Chapter 9: End of Training

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(K/N: Another One because you are special!)

Armin: I know, okay. And look, I'm not saying it's right. It's just the way things are.

Y/n sat beside Mikasa, and they were currently sitting across from Eren and Armin. The blonde book worm had started on a ramble, which aim seemed to be to try to deter the strong-headed boy from joining the scouts. It was going to be futile. After all, the closing ceremony isn't far away and not once in all their five years have Eren back downed from his determination.

Armin: Before Wall Maria was composed, ODM experts were rare. Only Scouts risked proximity to the Titans, and their regiment wasn't large, to begin with.

As Armin continued, Y/n noticed Eren's gaze fixated on Jean and his conversation with Marco and Daz.

Jean: That's how you conserve fuel. Let your momentum do the work for you.

Daz: Still, that's pretty advanced.

Jean: Duh. It's called having a sixth sense for the finer points of your gear. (Glancing over at Mikasa) You've gotta do the strut if you wanna make the cut. The MP only recruits the best. 

Marco: Ah. Man, that'd be amazing. Workin' within a stone's throw of the King. No greater honor than that.

Jean: Shut up, Marco!

Jean slapped the back of the other boy's head while he was taking a sip from his drink. On impact, the liquid splashed over his face.

Jean: We're not children. You can drop the misty-eyed bullshit. Honour doesn't have any part in it. You just want a nice cushy job in the interior, playing glorified sentry.

Marco: That's not true! That's not me at all!

Eren: (Speaking up) Listen to you guys! (They turned their heads to face Eren) Interior? Five years ago, this was part of it.

Jean: You've got a point to make, friend? I'm right here.

Y/n: He didn"t mean anything by it, Jean. Leave it be.

Eren: (To Y/n) No. You're wrong.

Y/n: Eren, are you trying to start a fight?

Eren: I'm just pointing out his flaws. (Lowering his head and shaking his head) Poor Jean. He is so misguided. (Looking up at Jean) Besides, I don't think his head would fit in the interior anyway.

Y/n softly groaned as Reiner, Connie, and a few others chuckled and snickered at the remark the suicidal maniac made.

Jean: (Turning away) Very funny.

Eren: (Upset by the lack of reaction from his opponent) Seems a little backwards to me. Fine-tuning your titan killing skills so the Brass'll station you somewhere you'll never see one.

Jean: You'd rather I was good at gettin' killed? Thank you, but I'll pass. Better to play the system than to get gnawed on.

Eren: (Standing up abruptly) You son of a bitch!

Jean: (Matching his anger while standing to face Eren) Bring it on, you little bastard!

Armin: Eren, please stop it!

Y/n: I say let them slug it out. (Resting his head on his hand) I'm sick of both their crap.

Eren and Jean grabbed the other's shirt with clenched fists. Both glaring at one another, gritting their teeth.

Mikasa: (To Y/n) If you're not going to do anything- (Standing up and facing the two boys) Gentlemen, please.

Mikasa walked to the conflict, separated them, and gently grabbed Eren's hand, which was previously clutching Jean's shirt. She then lowered it to his side, calming him down.

Y/n: (Looking away) Tch.

But his attention snapped back when Jean shouted and started the conflict up once more.

Jean: (Grabbing Eren's shirt) You think you can judge me!?

Eren: Huh? You rip my shirt, you're dead!

Jean: I don't give a damn about your shirt! You piss me off!!

Eren: What? Are you crazy!?

Y/n groaned, stood up, and marched over to the two fighting boys. Y/n grabbed both their hands, prying them off the other's shirt.


With strength and speed, Y/n kicked the back of Jean's knee, causing the boy to fall on his back with a loud thud. As Eren was about to say something, Y/n turned while still clutching his arm and flipped the brown-haired boy over his shoulder, down onto the grounded Jean. They both let out groans and moans of anguish.

Y/n: You both are pissing me off. I can't even eat in peace anymore!

Eren: Ow, what the hell, Y/n.

Jean: (trying to push Eren off him) We, get off me.

Eren: Shut up! It's not like I wanted to get thrown on you!

Y/n dusted his hands and sat back down beside Mikasa.

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