at the hurt boy in front of him.

Erwin: Y/n, that's not what I-

Y/n didn't spare another second. He bolted as fast as he could down the street.

Erwin: Y/n! Don't run off!

Hanji: Y/n!

Levi: (rounded his horse and took off in Y/n's direction) I'll get him.

As the Captain raced after the small boy, Erwin let out a long breath, softly cursing himself.

Hanji: Well, that could've gone better.
Y/n looked back to see his uncle chasing after him. Knowing he couldn't outrun Levi on horseback, he quickly dipped into an alley. He didn't look back; he only kept running. Emerging from the alley, he then made his way through a large crowd of people in a market square. Knowing his uncle would surely lose him in the mass of people, Y/n exited and ducked into another alley. The H/c haired boy then hid behind a large crate, taking deep and ragged breaths, trying to calm his erratic breathing. Tears began to pool in the corner of his eyes as he waited.

After a few long minutes, Y/n believed the cost to be clear. Quietly exiting from his hiding space, Y/n looked around. But there were no signs of his uncle anywhere. He was safe. Y/n clutched his fists at his side and internally screamed out his frustrations. He couldn't understand his father's need to lock him away.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Why can't I be normal like Eren! Why must I be so disconnected from everything!?

The boy quickly willed away any more thoughts and kept moving. He didn't want to be caught, not just yet. He wanted to see his friends again.
Y/n wasn't sure where he was going. The last time he saw them, Eren and Mikasa went to collect wood. But that was hours ago; they'd be back by now.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Would they be back at the Jaeger house? It's possible.

But as he kept thinking, he ended up by the river and towards the exact people he was looking for. He first noticed the brown-haired boy sitting by the ledge. Then he noticed the blonde hair of Armin sitting on one of the higher-level steps that led down to the bank of the river.

Y/n: H-Hey, guys!

Eren and Armin turned to face Y/n and smiled at him.

Eren: Y/n!

Y/n: (Running up to them) I'm so glad I found you!

Armin: What happened?

Y/n: Oh nothing. . . well, not really.

Y/n made his way to the steps and spotted the black hair of Mikasa, who sat nearer the bottom. She glanced up at him before looking back into the river.

Eren: Did your father come back? We managed to see them as they walked through the gates. Talk about dramatic.

Y/n: Yeah. (Looking sad) I saw them.

Armin: D-did your father not make it back?
Y/n: Hm? Oh no, he's fine. So is everyone I consider to be family. But. . . we got into a little argument.

Y/n sat down next to Armin and looked off into the water.

Eren: About what?

Y/n: (Looking up at the boy) Well, the reason why I don't play or hang out with any kids my age is because he refuses to let me go out on my own. I have to be either accompanied by one of the adults he trusts. I don't even know why. It's frustrating!

Armin: I can see why that's frustrating. He seems like an overprotective type of parent.

Eren: (Huff) I know how that feels. My mom chewed my head off earlier.

Y/n: Why? She seemed like a nice woman.

Eren: Oh, she is, don't get me wrong. It's just (Glaring at Mikasa) someone just had to go and tell her that I'm planning on joining the scouts!

Mikasa: (Shooting a death glare back at him) I don't remember saying I'd help.

Armin: How bad was it?

Eren: Well. . . They weren't very happy.

Y/n: I can see why. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a disappointed parent. (Pulling his knees close to his chest)
The wind suddenly began to pick up.

Armin: You're right. I think people are crazy if they think we'll be safe inside these walls forever. Just because the walls haven't fallen for a hundred years doesn't guarantee that they won't fall today...

The wind then abruptly died, leaving a heavy air of foreboding in its wake. Y/n felt something, like a tickle on the back of his neck.

Y/n: Does anyone else feel-

Before he could finish, a loud bang occurred. The ground shook violently, sending all the kids to go flying into the air. Y/n tumbled down a few steps before stopping himself. Sounds of panic echoed around them as people screamed in terror at the event that just occurred.

Y/n: W-What the hell was that!?

Eren: (Also picking himself up) It sounded like an explosion?

They all looked towards the street, where multiple people stared up at the wall.

Citizens: Over there! It looks like something fell from the sky!

Armin rushed off, leaving the others behind.

Eren: Hey, Armin!

Eren rushed off after his friend, followed closely behind by Y/n and Mikasa. They followed Armin to the street, where many people stood frozen in their place, including Armin. All of them had their eyes cast upwards towards the wall.
Ere: What is it?! What do you see?!

They all looked up at what they were staring at, to see a ginormous hand clutching the wall just above the main gate. Y/n felt himself also freeze in place, staring at the red hand that crunched the stone wall.

Armin: It can't be...! Th-That wall... is fifty meters high!

Eren: It's one of them.

Y/n: (Shaking with fear) T-That's. . . a-a-a-

The head of the monster rose over the wall, glaring down at them with hate-filled eyes. Smoke was steaming off of him in large amounts, almost blocking out the retreating sun.

Eren: A Titan.

Everyone watched in horror as it moved slightly. Y/n then reacted, grabbing all his friends and dragging them towards the nearest building.

Y/n: Everyone. Move!

Eren: W-What, but why!

Then it happened, the front gate burst open with sudden and extreme force. Rubble from the gate along with the shock wave destroyed the front section of the city. Massive chunks of the wall came raining down from above. A large piece of debris then landed in the spot where they were all once standing. People screamed in terror as many were crushed to death by the boulder size chunks of stone.
His three friends watched with horror at what just occurred. Y/n let them go. Sure, they were safe from my falling debris. They exited the shelter just in time to see the colossal sized Titan slowly shrink, disappearing from view.

Armin: I-It broke. . . a hole I-I the wall.

That's when several titans emerged through the breach, causing everyone to panic. Screams were all that was heard as people rushed towards the inner gate, hoping to live through the massacre that was about to commence.

Y/n: Oh my god. . .

Armin: We have to get out of here. (Notices Eren moving towards the panic) Eren!

Eren: M-My house is in that direction. My mom!

As Eren rushed off, so did Mikasa.

Y/n: Mikasa, don't!

But she didn't heed his warning, only followed after her adopted brother. As they stood there, still stunned, Armin began to mutter.

Armin: It's all over. . . Countless Titans. . . are going to overrun the city!

Y/n: (Shaking Armin) Hey, Armin, snap out of it!

The blonde boy stared up at Y/n with wide eyes.
Y/n: We're going to get out of this. Run back to the inner gate. If you find a soldier, tell them about Eren and Mikasa!

Armin: (Shaking) B-But what about you!?

Y/n: Don't worry about me. I can find my own way. Now go!

Armin nodded weakly before bolting off in the direction everyone was heading. Y/n took a deep breath before running towards Miss Campbell's home. He hoped everyone was okay. As he rushed through the streets, he was bumped by a large man, sending Y/n off balance. Y/n stumbled and fell, scraping across the ground. Y/n groaned, trying to reach his feet, but another person fell over him, sending the ten-year-old back into the earth.


The crowd was trampling Y/n. He couldn't get to his feet due to the heavy wave of people that swarmed around him. After what felt like an eternity, the crowd thinned, allowing the boy to reach his hands and knees. A stabbing pain pierced his chest, causing him to gasp and fall back to the stone floor below him.

Y/n: Ow. I-I think I may have broken-
He whimpered as more pain shot through him. He tried to reach his feet but failed.

Y/n: I-I can't stand. The pain. The pain is too much.

A thumping drew closer. There was only one thing that could make such a force upon the ground. Y/n looked back to see a large ten-meter Titan drawing closer. Its face was hideous. A smirk was present on its features, revealing its crooked teeth. What appeared to be drool came leaking out the corner of its mouth as it neared the wounded boy.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Is this where I die? All because I got into a fight with my father?

The Titan crouched, reaching out its hand towards him. It's yellow eyes staring at him as if he was a freshly cooked steak. Tears were now streaming down his face as he faced his doom.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Father. . . I'm sorry.

As its hands curled around him, a figure zipped across behind the Titan, slashing its nape. The beast let out a short wail before collapsing onto a nearby building. Y/n gasped in shock, using as much of his remaining strength to free himself from the deadly grasp of the Titan. The figure that killed the monster landed on the ground and rushed towards him. It was Levi, his uncle.
Y/n: (Surprised) U-Uncle!

Levi: Y/n, are you hurt!?

Y/n: T-There's a pain in my chest. I-I don't-

Levi scooped Y/n up into his arms after he sheathed his blades. Y/n winced due to the pain he felt coursing through his small body.

Levi: It's okay. I'm going to get you to safety.

Y/n: B-But. . . my friends.

Levi: (While running away from another Titan that just appeared around the bend) I'm sorry, Y/n. But they"re on their own. My only priority is to see you safe from these things. You understand.

Y/n: I-I-

Y/n felt drowsy as Levi continued to run, passing through the crowds of people. After turning another corner, Y/n realized that they were on their way back to his caretaker's house.

Y/n: W-Where are we?

Levi: Save your breath. I'm heading to where your father should be.

As they turned the corner, the house came into view. Y/n struggled and turned his head to see the plump woman who had taken care of him time and time again. In her hands were two large cases, most likely filled with all her belongings. But there was no sign of his father or his Aunt Hanji.
Campbell: (Smiling at them) Oh, Mr. Levi! And young Y/n!? Thank the walls you're here!

Levi: (Running up to the panicking woman) Where is Commander Erwin!?

Campell: H-He ran off with captain Hanji. T-They mentioned something about the interior gate! I think he was

going there! I was too busy packing my-

Levi turned from the sweating woman and started to run off, leaving the woman behind.

Campbell: H-HEY! Hey, wait up!

Y/n: (Craning his head back to see the plump woman struggling to keep pace with Levi) S-Shouldn't we-

Levi: Like I said. You're my priority.

As the plump woman was running, she tripped on a cobblestone, falling flat on her face. Her bags scattered away from her. One of the suitcases sprang open, and a mountain of clothes flew out. They littered the street. Then it came. An ugly 5-meter Titan peered around the corner of a house. It had short brown hair and giant blue bug eyes. Its eyes fixated on the woman who currently lay flat on her stomach. She was too far to see for sure, but Y/n was confident that she was shaking, and her eyes were filled with terror.

Y/n: M-Miss C-Campbell. S-She's going to be-

Levi: (Quietly) I'm sorry.

Y/n watched as the Titan sprang forward, opening its large mouth wide. Its teeth gripped half of her body, snapping shut with tremendous force. Blood dirtied the air, coating the street with fresh gore. Y/n stared into his caretaker's eyes, watching the life slowly fade from them.

Tears ran down his cheek as his Uncle continued to run. But the further they went, Y/n couldn't stop thinking about anything other than the blood and guts that spilled out of Miss Campbell's torso. And the dead, hungry look that was present upon the Titan.

It was that day when Y/n knew. The walls were pens, Titans the hunters, and Humanity. . .


A/n: I hope you all enjoy it. Feel free to comment and let me know how I did. And if you have any predictions or ideas for further in the story, I would love to hear them. Thank you all for reading!

(3879 Words)

K/N: The reprints are a lot more painful than I thought. :/

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