Chapter 10: The Battle For Trost (Part 1)

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(K/N: I'm out of school for the day so three chapters will be published today. Enjoy!)

A/n: As of posting this (Feb 10th), it is Mikasa's birthday, so happy birthday to my main girl. And conveniently enough, it's a day before my own birthday. It's practically fate, lol! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

The Colossal Titan winds back its massive arm as Eren rushed forward, his swords primed. Y/n followed behind him, drawing his own blades in response. He knew he couldn't stop Eren, so he would just have to make sure he doesn't get himself killed.

Y/n: (Spotting the large Titan's hand) Incoming! Eren, jump!

Eren did just that, dodging the large sweep attack. Y/n fired a hook into the colossal body and zipped away from the wall. He turned and watched all the new and upgraded cannons get destroyed.

Y/n: (Thoughts) It was a calculated attack. It wasn't aiming for Eren or me. It was going for the cannons. What is with this Titan?

Y/n looked around and spotted Eren, also zipping around the giant Titan. Then he noticed the Titan turn its big ugly head their way. Through the smoke that was pluming from its body, Y/n spotted its oversized hand reach out for them.
Y/n: Eren, go under and over! I'll go through it!

Eren: GOT IT!

Eren dived, using his ODM to swing from the bear muscle arm. Y/n fired his hooks, sinking them into its middle and forefinger. Using the gas boost, Y/n zipped fast towards the Titan's hand. Unhooking his anchors at the right time, Y/n made his body smaller, just making it through the closing gap. Once free from the death trap, Y/n let himself drop. Bracing himself properly, he rolled and slid down the hot, steaming muscle.

Y/n: Not fast enough, you bastard!

Y/n pushed off its forearm and fired his ODM once more, hooking and zipping to his bicep where Eren emerged from underneath. Y/n rolled and ran beside the brown-haired boy.

Eren: We're going to do this, Y/n! We're going to kill it, here and now!

Y/n didn't have time to respond. The large beast moved its arm. Y/n and Eren maintained their balance and jumped off, hooking into the Colossal's neck. They both swung up into a prime position for a nape kill.

Y/n: (Thoughts) This doesn't feel right. It's large, so it's slower than average Titans. But if that's the case, how would it defend its weak spot. (Remembering the Titan's steam knocking them off the wall) It's steam!

Y/n: EREN! Watch out for the steam!

Eren didn't listen. He hooked into its nape and zipped towards his opponent's weak spot.

Eren: HE"S MINE!!!!

Before his blades could come in contact with the Titan, a hot gust of steam exploded from its exposed muscle. Y/n was thrown back. Luckily his anchor remained embedded in the Target. But his ODM gear was on the verge of breaking by the sheer force of the gust of steam. Y/n covered his eyes, stopping the boiling gas from getting in them, blinding him like before. He felt the steam subside, and the anchor that was once in the Colossal Titan returned to his hip. Y/n removed his arm to see the giant monster that appeared seven years ago was gone.

Y/n: What the-

Y/n started to drop down towards the earth below. He quickly used his ODM to fire a hook into Wall Rose. Y/n zipped into the wall, just barely avoiding a forceful collision with the stone surface. Y/n turned and looked around to see no sign of the Titan. Eren then appeared beside him, looking equally shocked. The only sign that was left was a pair of giant footprints in the ground before the gate. 

Thomas: (Appearing overhead) Guys! Where did he go!? Did he get away, or did you take him out!?

Eren: He's gone! Exactly like seven years ago! He's here one moment and gone the next; just like that!

Y/n: (To Eren) Come on, we need to get atop the wall!

Eren: Right.

Y/n and Eren zipped up to the top, which was destroyed from one of the Colossal's attack. Thomas and Connie were present, with the latter looking down towards the gate.

Eren: I'm sorry, I--

Thomas: Don't apologize. Look at us. We were too scared to move.

Connie: Hey! Wallow on your own time! In case you hadn't noticed, there's a breach! We have to act now! If they start pouring in, that's it!

Just then, an elite Garrison soldier zipped up to the wall beside them.

Garrison Soldier: Look alive! (The four of them turned and saluted) Operation Colossal Titan is in effect! I expect you to take part! Report to HQ! If you got close to the damn thing, we need details!

Y/n: SIR!

Connie: Sir! We pray the advanced team will be victorious!

The four of them rushed off towards HQ.
Y/n: (Thoughts) Is this it? The end of humanity?

The whole town was in chaos. Citizens were all pushing one another to reach the inner gate, all hoping to make it out in time. HQ wasn't much better. Soldiers, whether they be Cadets or Garrison soldiers, were all panicking. The disorder was nauseating. After Eren and Y/n gave a brief detailed summary of what they encountered when facing the Colossal Titan, they were sent down to the supply room. There they met up with Armin and a few others from the 104th. They were to resupply their gear and get ready to protect the city of Trost. . . if that was even possible.

Garrison soldier: Out of the frying pan and into the fire, Cadets! Time to put your training to work! I have faith each of you will be a credit to your regiment!

Armin was trying to fuel up his gas canister, but his hands were shaking too much for him to properly connect the hose. Eren rushed over and kneeled beside his friend.

Eren: Armin, What's wrong?!

Armin: I-- Don't worry, I'm fine. Just give me a second for my nerves to settle.

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