Chapter 19: The Female Titan

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K/N: I'm trying to get a ten-day post streak and Enjoy the Chapter!

The outlying city that surrounded Karanes was a complete wreck. Houses were destroyed, and vegetation has already started to take its place on the walls that people once called their homes. Y/n was ridding beside Mikasa when Hanji called out to everyone.

Hanji: Ahead, to the left, a ten-meter class. Gag! I want to know what's rolling around in that glorious belly! Never mind. Let the support squad do their job.

Y/n kept his eyes forward, not daring a glance at the support squad that seemed to be having small trouble with the Titan.

Y/n: (Thoughts) They've got their jobs, and I have mine. I can't let my father down, not when there is so much riding on this.

Erwin: ONWARD!!! ONWARD!!!

They rode out of the ruins of the town and started to get into open fields. Even from far back in the column, Y/n still saw his father's arm thrust out to the left side, signaling the deployment of his prized creation.

Erwin: Long-range formation.

Everyone began to break apart, all heading towards their respected spots in the formation. Y/n and Mikasa split off from the main group, heading to the east. Y/n watched as Armin and the others headed more towards the west area.

Mikasa: Do you think they'll be okay?

Y/n: I sure hope so. But we have to put faith in my father's formation. With any luck, neither of them will see a Titan today.

Y/n believed his father's formation truly worked but having an unknown variable like an intelligent Titan thrown into the mix, anything could happen.

Erwin: (Flashback) The long-range scouting formation is a forward-facing semicircle. We'll be positioned relative to one another at equal intervals within view of signal fire on all sides. The idea is to extend our spotting and signal range as far as possible.

Sasha: (Waving as she splits off with Connie) Good luck, guys!


Y/n was now left with Mikasa, who rode quietly beside him. They were going to have to split soon, but Y/n wanted to enjoy this while it lasts.

Y/n: Mikasa. . . about last night--

Mikasa: We'll talk about it once we get back.

Mikasa locked eyes with Y/n and gave him a small smile that lit a spark within him.

Mikasa: If you run into trouble, sound off an acoustic round.

Y/n: But that isn't in the--

Mikasa: I know, that'll tell me to come to find you. I may not be able to protect Eren right now, but I can protect you.

Y/n stared at the dark-haired beauty with wide, shocked E/c eyes. Mikasa then shifted her direction and held back a little, getting into her position. Y/n looked back, not letting his eyes wander from her retreating figure.

Y/n: (Thoughts) S-She wants to--

Y/n turned back around.

Y/n: (Thoughts) I just need to get through this day with Mikasa. We'll capture the traitor, and then I can have that talk with Mikasa. God, I hope it's a good talk. . . but then again, she could be telling me off about what I did last night. (Bonking himself on the head) God, I'm such an idiot.

Ness: (Flashback) You can bet the lucky bastards riding in the front-row spotting squads will see a lot of Titans. The second one comes into view, lock and load. Alert your nearest comrades with a red smoke signal. They, in turn, will alert their nearest comrades by doing the same, and so on. Once the commander feels he has a decent read on the Titan's position, he'll be firing off a green smoke signal. At the sight of one, the platoon is to reroute accordingly. The fewer Titans confronted head-on En route to our goal, the better; we'll need all the able bodies we can spare. The name of the game then is evasion. Now keep in mind, this isn't a foolproof strategy. The terrain is wild; plenty of places for the enemy to lie in ambush.
It was a few minutes of relative peace for Y/n. They moved from left to right, whichever way Titans are less likely to be. That was until the peace shattered when Sasha came charging towards his general direction. They had just pasted a small outcropping of buildings. Sasha was supposed to ride through them with no problem. But when Y/n looked over, he saw a large problem right behind her. He directed his horse towards her as he reached back and pulled out his smoke signal gun. He watched as she fumbled with her own smoke shell, dropping it behind her, letting the Titan stomp on it. Quickly and effectively, Y/n loaded in a red smoke and fired it into the air.

Y/n: Sasha! (Sasha looked over with petrified eyes) Come this way!

Sasha nodded her head as she directed her horse towards Y/n, who rounded his own steed. They were now both galloping beside one another as a quadruped was crawling after them with tremendous speed.

Y/n: This guy managed to slip through the cracks. I want you to loop back and get back into your position. (Glancing back at the Titan) I'll deal with this ugly fucker.

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