Chapter 17: Jealousy

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(K/N): A promise is a promise and enjoy the Chapter!

A/n: Just a real quick message before this chapter starts, this story has now over 75,000 words. Damn, that's insane. I didn't know I had it in me. It's all thanks to you amazing people and all the support you have been giving me. It really means a lot and keeps me going. I enjoy writing this story and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. And trust me, The King Titan is coming. Just a few more chapters. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you and I hope you enjoy it!

As Levi squad escorted Eren to the new scout base, Y/n was required to stay behind with the other cadets. While Eren was integrated into the Scouts at the trail, Y/n still had to go through the ceremony, even though his mind was already made up on the matter of which regiment he was going into. But his father demanded it of him, so that was his fate decided for the next couple of days. It wasn't so bad. With the extra time, Y/n finally could take Annie up on the offer he had promised her.

Y/n: (Flashback) I know this fantastic donut shop in Trost. My Aunt Hanji loves the place, I'm sure you would too.
If he was serious with himself, among all the chaos the last week had brought him, he had sorta forgot about it all. It wasn't until Annie approached him during dinner and brought it up, then he remembered.

Annie: Aren't you supposed to treat me to a donut, Y/n?

Y/n turned back to face Annie, who stood over him with her usual stoic features. Sometimes it was hard to tell what she was thinking or feeling most of the time. He was sitting across from Mikasa and Armin, who stopped eating to listen in on their conversation.

Y/n: Oh, right, I totally forgot about that. Yeah, sure, though I am pretty sure the donut shop is either destroyed or out of business.

Annie: I thought so as well, so I looked into it. Apparently, a famous donut shop owner had set up a stand in the village outside the inner gate. I believe it was called Frank's Frosty Treats.

Sasha then zoomed up right beside Annie in the blink of an eye.

Sasha: (Drooling) Did you just say Frank's Frosty Treats?

Annie: (Not taking her blue eyes off of Y/n) I do believe that is what I just said.
Sasha: Can I come!?! Can I!? PLEASE!!!

Connie: (Walking over) Well, if Sasha gets to come, I think I should come too. You know to. . . uh, make sure she doesn't eat the entire store.

Y/n: Oh, well, if you guys want to-

Annie: (Turning to the two goofballs. Using her iconic death stare) I was just hoping it'd just be the two of us.

Sasha and Connie shrunk away in fear of the muscle blonde woman.

Mikasa: (Standing up, her dark eyes shooting piercing glares at Annie) Why is that, Annie. I think it'd be a great idea for us all to go.

Annie: (Turning back to Mikasa) I don't think the owner serves stray animals.

Y/n looked at Armin, who looked equally uncomfortable. Both women were glaring at the other as the tension rose.

Mikasa: What do you mean by stray animals, Annie?

Others from nearby tables turned their attention over to the interaction between both badass women.

Sasha: Y-You know what. . . I-I think I'm not too hungry for donuts anymore.

Connie: Yeah, I second you on that one.

The two of them slowly backed away from the deadly situation that was occurring in the mess hall.

Y/n: (Standing up) Why don't we all-

Mikasa: I want to know what she means by that.

Annie: (Tilting her head slightly) Isn't it obvious? But then again, I guess you're all brawn and no brains.

Y/n couldn't think Mikasa's death stare could get any more horrifying. But when he looked into those dark orbs, he saw something that sent pure fear thundering down to his bones.

Armin: Guys, come on. (Looking around the room) The pair of you are drawing a crowd.

Annie: You're right, Armin. (Looping one of her arms around Y/n's, causing the boy to flinch slightly) Y/n and I should be going anyway.

Y/n: (Nervous) I-I uhh--

Mikasa didn't reply, only stared at Annie with so much wrath. Y/n was shocked she didn't kill Annie right there and then. Annie then started to drag Y/n away and out of the mess hall. All Y/n could do was follow and hope Mikasa doesn't miss if she throws any knives their way. Luckily, she didn't.

Y/n and Annie were now in front of the donut vendor. The owner was a fat middle-aged man with a balding head and messy stubble lining his jaw. When they approached, the man smiled and opened his arms wide, giving them a bright smile.
Owner: Ahh, welcome, welcome. How may I help you, young cadets, this fine evening?

Y/n: Oh, we just wanted to swing by and buy a few of your donut pastries, if you have any.

Owner: Of course, of course. How many would you like?

Y/n glanced at Annie, who was looking past the owner and into the house, which they had transformed into a makeshift bakery. The smell of the frosted goods wafted outside, greeting them with a sweet aroma. Annie's eyes were filled with curiosity, probably curious what they tasted like.

Y/n: (To the owner) Five if you would please. Nothing too special.

Owner: (Smiling) Coming right up. (Turning and walking into the house) Oi, Marcel, hurry up!!!

Annie shuddered slightly beside Y/n.

Y/n: (Glancing at her) Are you okay?

Annie: Hm? Oh, just cold.

Y/n: (Looking up at the clear, bright sky) Right.

Y/n thought better than to push the subject. As they were waiting for their food, Annie started up a conversation.

Annie: Y/n, what regiment are you planning on going into?

Y/n: Hmm? Oh, I was planning on joining the Scouts, which I have done for most of my life. 

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